Noticing Common Orthopedic Conditions Early

Our bodies are finely tuned machines capable of doing some incredible things. At our most fundamental level – our musculoskeletal level – we’re held together by a network of muscle, tendons and joints and this is where the world of orthopedics exists. Let’s have a quick look at some of the common orthopedic conditions and how to notice them early on, so you can avoid exacerbating these injuries.

Treatment Basics for Orthopedic Conditions

Orthopaedic conditions and treatments of orthopaedic conditions will usually start with an x-ray or MRI to determine the extent of the damage or issue and inform your orthopaedic doctor on how best to treat your specific condition. This might be as simple as rest, stretching and physical therapy, or wearing an elbow sleeve for tennis elbow, for instance. If it is more serious, it might also involve a surgical intervention to correct. Orthopaedic conditions and treatments of orthopaedic conditions will usually start with an x-ray or a private MRI scan to determine the extent of the damage.

Back Pain

Your back quite literally supports your entire upper body and as such is also susceptible to strain and is a common complaint of pain in the body. Usually, back pain is associated with abnormalities, inflammation or damage to the tissues, nerves, discs or vertebrae that make up the spine. The list of specific injuries that might cause back pain is long and extensive and you can learn more at Yale Medicine to see what they entail. The most common include pinched or compressed nerves, bone spurs and inflamed or damaged discs.

Back pain can be very limiting and depending on the severity usually requires medical intervention to return to a normal way of life. Visiting a chiropractor like this Fakhoury Medical and Chiropractic practice can help with spinal pain, whilst visiting a masseuse can relieve muscle pain.

Foot Pain

We spend a lot of time and put a lot of strain on our ankles and feet, so it’s no surprise that orthopedic conditions involving the foot are quite common. These might include physical injuries and conditions like fractures, sprains and strains that are caused by physically damaging your foot through sports, exercise, or accidents, but there are also more latent issues to be aware of. Arthritis, for example, can affect your feet just as it can your hands, and chronic inflammation problems like plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis might also see you seeking the help of an orthopedic specialist.

Hand and Wrist Pain

When it comes to our musculoskeletal system, another common area of complaint is hands and wrists. The most common condition associated with the hands, particularly as we age, is arthritis, but it’s not the only orthopedic condition that may cause hand or wrist issues. Arthritis is a serious condition that needs to be monitored by an Arthritis Specialist if you have any symptoms. If you’re ever unsure or worried about a pain in your hand/wrist, speak to a doctor.

However, there are other serious hand and wrist injuries too. Office workers and those who work long hours on a keyboard might suffer from conditions like repetitive strain injury or carpal tunnel syndrome, both of which are severe disorders. These issues might eventually end up needing surgery to correct. There are also many tendons in the hands that make them susceptible to conditions like tendonitis.

Additionally, with the growing popularity of gaming, as a hobby and career, gamers can also confront severe injuries related to hand, wrist, elbow and shoulder. Some of the common gaming injuries seen are sore joints, hands sensitivity, torn and inflamed tendons and ligaments in thumb as well as in wrist, etc.

There are a good number of different musculoskeletal conditions that you might encounter in your lifetime and each pose different challenges and treatment options. While there is a host of information online that you can use to help you, nothing will ever beat the expertise and experience of a healthcare professional.

3 Simple Ways To Prevent Gingivitis

Gingivitis is a very common health problem and if it is not treated properly, it can lead to infections and even tooth loss. Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gums that is usually caused by poor dental hygiene. The early symptoms include sore or red gums, bad breath, and bleeding when brushing. If you have gingivitis, it can make you feel very self conscious, especially if it causes bad breath. If the problem gets worse, gaps can form between the gums and teeth and you may eventually lose some of your teeth if it gets particularly bad. The good news is, there are plenty of simple things that you can do to prevent gingivitis before it becomes a problem. And if you need professional help, you could consider this Dentist in Arlington for oral treatment solutions or similar others in your area.

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Good Oral Hygiene

Gingivitis occurs when bacteria and plaque turn to tartar and cause infections in your gums. The easiest way to stop this from happening is to maintain a good oral hygiene routine. Make sure that you are brushing properly, and use an electric toothbrush if possible.

You also need to floss daily and use mouthwash to reach the areas that you can’t get with brushing. This should stop the buildup of bacteria and prevent any infections. You need to make sure that you are seeing a dentist at Comprehensive Family Dental or a similar clinic on a regular basis as well. They might be able to tell if you are at risk of developing severe tooth wear or gum diseases like gingivitis and give you advice on how to stop it before it becomes a big issue.

Fix Crooked Teeth

It is much more difficult to keep your teeth clean if they are misaligned. Even when you floss between your teeth and use mouthwash, plaque and bacteria are much more likely to accumulate there and are much more difficult to remove. This is why it’s crucial that you receive orthodontic treatment from a dentist at a facility like DeFabio Dental Design. Many adults put off having their teeth straightened because they fear having to wear braces for a long time and feeling self-conscious.

But there are some great new dental health technologies that can fix crooked teeth in no time at all. If you opt for Fastbraces, you will not be wearing them for years, it will be more like days, so there is no need to worry about it. Once your teeth are straight again, your smile will look so much better and it will be a lot easier to maintain oral hygiene and avoid gingivitis.

Cut Back On Sugar

Everybody already knows that sugar is bad for your teeth, but if you are concerned about gingivitis, it is so important that you limit your intake. Sugar causes a lot of plaque to build up on your teeth and even if you have a good oral hygiene routine, eating a lot of sugar massively increases your chances of developing gingivitis.

Make sure to cut out all of the sugary foods that you eat, and always check the labels when you are shopping because there are a lot of foods with hidden sugar in them. Reducing your sugar intake will improve your overall health and help to protect your teeth at the same time.

Gingivitis can do a lot of damage to your teeth and gums but it is easily avoided if you follow these simple tips.

3 Reasons Why Cutting Out Sugar Is The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Health

It’s so hard to live a healthy lifestyle because there is a lot of conflicting information out there. There are so many different fad diets out there and they all claim to hold the key to good health. Unfortunately, a lot of them don’t work and some could even harm your health. So, how are you supposed to stay healthy? 

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Even though it is tough to know what you should do, there are a few key changes that you can make that will definitely improve your health, and cutting out sugar is a big one. There is refined sugar in so many foods, and you may not realize just how much sugar is in your diet. It has a lot of negative impacts on your health, and cutting it out is one of the best things that you can do for your health. These are just some of the reasons why you should avoid sugar if you want to be healthier. 

