Author: MamatheFox

Do You Make These 5 Common Baby Carrier Mistakes?

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As a new parent, choosing the right carrier for your baby can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to discomfort for both you and your little one. Here are five common mistakes to watch out for when choosing a baby carrier:

Buying a carrier that does not fit your baby

Some carriers are better suited for newborns, while others are better for older babies. Make sure to choose a baby wrap carrier that is appropriate for your baby’s age and development. If you have a regular carrier, you can use an infant insert to provide the extra support a younger baby will need to fit in comfortably. If you want only one carrier to use during your entire babywearing journey, there are carriers that can be adjusted to support your little one from infancy to toddlerhood. 

Choosing a carrier that has not been tested properly 

Orthopedic specialists and babywearing experts all agree that the best way to carry a baby is when they are in an M position. This form is achieved when the baby’s thighs are spread across the mother’s torso, with the knees higher than the hips. The hip and leg joints are still in the development stage at this point, which is why letting a baby’s legs hang straight could lead to hip dysplasia. 


Aside from the M position, don’t forget your baby’s head and neck, and check that both are supported at all times. Always ensure your baby is seated securely in the carrier, and that it has been adjusted properly.


Look for carriers that have been tested and certified for safety, and have features like adjustable straps and buckles. To be safe, choose a hip-friendly product that has been tested by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute, such as the Tula baby carriers. 

Not trying before you buy

It’s important to make sure that the carrier fits comfortably on both the parent and the baby before making a purchase. This will ensure that the carrier can be used for long periods of time, without causing discomfort on the wearer.


You might be tempted to buy a carrier while you’re still pregnant just to get it out of the way, but it’s better to hold off and borrow a carrier from a mom friend or buy a gently used carrier for the first few weeks. This way, you can invest in a proper carrier and try it on with your baby before making a purchase.  

Not prioritizing comfort

Not all newborn carriers are created equal, and what works for one person may not work for another. Take your own body shape and size into consideration when choosing a carrier, and make sure it fits comfortably and securely.


Pick a carrier with wide shoulder straps and waistband that can withstand long hours of carrying and will not make you feel sore and painful afterwards. Also, choose a carrier that can evenly distribute your baby’s weight between your hips and shoulders to avoid back pain. 


Additionally, you’ll want to consider the carrier’s ease of use. Some carriers are more complex to use and adjust, while others are more user-friendly. If you’re a first-time parent, you may want to choose a carrier that is easy to put on and adjust, so you don’t have to worry about getting it right while trying to hold a wriggling baby. If two caregivers like the same carrier but have to adjust it each time for different body types, buying a second carrier can cut down on time and adjustments.

Not considering the carrier’s versatility

Some carriers can be used in multiple ways, such as front, back and hip carry, while others can only be used for one specific position. Some carriers are more suitable for certain activities such as hiking, while others are better for everyday use.


It’s important to consider how you want to carry your baby, and also factor in the types of activities you plan to do with your little one. For example, if you have an active lifestyle and go on frequent outside trips, consider a carrier that allows you to carry your child in multiple ways. 


By avoiding these common mistakes, you can make sure you purchase the best infant carrier for you, which will ensure a comfortable and safe experience for both you and your baby. 


Tips for New Company Managers


Congratulations! You have just been promoted to the company manager. This is an exciting time, but it can also be daunting. So many responsibilities come with being a manager, and you will need to develop many skills to succeed. Don’t worry—there are plenty of tips to help you succeed in your new role as a company manager. In this blog post, we’ll explore critical information that will help you manage your team effectively and lead your business to success.

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Develop Your Leadership Skills

As a manager, you must have strong leadership skills to guide and motivate your team, so make sure you focus on developing them. Take the time to learn about leadership styles, such as authoritative and participative leadership, and determine which one best suits your personality and goals. It would help if you also learned how to delegate tasks effectively and provide constructive feedback. This can help ensure that everyone is working together efficiently towards common goals.


Build Relationships With Your Team

Managers need to build relationships with their employees to work well together as a team. Spend time getting to know each individual on your team so that you can better understand their strengths and weaknesses and create an atmosphere of trust between yourself and your employees. Try hosting regular meetings where everyone can give input on projects or discuss any challenges they may face at work so that everyone feels heard and valued by their colleagues and leaders.