Managing Insulin Levels  

When you eat sugar, your body releases more insulin to process it. The problem is, insulin signals to your body that it needs to start storing fat, so eating a lot of sugar will cause you to gain weight. Over time, your body can become resistant to insulin if you are eating a lot of sugar, and that is how you develop diabetes. It is vital that your body is able to manage insulin levels properly, and eating too much sugar makes that impossible. If you develop diabetes as a result of too much sugar, it can cause other health issues, like poor eyesight, for example. 

Improving Dental Health 

Everybody knows that sugar is bad for your teeth, but the problem is, we often don’t realize that we are eating sugar. Things like fruit juices, for example, have a lot of sugar in them, so even if you think that you are being healthy, you may still end up with dental emergencies as a result of your sugar intake. Before you buy anything, it is important that you check the label to see whether it has a lot of added sugar or not. You also need to maintain a good dental hygiene routine to stop plaque and bacteria from forming and causing damage to your teeth. 

Boosting Your Immune System 

Your immune system is your body’s defense mechanism that fights off illness and keeps you healthy. But did you know that eating a lot of sugar can actually damage your immune system? After consuming sugar, the efficiency of your white blood cells is lowered for a few hours, and your immune system is compromised. If you are eating a lot of sugar, that means that your immune system is never working as it should. If you notice that you are always getting sick and it takes you a long time to fight off illnesses, it could be down to your sugar intake. 


These are just some of the reasons why cutting out sugar is the best thing you can do for your health. 

Teach Your Kids These Rules To Avoid Common Health Issues

You want your kids to grow up being as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, they don’t really know much about life at all. In fact, most of what they learn comes from listening to and following you. As such, they’re guilty of some bad habits that you probably used to be guilty of when you were little. Thankfully, you learned that these habits are bad, and you can teach your kids to steer clear of them. 


Keeping that in mind, here are a few rules to drill into your kids:

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Don’t sit too close to the TV

This is a classic one, but it’s so important. Sitting too close to the TV can cause all sorts of issues for your child that impact their life forever. Mainly, they can damage their eyesight forever. A lot of young children need permanent glasses because they have too much TV time and spend too long sitting close to the screen. Get them to move back to a safe distance to protect their eye health and keep their vision in check. Also, sitting too close can lead to hearing loss in young kids as they’re in close proximity to the loud speakers of the TV. 

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Don’t put cotton buds in your ears

So many children will see cotton buds lying around the bathroom and start using them however they like. Normally, this means putting them in their mouth, nose, or ears. It’s the latter of the three orifices that’s the real problem here. Kids may try and clean their ears using cotton buds, but this is dangerous. It can push wax deeper into the ear canal, and the buds themselves can poke the eardrum and cause all manner of issues. Some children have permanently damaged their ears by doing this, leading to them wearing hearing aids from a very young age. Plus, putting things in their ears can cause infections as well. Get them to stop doing this to protect their hearing health. 

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Brush your teeth every morning and night

It’s quite shameful that the majority of children in hospitals are there for dental reasons. Too many kids are having teeth extracted because they’ve become filled with cavities. The number of child fillings is on the rise as well – it’s a serious problem! Kids aren’t looking after their oral health, and this stems from not brushing their teeth every day. Force your children to brush their teeth in the morning, preferably 15-30 minutes after eating breakfast. Then, most importantly, make them brush in the evening right before bed. The evening brush is essential to ensure that any sugar or food particles are removed after a long day of eating. This keeps their mouths healthy, avoiding a host of oral health problems that can turn into general health problems. Be sure to also get your teeth troubles sorted at Boynton and go for regular check-ups.


Start teaching these rules to your children if you want them to remain healthier. Obviously, you’re in charge of other aspects of their health – like making sure they eat good foods and cut down on sugar. Still, these rules are ones that they can learn from a young age and stick to throughout life. 


CoVid-19 A Journal – April, 1 2020

Today is April 1st. A day usually filled with pranks and silliness.

I cannot bring myself to prank my family.  While we are trying to live life and carry on, being a jokster today feels off. I feel sad today instead. I saw a ‘meme’ image on Facebook. One suggesting parents trick their kids and tell them they get to go back to school today. That would be so cruel in my opinion. These kids are dying to see their friends. To be in the same room as them even. It would be beyond sad to me to see them crushed by the reality of their current situation.  So I am choosing to not mention that it is April fools day.

On a good note I have been really joyful about cuddling my kids. They are 6 and 7 years old. My 6 year old will still sit with me. I think he knows his feelings are intensified too. He is willingly sitting on my lap, wrapping his fingers around mine, and pulling my arms into a tight hug around him. I think he feels safe and happy as he is craving this physical attention. We are trying to sit as a family at night and watch a TV show or movie together.


While we are all in the same house it feels like we are always together but at the same time living very separate lives. My husband is working in the office. I am teaching the kids and getting them on Zoom calls with their teachers and classmates. We are in the same house but all living differently. I am not doing life how I would normally. There are people always around me and now cleaning seems like there is never a good time to do it. My schedule and routines are all messed up. I am not joyful about that.


How can I be so happy and unhappy at the same time? My emotions are truly getting the best of me today. I love being with my kids. Seeing them play and laugh. I love being around my husband so much. He is usually at work for 10 or more hours per day. I am seeing them but loosing myself. I cannot believe how bad I am craving to be alone. I love being around people. I was never at home. I was always out running errands, hanging out with people, going to museums and libraries. I am overstimulated by being around the ones I love the most.



In an attempt to bring some joy I have started a Easter Egg Hunt for my town. My kids and I made some construction paper Easter eggs to hang in our windows. I made a Facebook post telling the parents of my town to please do the same. Then, we can drive our kids around the town looking for the eggs, a social distancing Easter egg hunt.  I got the word out to my daughters elementary school principle to share it on a bigger scale. I really hope this brings joy to our community this Easter. I love Easter. The true story of Jesus resurrection. The gift he gives to His children of eternal life.




Five Off The Beat Attractions Around Atlantic City

As one of the most popular cities on the Coast of New Jersey, there are plenty of reasons (that include but are not limited to gambling either offline or online on to head out to Atlantic City. A vibrant tourist destination that attracts visitors from all over the world, Atlantic City is a top entertainment hotspot, which explains why big-name stars and celebrities are spotted regularly in the city’s hotels and popular casinos. Of course, some may prefer to these, but there’s plenty of other options for those who may want to play other kinds of games.

Aside from being the perfect playground for adults, Atlantic City also caters to families. You will find a vast array of activities that include fishing, surfing and so much more. Atlantic City may not have Vegas’ panache, but if you are looking for a destination that offers a mix of things to suit a broad audience, then nothing beats Atlantic City.

There are many reasons to experience Atlantic City that include:

Atlantic City is the perfect destination to relax

Atlantic City has everything that you need to have a relaxing vacation. If you are coming down from heavily populated metropolises such as New York, you may need a few days off to recharge and re-center. Search for a hotel that offers amenities designed to aid your relaxation such as a spa, heated pools or Jacuzzis, and you will be set.

According to Kate Huber, chief editor at NJGamblingFun, ‘’people often refer to Atlantic City as Las Vegas’ younger, much less alluring sister. However, Atlantic City has lots of things to offer that Vegas would be envious of including oceans and beaches, which makes it a much better destination than people give it credit for.”

Go for the beaches

If you are not heading out to Atlantic City to gamble, there is a good chance that you are going for the beaches. More than anything, the city is foremost a shore town- the famous Jersey shore and Atlantic City are synonymous.

The beaches in Atlantic City are wide with perfect waters that are ideal for various water sports that consist of paddleboarding, surfing, kayaking and more. If you don’t feel like participating in water sports, enjoy a walk along the flat terrain close to the water or better still, relax in a beach chair.

Now that you have several good reasons to go, are you looking for unique things to do while in the city? Here are 5 offbeat attractions around Atlantic City:

Go for a show

Over the years, Atlantic City has done a great job of trying to reclaim its place in history as the home for some of the world’s most popular acts. When it comes to entertainment, Atlantic City pretty much has it figured out.

Celebrity performers flock to AC and are eager to perform there because they know that there is an eager and demanding market there waiting to appreciate them. Performers are varied and include stars like Jadakiss, Quizzo, Malaa and more. You don’t need to roll the dice to catch a great show when you are out in Atlantic City.

Go to the Greek Temple Monument War Memorial

Perfect for history buffs, the Greek Temple Monument War Memorial looks like something straight out of Athens. Situated in a busy urban area, the monument was erected in 1922 to celebrate and honor the Garden State’s role in the First World War.

The piece de resistance is the 9-foot tall bronze statue known as Liberty in Distress by Frederick William MacMonnies. The sculpture depicts Lady Liberty a top a 5-foot base of green marble. She is draped in the French flag and in her arms is a dying male soldier.

Go see Atlantic City’s oldest slot machine

Let’s face it- what’s Atlantic City without a little gambling? Or in this case, a little history lesson of the city’s storied relationship with gambling. In Resorts Casino, you will find the Atlantic City’s first-ever slot machine. The machine has remained in good condition, while many of its counterparts have since been junked since gambling was legalized in the city Casino Control Act of 1977.

For years, gambling was illegal in the city but online gambling was soaring with the introduction of in the market. And yet, New Jersey’s and AC’s fame, in particular, traversed the states. People would travel from far and wide just to experience the city in all its glory. Relieve these days by seeing this relic. It stands protected by Plexiglas at the entrance of Resorts Casino.

Experience East Coast gambling

When people envision Atlantic City, casinos and gambling are some of the first things to come to mind. In particular, Atlantic City boasts at least 10 elite casinos that include Harrah’s, Caesars, the Borgata, and the newly opened Hard Rock. Visiting some of these might just be the highlight of your entire trip. You can check out all the different types of games provided to you in this gambling hub. In addition, you can increase your chance of winning these games by developing skills that can come in handy while you are trying out your luck. Online Gambling with Skills can help you beat some of those odds and win bigger than you might have expected.

No two casinos are alike in Atlantic City, which is why the city has earned the title of the Gambling Capital of the East Coast. Rather than experience one casino, why not do a tour of all the city’s casinos? Even if you don’t stay to gamble, the atmosphere itself is mesmerizing.

Not up to visiting a brick and mortar casino? There are often many online Wettanbieter (betting providers) for your betting niche wherever you are located, but if you are in Atlantic City specifically, you will find that the city boasts a prevalence of gaming sites that have a broad range of table games and slots, as well as the newly legalized sports betting. You can also check out related websites like Sports Betting America to see how else you can bet when you’re in the mood.

Pay your respects at the Clara Glen Pet Cemetery

Regarded as one of the oldest pet cemeteries in the entire country, the Clara Glen Pet Cemetery was founded by a husband and wife duo that loved their pets almost as much as anyone would love their child known as Clara and Glen White. The couple took care of more than 40 dogs, hundreds of cats and 300 rabbits.

Finding no pet cemetery that was willing to accommodate their high standards for their little furries, they opted to start their own pet cemeteries. Soon enough, friends started to request for their pets to be buried there and that is how the cemetery came to be. Today, some pretty famous pets are buried here including Paradiddle Ben who has one of the most outstanding tombstones in the yard.

Final Thoughts

Imagine an archetypal beach vacation complete with one of the most popular boardwalks and saltwater taffy. Throw in a touch of Vegas and what you have is Atlantic City-America’s favorite playground.

Since gambling was legalized back in the 70s, the city has been attracting visitors interested in trying their luck at many of its world-class casinos. Today, though, the city has a little bit of everything for everyone, making it a number one choice for anyone looking to vacation on the East Coast.




5 Budgeting Tips for a Better Vegas Trip

Las Vegas is not the type of place you would normally associate with a budget. Even if you aren’t spending most of your time on the casino floor, it’s easy to spend a fortune in the luxury casinos, nightclubs, high-end restaurants, and shopping malls. Plus, beforehand some people will want to try out their casino skills on a game or two of poker, blackjack, etc. so they can refine their gameplay. You can check out more information on websites like if you are planning on doing that but save some money for the actual casinos if you can!

The recommendations made here can also be applied if you plan to visit another country or city. For example, if you ever plan to visit New Zealand but have a limited budget, you can save money by taking a tour of the country during the day and enjoying your evening and night by having a peaceful dinner inside your hotel room while playing casino games NZ. This way, you can avoid the entry fees and the temptation to try out other games available in physical casinos.

So, it is possible to go to the countries and not have to spend your entire budget on the first day. You can save on the entertainment and still have the best time of your life.

Here are 5 budgeting tips for a better Vegas trip.

1. How To Do Vegas For Free/Cheap

There are plenty of things to do at Las Vegas casinos for free. For example, the Flamingo has a Wildlife Habitat full of exotics animals to see along with 15 acres of beautiful gardens to enjoy. At the Silverton Casino, you can check out the aquarium and discover all sorts of marine life and mermaids. If you’re into art, head over to Cosmopolitan where you can browse their own collection.