Set Clear Goals

Setting clear goals is essential for any business venture, especially when managing a team of people who are all working towards those same goals together. Ensure that all employees understand what needs to be done for the business’s objectives to be met and their role in achieving those objectives individually or collectively as part of the team effort. Setting clear expectations helps ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes time to get things done!


Lead by Example 

As a manager, you need to set an example for your team members by demonstrating a good work ethic, respect for others, integrity, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, etc., because these are qualities that will reflect positively on both yourself and your entire organization overall if appropriately developed from the top down within any given organization. In addition, being an effective leader means leading by example–so take every opportunity available (even outside of office hours)to do precisely this to demonstrate how successful teamwork can honestly look when executed properly.


Streamline Operations

Finally, job management methodologies can make it easier to streamline operations and ensure that tasks are completed on time. Consider incorporating job management methodologies such as XP or Lean into your team’s workflow so that teams can break down complex projects into smaller tasks and manage them more effectively. This will help you stay organized and track jobs, deadlines, and progress across all your projects.


Encourage Teamwork

Encourage teamwork among your employees. Participating in team-building activities or setting up reward systems can motivate employees to work together as a cohesive unit and help them become more productive. These strategies can also make your workplace more enjoyable and collaborative, resulting in better job satisfaction for everyone involved.


Implement New Marketing Strategies

Consider implementing new marketing strategies and staying up to date on industry trends. Overseeing the development of innovative campaigns or products can help your company remain competitive in an increasingly crowded market. In addition, by staying ahead of current trends, you’ll be able to better position your business for success and maximize its potential earnings.


Encourage Further Education

Encourage your employees to pursue further education or training in their chosen field. Investing in ongoing professional development can positively impact morale and productivity within the workplace, as well as allow employees to learn new skills that will benefit the company. In addition, this investment may also prove beneficial for you personally, as further education can give you valuable insights into the industry and help you stay ahead of the competition.



Finally, don’t forget to network. Connecting with other businesses and professionals can help you develop a robust support system that offers advice, resources, and potential growth opportunities. This could be anything from attending networking events or joining professional organizations to connecting with industry peers through social media or online forums – the key is to make sure you are building relationships and getting your name out there.


Following these tips can help new company managers get off to a successful start and create a more productive work environment for everyone involved. New company managers can achieve great success in the business world by taking an active role in leading their team, setting clear goals, encouraging teamwork, implementing new marketing strategies, and investing in further employee education.


Heart Conditions and Pregnancy: What Are the Risks?

When it comes to heart conditions and pregnancy, there are a lot of potential risks that need to be considered. The risks can be even greater for pregnant women with existing cardiac issues or those who develop them during their pregnancy. Cardiac complications in pregnancy can lead to severe consequences for both mother and baby if not managed properly. In this article, we will explore the various risk factors associated with heart conditions and pregnancy and how best to manage these risks before, during, and after delivery.

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1. Congenital Heart Failure

Congenital heart failure is a condition that occurs when the baby’s heart does not form properly during pregnancy, resulting in structural or functional defects. These defects can range from mild to severe, depending on how much damage has occurred. Congenital heart failure can lead to serious health issues for the mother and baby if left untreated or improperly managed. So, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately if any symptoms are noticed.


The most common symptoms of congenital heart failure include difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, paleness, and fatigue. In some cases, an ultrasound may be necessary to properly diagnose the condition. Treatment can range from lifestyle changes such as dietary modifications and exercise to medications and surgery, depending on the severity of the defect.


2. Congenital Heart Diseases

Women with existing congenital heart disease have an increased risk of cardiac complications during pregnancy. Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are a group of heart defects that occur at birth. They can involve the structure of the heart, its valves, or other blood vessels in and around it. CHDs affect about 1 percent of newborns and are one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

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The types and severity of CHDs vary greatly; some require no treatment, while others require lifelong medical attention. Some common forms include ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect (ASD), tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great arteries, pulmonary stenosis, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), and coarctation of the aorta.


3. Heart Valve Abnormalities

Heart valve abnormalities are another risk factor associated with heart conditions and pregnancy. These types of defects involve the structure or function of one or more heart valves, which help regulate blood flow through the heart. The most common valve abnormalities include aortic stenosis, mitral regurgitation, atrial septal defect (ASD), and ventricular septal defect (VSD).