Every first Friday of the month, the art district in Downtown Las Vegas plays host to more than 100 artists. Their pieces are on display and you can buy them if you take an interest in their work. The event also sees live music and street performers to keep you entertained throughout the evening. It lasts between 6pm and 11pm.

Now, if you do plan on going to the main paid attractions, the best way to do it on a budget is by getting a city pass. They cover many of the city’s main hotspots like the Stratosphere observation deck and Madame Tussauds.

2. How To Save On Entertainment

Las Vegas is well known for its extravagant shows and entertainment, from chart-topping musical artists like Jennifer Lopex to Cirque du Soleil. However, getting your hands on these tickets can set you back hundreds of dollars.

If you want to see these shows and you’re on a budget, make sure you factor in resort fees which usually get added at the end of booking a trip. As reported by OnlineCasinoGems, they can be very expensive.

To avoid this, there are nine Tix4Tonight outlets located across the Strip and around downtown where you can pick them up at a discount. As the name suggests, you can only get tickets for the shows that are going on that day so you may not know what’s available, but you can save a lot of money. The earlier you get there, the bigger the selection of tickets. You can also check the best shows in Vegas here.

Some of the casinos also have their own free shows. The most famous of them all can be found at the Bellagio where you can watch the world-renowned fountain show.

For those of you that are interested in the Las Vegas nightlife, it’s best to get to the club before 9pm. You can always get a stamp and come back later. This way means you’ll beat the queues as the night goes on. Also, some casinos give you discounts on entry if you stay there. If you have played online casino games at sites like oxi casino, this is the perfect chance to put that experience to good use. Some casinos can also give you free entry if you eat at an attached restaurant, like Tao at the Venetian.

3. How To Best See The City

The tallest point in the city is the Stratosphere observation deck. The standard entry fee is $25 per person, but you get this for half price if you stay here. If you want to get a view of the city from within, the best place to go is the Eiffel Tower replica. It’s free if you go on your birthday too so make sure you take your ID.

One of Las Vegas’ newest additions is the High Roller Ferris wheel. It’s the tallest Ferris wheel in the world standing at 550 feet. Tickets are cheaper when you buy in advance. They cost $22 in the day and $32 at night.

The high-rise bars are another great place to get a view of the city. There are bars at the top of the Eiffel Tower and the Stratosphere observation deck, as well the Skyfall Lounge at Mandalay Bay (5pm to 12am/1am on weekends), VooDoo at the Rio (8pm to 2am/3am on weekends) and Apex Social Club at the Palms (8pm to 4am from Thursdays to Sundays).

4. How To Dine On A Budget

The best way to save money on dining in Las Vegas is by heading to restaurants away from the Strip. Pre-theatre menus are good too if you don’t mind eating early on in the evening. There are always discount coupons available from hotel room booklets or you can even go to Tix4Tonight stalls and grab a deal there.

When you’re at the casinos, the buffets are great value. It’s usually cheaper to eat here during the afternoon for lunch rather than dinner and you can get unlimited drinks as part of the deal. If you have already spent your time learning about live casino bonuses (both online and offline ones), and have learnt the ropes of the game, you can be sure to win some cash, along with free drinks and budget food! A win-win situation on all fronts!

The drinks are free when you’re gambling on the casino floor. If you are on a budget, stick to the low-stakes games and save money. Don’t shy from tipping the servers either – keep them happy and they will continue bringing the drinks.

5. How To Get Around

The Las Vegas Strip is not too far away from the airport, but you can easily rack up a hefty taxi fair thanks to the traffic. To save on cash, use the shuttle minibus from the airport that drops you off at your hotel. There are multiple companies that do this service but they mostly charge around $10 each way.

Getting around the Strip is quite easy on foot but it is longer than it looks in the photos. The Deuce is a great way to have a rest if you need to get around and they run every 15 minutes. It’s $6 for 2 hours, $8 for 24 hours or $20 for three days.

You can also use the monorail. This main monorail runs from SLS station to the MGM Grand station. It costs $5 per ride, but you can buy a 24-hour pass for just $13. The other three smaller free monorails run from the Mirage to Treasure Island, Bellagio to Monte Carlo and Mandalay Bay to Excalibur.

5 Things to Think About When Shopping for Socks Online

It’s a golden age for people who like to shop without leaving the house. If you prefer to browse the aisles of a store, waiting for a product to catch your eye, that option is still on the table. For those who prefer to hunker down at home, or reserve their outings for other errands and pastimes, never has it been easier to find just the product you want from the comfort of your own home, courtesy of a little thing called e-commerce.

Online shopping has certainly had a boost over the years as many businesses have adopted the online buying option for those who find it easier. They sell products online and may even opt for dropshipping services to avoid renting a warehouse or worrying about hiring a shipping service. These businesses learn about how to find dropshipping products, employ research tools, and carry out business by selling products only.

However, as e-commerce has grown exponentially, businesses have needed to do what they can to shoot above the rest and appeal to their target audience. They try various marketing and advertising techniques to make their business stand out from other similar companies. For instance, digital marketing is an essential factor within this, that is why they will search online for keywords such as ‘marketing agency london, digital marketing agencies, whitehat‘, and so on, giving them a better chance at reaching the customers they need through strategic planning.

So, whatever you want to buy, there’s an online store for it. Socks are no exception.

Compared to books and cookware, however, apparel items like socks have been slow to catch on as an e-comm good. Clothing is very personal, in terms of both style and fit. People often want to see garments on their bodies before making a buying decision. The fit and feel of the fabric can be hard to discern from afar, especially with sizing charts that may have been developed in a foreign factory. Many garments can be returned, but that can be more of a hassle than going to the store. Nevertheless, the e-commerce wave is catching on fast, and people may prefer to shop even for apparel online thanks to the variety of designs and clothing styles to pick from. Many new clothing companies are coming up with innovative, functional designs and want to expand their customer base. For this, sellers might be learning the secrets to unlocking amazon brands which can help bring their collection to a larger audience, benefiting them as well as buyers.

So, if you value your free time and prefer not to spend it in department stores, there’s no reason you shouldn’t buy your socks from e-commerce stores. With a little know-how, you can find the perfect pair without seeing them in person before you buy. Here are five things to think about when shopping for socks online.

1. Length

Socks come in a variety of lengths, but the basic selections are:

  • Ankle Socks.
  • Mid-Calf Socks.
  • Knee-Length Socks.

Ankle socks are typically worn with casual shoes like sneakers, often paired with shorts, to give the impression that you aren’t wearing any socks. Note that if they poke slightly above the shoe line, no one will throw rocks at you But remember that if they are visible, color matching rules still apply. Don’t be caught wearing white ankle socks to an occasion where white socks are a faux-pas. White socks are really only acceptable at the gym, on the trail, or during other sporty activities.

Mid-calf socks are versatile and appropriate for many occasions, including formal, semi-formal, and dressy casual occasions, provided that you color-match them properly. Mid-calf socks are also available in a variety of fabric, color, and pattern choices, so you can get creative. Wearing mid-calf socks has become a popular choice amongst hipsters, but unless you’re going for the ironic and intentional faux-pas, don’t wear these with shorts, even scrunched down or rolled.

Knee-length socks can feel like a comfortable hug for your own calf, and you can get away with them under long pants. However, these kinds of socks are really only for certain athletic events like soccer or rugby. They tend to be colored accordingly.

2. Material

Whether or not a sock lasts a long time, whether or not it is appropriate to the occasion, the material of the sock plays a big role in those considerations.

Formal socks tend to be lightweight, made of thin cotton or nylon. These socks look elegant and often feel silky-smooth on the feet, which can be wonderful for fancy occasions. Thinner socks, however, tend to rip more easily, provide little warmth or cushioning, do not wick moisture, and tend to acquire funky smells that do not go away. Thinner socks tend to live the high life and die young, so plan on that if you choose a thinner material.

Heavier cotton and wool socks, by contrast, tend to wick moisture and resist tearing or stretching. They cushion the feet, making shoes more comfortable over long time frames. They tend not to retain odor, even after years of use. Higher-quality cotton and wool can even feel luxurious and go over well at formal occasions.
If you are someone who practices eco-friendly living, you can look for sustainable socks that are sold in several online stores. You do not have to worry about the lack of choice because most sustainable clothing manufactures make different colors, patterns, and styles available for their customers.

3. Fit

Size does matter when it comes to socks, despite our tendency to treat them as one-size-fits-all. If a sock is too tight, it can put unnecessary strain on the fabric, causing thinner socks in particular to rip prematurely.

In contrast, a sock that is too loose will tend to slide down uncomfortably.

You can combat this by choosing a sock that contains a larger percentage of stretchy fabric, like spandex. Before you order, however, look at the size chart. Take measurements of your feet and calf, if necessary, to hone in on the size of sock that will give you the most comfortable and durable fit.

4. Style

One of the advantages of shopping online is the amazing selection at your fingertips. Socks available for sale at e-commerce stores have an enormous range of designs, including plain black, brown, and white; conservative patterns like checks or argyle; more whimsical designs like polka-dots and multi-colored stripes; novelty and comedy socks adorned with frogs, martini glasses, or superhero logos.

Consider the image you wish to project with your sock selection. Do you need to be respected by a room full of suits? Make an impression at a theme party? Spice up the workplace with something a little outside the box? Or blend in and not draw too much attention to yourself? The sky’s the limit, so buy with purpose.

5. Use

There’s no one pair of socks that is the best choice for every occasion. We spend a lot of time ragging on white socks, but white cotton socks may be the right choice for a hike or a game of soccer; white silk stockings may work for an ultra-formal white-tie state dinner, if you’re sitting on such an invitation. If you really want to steer clear from the plain jane, look into Custom Sock Lab for some pretty neat stuff.

Thin dress socks may get stinky and rip quickly, but they may be just the socks you need for a special occasion. Wear them well and with love while they last! Coarse, inexpensive brown cotton socks may not make an impression at a party or formal gathering, but they could be the perfect workhorse socks that you can mindlessly throw on with your khakis to wear to the office. Everything in its place, everything in moderation.


Follow these tips and give yourself a better chance of picking the right pair of socks from the pictures and description provided at an e-commerce store.

BONUS TIP: If you find the perfect pair of socks, consider buying multiple pairs. Socks wear out and go missing. Guard against your favorite pair going out of commission by stocking up while the getting is good!

Easter Gift Guide

The Easter Story Egg 

This beautifully crafted Easter set has become a Holy Week tradition in our home each spring season. The Easter Story Egg comes with a book and a set of 7 wooden nesting eggs. The eggs and story book are a visual tool to bring anticipation and education to the meaning of Easter. This seven day activity takes your whole family through the 7 Holy days leading up to Easter; Palm Sunday, House of Prayer Monday, Teacher of Love Tuesday, Give and Take Wednesday, Last Supper Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday & Easter Sunday. As your children open each egg they are reminded of the life of Jesus and the sacrificed made on Easter. Help your family focus fully on His amazing gift of salvation this Easter season.

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ikiki Shoes


Kid feet are in the most important developmental stage of life so correct shoe support and design is very important. Ikiki shoes are not only great for your kids feet but they are adorable with the friendly characters and bright colors. Built in squeakers are what sets ikiki shoes apart from other kid shoes. Squeakers for your kids feet sounds like a nightmare, right? Wrong! The squeakers on ikiki shoes provide safety, teach kids cause and effect, and provide multi sensory activity for kiddos. Not to mention, with a simple flip of a switch the squeakers can turn off. The shoe soles are very light weight and soft which make them flexible and comfortable. They’re breathable, made with  durable canvas, and stay secure on the foot with thick velcro. ikiki shoes are perfect for kids with braces, speaking from experience! These ikiki sandals are a great option for kids to still experience summer style without sacrificing the support of their braces. Kids will love to receive a pair of ikiki shoes this Easter season!

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PB fit Plus 

People go nuts for PB fit and their variety of peanut butter powers. Buyers are surprised to find it has the same great taste as peanut butter. What is better is that PB fit has about one-third the calories and 87% less fat than other peanut butter. That means guilt-free smoothies, peanut butter dips, oatmeal etc. PB fit is made with three simple ingredients; gently roasted peanuts, coconut palm sugar, and salt. It is just pure, delicious, and all-natural. For a low-fat peanut butter spread, mix 2 tablespoons of dry Organic PB fit with 1.5 tablespoons of water. Blend until smooth, and spread anywhere you would put regular peanut butter.

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Feltman Brothers Easter Bunny Collection 

Make your little one’s 1st Easter extra special with a Feltman Brothers dress or creeper. This beautiful collection holds a vintage inspired design and beautiful intricate hand-embroidery. The delicate pastel colors are the perfect pop of spring against the perfect crisp white. The fly sleeve dress features ruffle sleeves and adorable bloomers.  The coordinating boy’s creeper makes for adorable “twinning” for families of multiple kiddos. Be sure to check out the rest of Feltman Brothers distinctive collection for authentic and timeless fashion for babies and toddlers!

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Pediped Shoes 

Pediped offers more than 120 designs for boys and girls between its three collections; Originals®, Grip ‘n’ Go™ and Flex®. The award-winning footwear is available in sizes newborn to 6 Youth.  Pediped’s Flex Force Mary Janes are the perfect everyday shoe for your little girl!  The ultra light technology is specifically designed to support kids’ feet in all activities, while giving them the flexibility and freedom their developing feet need. Take them to playground, vacation, school, or any adventure and easily clean them in the washer afterwards. These shoes are even equipped with quick-dry EVA footbed. In addition, Pedipeds has a unique Flex Fit System, additional inserts can be added or removed to create the perfect fit for your child’s growing foot! Pediped shoes have exceptional quality and unsurpassed comfort!  Their award-winning design and technology makes them one of the fastest growing children’s footwear brands in the United States and are approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association.

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Chick A Dee Play Set by Mama May I

Kids learn best through play! Their growing minds are ready and eager to absorb any new information or skills. Mama May I cultivates excitement for learning by providing tools to make learning through play simple and inviting to all children.  Their handcrafted toys are educational while being developmentally appropriate and engaging. These little Chick-a-Dees are sure to delight little nature explorers and mathematicians alike this Easter Season. Each wooden piece has been hand painted with a nontoxic, water based wash. They have been lightly sealed with a combination of organic beeswax and jojoba oil to keep the colors vibrant and the pieces durable. Each birdie comes with a coordinating colored nest filled with 5 eggs to protect and count. A scoop is included for transferring activity to build fine motor skills. Scoop up the eggs, count them, gently return them to their nest. Each Chick-a-Dee Play Set comes in a convenient little drawstring pouch making it easy to bring to restaurants, the doctor’s office, or Grandma’s house…and making it the perfect gift or Easter Basket find. There are so many different ways to play and so many places to bring it – let your little one’s imagination take flight with this adorable bird play set.

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Noah’s 2 by 2 

Toy? Game? Teaching tool? How about all of the above! This adorable wood Noah’s Ark is perfect for any home bringing Bible stories to their little ones. The durable wood ark with bright painted accents makes this toy timeless and inviting. Included is 50 matching animal cards to play the classic game of memory. Families will have fun filling up Noah’s ark with animals while sharpening their minds. When not playing memory, children can use the ark to fill with animal toys or reenact the story of Noah. Keep the focus on the promises of God this Easter season with Noah’s 2 by 2 Ark.

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My favorite gift for my kids because it’s the gift that keeps on giving…BOOKS! Bookroo is a monthly subscription of children’s literature that is sure to bring the joy of reading into any home. We love that Bookroo was started by three sister-in-laws determined to spread their love of reading. They are passionate about empowering parents to build their at home library with a rich and engaging repertoire of children titles. Rather than sending the classics, Bookroo has an extensive review process to find re-readability hidden gems that are sure to engage readers.

“A subscription box is an experience that will help your children be excited about reading!”

Choose between a board book box, picture book box, or chapter book box. The three options cover ages 0-10 years. Then select a plan of month to month or save by purchasing a 3, 6, or 12 box prepay. Toys come and go, but the love of reading lasts forever! Don’t miss the opportunity to spread reading joy this spring season!

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Haridroables are the girl Squad with “big hair don’t care” attitudes. Hairdorables took off when Noah, a sweet and funny vlogger with a passion for hair-styling, decided to share her side-braiding tutorial on YouTube. While shooting her video, Noah fumbled over the words “hair” and “adorable” …accidentally coining the term “hairdorable”! To Noah’s surprise, her video and #adorable went viral overnight! Now Noah and her BFF are showing off some #freshlooks in Series 4 that are now scented! They’re even introducing three new friends: Saige, Phoebe, and Emily! These dolls come in a reusable plastic carrying case and feature fashion forward looks with tons of unique accessories from three new themes: Carnival Cuties, Garden Party, and Splash Sensation. Each doll lives up to the “Hairdorables” name with a variety of unique luxe hairstyles in vibrant colors!

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Barbie Dreamtopia Doctor Set 

Kids love roll playing while pretending! With The Barbie Dreamtopia Kiss and Care Unicorn Doctor Set kids can combine their imagination with real life roll playing. Included in this kit is a soft plush unicorn featuring a magical light-up horn! Everything is provided to give unicorn patients a quality checkup! Included is a stethoscope, rainbow and pink glitter backpack, bottle, syringe, horn cast and one yummy ice cream snack to reward her for being such a good patient. The adorable rainbow pet carrier features an open top design for your pet to peek out from and a side panel that provides easy access to your doctor tools! This bright Unicorn Pet is the perfect way to spread the spring spirit!

Cutetitos Fruititos 

Cutetitos are back in a totally FRUITY new way for Series 4. Be surprised with one of the 12 collectible characters, with 4 fruit scents, by simply unwrapping the new fruit wraps to reveal which adorable Cutetitos is inside. From a Beeito to a Lemurito and even a Crabito, there are 12 brand new Cutetitos to collect in fun new patterns! The stuffed toys are approximately 7.5 inches, making them great for small hands, backpacks, and car seat friends for long trips this spring season. To find out if your Cutetito’s personality is fruity, berry fruity, extra fruity, or super fruity, just check out it’s “fruit spot”! You will also get 1 of 4 unique fruit wraps – watermelon, kiwi, orange or dragonfruit! Kids love the blanket/burrito shell that can easily be rewrapped around you stuffed animal as you lay it down for bedtime. 

Cutetitos Babitos 

Babitos just got even COOLER, in all new Ice Cream series!  Cutetitos Babitos Series 2 are adorable baby stuffed animals wrapped in a mini waffle cone blanket and stuffed inside an ice cream cone! These furry baby friends are just waiting to be unrolled and discovered!  Each Babito comes in a blue or pink diaper for a fun gender-reveal surprise – will you unroll a boy or a girl?  Check out your Babito’s sweet spot to find out if their personality is sweet, so sweet, extra sweet or super sweet!  There are 12 different baby animals to collect, from a Cattito to a Turtlito, even a Hedgehogito!  Some are SUPER rare – can you find them all?  Each comes with a waffle cone blanket, a diaper and a Pet Collector card with additional information about your pet including its species, gender, name, birthday and sweet level!

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Tonka Metal Movers 

Introducing the all-new Tonka Metal Movers! Everyone one remembers and loves the classic construction toys made with the Tonka Tough promise! This set includes two diecast vehicles and Tonka Tough Dirt, a no-mess sand compound that mimics real construction site conditions! Roll play by filling up the dump trucks or pushing through the dirt piles! Kids will love sensory play with the no-mess sand and incorporating metal movers. It’s a whole new way to play with all your favorite Tonka vehicles!

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ergoPouch is an award winning manufacturer of organic sleep products that are specifically designed for better night’s sleep. They’ve engineered a wide range of bags including swaddles, sleeping bags, sleep suits, and ergoArms; covering ages newborn to 36months. Their products are ergonomically designed for optional hip development, and have been recognized as a hip-healthy product. Natural breathable fibres such as organic cotton, bamboo and merino are used in the making of their pouches. An added bonus is the fashion forward adorable prints!

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MAM Cooler Teether

Since 1976, MAM has been committed to creating products that support the individual development of each child. Their products are innovative, medically functional, and eye catching with contemporary designs. All MAM products are free of BPA, BPS, lead, and phthalates. The MAM Cooler Teether helps promote baby’s development while offering cooling relief. For babies 4 month and over this teether is perfect for chewing, cooling, and relaxing. The top is filled with water and cools and calms baby. The ring handle gives a curved shape that is easy to grab and hold. Babies will quickly forget their teething troubles with this cool teether.

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MAM Oral Care Rabbit

Cleaning baby’s mouth is of utmost importance, even from day one. Removing bacteria and getting baby used to a regular teeth cleaning routine is recommended by dentists and midwives. This Oral Care Rabbit is made with extra-soft microfiber fabric and is helpful for cleaning and massaging sensitive gums. The rabbit is meant to be used on babies before their first tooth comes in.

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Stomp Rocket

Stomp Rockets are a super fun toy for kids and perfect to play with once the weather allows. Their newest item – BLO-Rockets give kids unlimited free-play fun that is battery free. The rockets aren’t limited to outdoor play; the soft tips make them safe for indoor play too. STEM skills will be strengthened with these BLO-Rockets, and a myriad of different games can be played while using them. Stomp Rockets allow kids to be active, be outside, and be creative.

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KeaBabies Silicone Bib Set

Kids can get messy, ya know? Mealtimes can get really messy; playing, exploring, and (oh yea!) eating. These silicone bibs are the perfect solution to keeping your little one mess-free. The adjustable neckline allows the bib to grow with baby, so it will last. The bib stays straight on the chest and offers a large food catcher opening that helps prevent spills and stains. Cleaning and drying is super easy with these bibs too because of the silicone material. Set colors are offered for both boys and girls.

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KeaBabies Bandana Drool Bibs

Bandana bibs are such a cute and fun accessory for teething and drooling babies. The bibs are the perfect way to accessorize any outfit – boy or girl. Super absorbent and comfortable, kiddos will be so stylish wearing these. The organic cotton and absorbent fleece are safe for babies and offer high quality. With tons of different prints to choose from, finding a set for a babe is easy. The snaps on the bib offer an adjustable neckline, so they can be worn for many months.

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KeaBabies Baby Hairbrush and Comb Set

This hairbrush set is such a great basket filler. Physical contact is one of the top ways to bond with baby and the effects are so beneficial. Mental, physical, and emotional developments are increased when little ones are touched and loved on. The silky, soft bristles are delicate enough for baby’s scalp and the bamboo bristles are ideal for scalp and blood circulation. The wooden comb is perfect to keep baby’s hair neat. This wooden hairbrush set is not only beautiful, but useful too!

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Evolved Parent Company – Super Spoon

This baby spoon is specially designed to help assist children scoop food at any angle. The special angle and design encourages babies to learn self-feeding. Gentle on gums and teeth, this spoon features a deep scoop made with soft, flexible food-grade silicone. That means the spoon is BPA-free, non-toxic, and dishwasher safe. Freezer friendly, the super spoon is a teether too! The spoon is a great gift for new parents or for newly eating kiddos.

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Evolved Parent Company – Baby Bottom Buddy

Mess free diaper changing is music to any parents ears. Parents can now apply diaper rash cream to baby’s bottom without getting cream and mess on their hands. Useful for applying and spreading any type of lotion, cream, or paste to baby’s bottom this tool really helps keep hands clean and bottoms smooth. The diaper cream applicator is made from gentle silicone that is antimicrobial and BPA-free silicone. Safe for baby and useful on sensitive skin. Baby Bottom Buddy can be reused over and over again, simply wash and refill with your favorite cream or lotion. This  is a helpful tool to keep on the changing table or throw in the diaper bag for on the go situations.

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Evolved Parent Company – Scrub-A-Dubub

This bath brush and soap dispenser is a great tool to have in the bathtub. Simply fill the dispenser with liquid soap and squeeze to dispense. The scrubber is made from silicone and is naturally mold-resistant. This is super important for bathtub accessories. No more fumbling around with wet washcloths or slippery soap dispensers; this all-in-one brush will get rid of all those bath time woes.

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All babies could use a good teether, and this box set is nothing but extraordinary. With two set options to choose from – animals and fruit, these 6, fun-shaped teethers are all you’ll need. For boys or girls, this accessory set is great for teething kids. Sensory stimulation is also encouraged because they are the perfect size for little hands. The teethers are BPA-free and made with food-grade silicone. This top-quality material is safe for all and very gentle on baby’s gums. Keeping them clean is as easy as throwing them in the dishwasher – every parents dream.

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Mable’s Labels

Nobody wants to lose their stuff, and with kids, stuff gets lost all the time. Mable’s Labels creates labels that stick to many different surfaces, including clothing. These labels are seriously great for keeping track of all kid items. The labels are high quality, washable and super affordable. They have a ton of styles, colors, fonts and shapes. These are perfect for Easter baskets – kids will love them and parents too!

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Starling Skincare

Skincare that won’t hurt. Nutrition for the skin is the perfect place to start, and Starling Skincare does just that. This brand creates clean beauty products that are allergen free. Their products are organic and made for sensitive skin. The solution-focused products help eliminate sensitivity and redness and they bring skin back to its optimal health. Lots of different options are available on their website, and some are specially made for kids.

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Buddy’s Allergen-Free Cakes

Buddy’s Allergen Free Cakes creates cakes and frosting that are free of the top eight food allergens. These safe, single serve desserts are super handy and really easy to make. They can be made in the microwave or the oven in just a few minutes. The cakes are delicious and can be enjoyed by anyone – adult or child, someone with a food allergy or not. Their cake flavors include: chocolate fudge, very vanilla, warm spice, and confetti.  Shipping is free too!

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free2b Foods

Everyone wants to enjoy snacks, but some people struggle finding something that they can actually eat. Food allergies are all around us these days and free2b Foods is here to help. The food that free2b Foods makes snacks that are free of the top twelve food allergens. They use high quality ingredients and their snacks are free from artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, and hydrogenated oils. Dare we say they’re healthy?? Their website has lots of different recipes that include the snacks they create. Check them out!

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Mpix is a printing company that offers quality prints, photo books, cards, home decor, photo gifts, and more. Located in Kansas, Mpix all of their products are handcrafted. Their materials are high quality and the finest supplies are used to produced finished products that last. Each and every product is personally reviewed by a member of the Mpix team – that’s pretty incredible! Mpix allows personalized gifts for people of all ages. Use code: mamathefox2520 for 25% off anything on their website!

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Fresh Bellies

Sometimes kids are hard to feed. Like really hard. That’s why Fresh Bellies is such a great brand. Food that not only tastes real, but is real; just what every parent wants. Their products are made with whole ingredients, having no preservatives and no additives. Fresh Bellies offers freeze dried fruits and veggies as well as purées. The purées are much different than many other store bought purées, rather than coming in a pouch, they are in cups. Fresh Bellies encourages spoon feeding, which encourages fine motors skills and independent, healthy eating habits. With a few different options to choose from, kids will be loving these fresh, clean snacks.

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BirdRock Baby Moccasins

BirdRock Baby makes the cutest moccasins. With styles for both boys and girls, and a lot of patterns to choose from, these are a great Easter gift. A lifetime guarantee comes with each pair, which is so great when dealing with kid’s shoes. For every BirdRock Baby item that is sold, they donate food for one day to a child in need. How awesome that you can give a gift that you choose to someone you know and then know that a child in need is getting food from that purchase. An amazing blessing.

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BirdRock Baby Organic Cotton Bodysuits 

Made from organic certified cotton, these baby bodysuits are ultra comfy. The onesie features three buttons at the bottom to make diaper changes easy. Taking the onesie off and on is really easy because of the envelope shoulders. This feature allows the onesie to come off over the head or down the body.  The available prints are so adorable and many of them are gender neutral. These bodysuits are a perfect Easter basket addition.

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BirdRock Baby Booties

These baby booties are perfect for little kiddos. Available in fleece and cotton options, the booties are ultra cozy. Perfect to match with any outfit, these booties can be worn at all times of the year. Lined with organic cotton, the insides are soft and smooth. The bottoms of the booties have anti-slip grippers which are perfect for babies learning to walk. Three button snaps around the ankle allow for easy off and on for parents. The booties stay on through kicking, tugging, and walking because of these snaps. Many of their colors are gender neutral too!

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Pixel Eyewear

Pixel eyewear provides lens technology that will safeguard kids’ eyes while looking stylish. These glasses filter 50 percent of blue light without giving the yellowish tint on the lens. Their lenses also contain nanotechnology which reduces smudges and repel water and dust. Glares are eliminated because of the anti-reflective coating that the lenses have; this also reduces the stress on the eyes. Lots of styles are available to choose from, so grab a pair for a kiddo you love!

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WonderSip Straw

Eliminating plastic has become like a lifestyle, and WonderSip Straw is here to help. These reusable straws are perfect for kids and a lifesaver for parents. Designed to be easy to clean, these straws prevent bacteria build up. The straws open up so that cleaning is a breeze and a brush is not needed. BPA-free and approved by the FDA, these straws are safe for kiddos too. There are over six colors and styles to choose from; so every kiddo can have one they like!

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Wiley Wallaby

This gourmet liquorice brand makes yummy treats that people of all ages can enjoy. Their licorice is soft, chewy, and bursting with flavor. Coming in with much healthier ingredients, their treats are free from fat, dairy, and high fructose corn syrup. They have less sugar than most other licorice on the market too! Wiley’s offers an organic line of licorice too. These bites are free from red (and other) dye, which many people stay away from these days. Lots of different flavors are available to choose from, all of which are delicious. Check out these vegan and kosher treats!

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SwaddleDesigns allows parents to properly swaddle baby so they are comfortable and sleep as well as possible. Swaddles, sacks, and baby essentials are all offered by SwaddleDesigns, and the majority of their products are sewn in Seattle, Washington. The Transitional Swaddle Sack is a bridge between a swaddle and a sleep sack. Some unique features of the swaddle sack include fold over mitten cuffs and a two-way zipper. But the most unique design of their clothing is the ‘arms up’ design. This allows baby to self soothe by having access to their hands. The Ergonomic design is great for babies and really allows them to sleep comfortably while being secure.

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The Wicklow Project

This unique clothing brand designs clothes for children with food allergies. T-shirts that let others know which foods could harm a child. This is especially important for children who attend a daycare, preschool, or school. When other people are looking after a loved one, we want to know they are getting the best care. The Wicklow Project strives to advocate and protect children with food allergies. Their clothes not only help you and your child specifically, but they spread awareness for allergies too. The ultra soft clothing is stylish and such a great way to protect kiddos.

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Kabaki Tea

Kabaki is a yummy drink that many older kids will enjoy. This purple tea is unique because it’s grown in high altitudes in the mountains of Kenya. Generation after generation, this purple tea has grown and thrived in the African sun and cool air of the mountains. The drink is packed with many compounds that help balance the body and prevent illness. Antioxidants are very prevalent in this drink; more than any other tea. All the ingredients are pure and clean and nothing extra is added. Available flavors include: peach, lemon, raspberry, lightly unsweetened, and unsweetened. Kabaki is a great alternative to water; stay hydrated while drinking this yummy tea.

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Tuxedo Triplets

Calico Critters have been a favorite in our household for around 2 years! It started when my daughter chose a set as a reward she earned. The small size, adorable faces, and soft velvet fur was just too irresistible. Since then we have found these Critters work great in a doll house and also go perfect in a backpack to play with during appointments or car rides. Calico Critters are very affordable, yet very durable making them a great present for any little one. The Tuxedo Cat Triplets are the most recent set added to my daughter’s collection. Included are three little babies named Peppermint, Midnight, and Angelica. All three come with removable clothing and have jointed arms, legs, and heads. Calico Critter babies would fit perfectly in Easter eggs and would make a sweet little surprise this spring season!

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