These cardiac anomalies can lead to an increased risk of stroke, congestive heart failure, and other severe complications during pregnancy if not appropriately managed. A woman’s age may also be a factor in determining her risk level; those over 40 have an increased chance of developing these health issues during their pregnancies. In addition, those with existing cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension or diabetes may be at greater risk of experiencing cardiac problems while pregnant.


4. Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy is a condition that affects the heart muscle and its ability to pump blood throughout the body. Various factors, including genetics, infections, and certain medications or toxins, can cause it. Cardiomyopathy is classified as either primary (inherited) or secondary (caused by an external factor). In some cases, cardiomyopathy may resolve on its own, while in more severe cases, it may require medical intervention such as medication or surgery.


Cardiomyopathies are divided into four main types depending on their origin:


  • Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) occurs when the heart’s left ventricle enlarges abnormally due to weakened muscles.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM): Involves the thickening of one or both ventricles due to excessive growth of muscle fibers.
  • Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM): Results from stiffening of the walls within one or both chambers caused by scarring.
  • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardio fibrosis (ARVD/C): Characterized by abnormal deposition of fat and fibrous tissue in place of muscle in the right ventricle.


Women with cardiomyopathy are at an increased risk for several severe complications during pregnancy, such as preterm birth and stillbirth. It is essential to talk to your doctor if you have been diagnosed with this condition before becoming pregnant so that they can determine the best course of action to help ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.


4. Aortic Disease

Aortic disease is another type of risk factor associated with heart conditions and pregnancy. This refers to any condition that affects the aorta, the main artery carrying blood away from the heart. Aortic abnormalities may lead to decreased blood flow or aneurysms, which can cause severe complications if left untreated. Common types of aortic disease include aortic valve stenosis, Marfan Syndrome, and coarctation of the aorta.


Women who have any type of aortic disorder should talk to their doctor before becoming pregnant as these conditions can become serious during pregnancy. Usually, doctors recommend lifestyle changes such as avoiding certain activities, medications, and possibly even surgery. It is essential to follow your doctor’s recommendations to help ensure a safe pregnancy.


5. High Blood Pressure

Women with high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, may be at increased risk for experiencing cardiac problems during pregnancy. Hypertension can cause the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body and is a leading cause of stroke and coronary artery disease. It is crucial to monitor your blood pressure regularly when pregnant to reduce your risk of developing complications.


High blood pressure can be managed with lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and maintaining an average weight. Your doctor may also recommend medications to help keep your blood pressure under control. Following your doctor’s advice is essential to reduce the risk of severe health issues during pregnancy.


6. Arrhythmias

Arrhythmias are disruptions in the electrical signals that tell the heart when to contract and relax, which can cause the heart to beat abnormally fast or slow. Common types of arrhythmias include atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, and bradycardia. While these conditions generally do not present a major risk during pregnancy, they can cause serious health problems in some cases.


Some arrhythmias require treatment, while others don’t. People with arrhythmias may need to take medications, have pacemakers inserted or undergo catheter ablation to correct the condition. Depending on the type and severity of your arrhythmia, your doctor may recommend monitoring during pregnancy as a precautionary measure.


Heart conditions can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. It is essential to talk to your doctor if you have been diagnosed with any heart condition before becoming pregnant to help ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy for both mother and baby. Following your doctor’s advice and making lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of severe health issues during pregnancy.

Schwab Precious Metals IRA Review

If you want to have a comfortable retirement, it is strongly recommended that as early as possible, you start investing. Investing for your retirement is something you need to take into consideration even while you are young. Some think that investing for retirement should start when they reach the age of 40. If you want to enjoy your retirement and live your life to the fullest, investing for your retirement should happen the moment you start earning.

Sure, you do not need to force yourself to invest all your earnings or invest a huge amount immediately. You can start in small amounts, then gradually increase your retirement investment as your income increases and becomes stable.

One type of retirement investments where you can yield great benefits is IRA, particularly precious metals like silver, gold, palladium and platinum.

If you are planning to invest in an IRA, there are many platforms and companies where you can start dealing with, and one of which is Schwab.  There is a full breakdown on, a leading precious metals website.

Who is Schwab, are they legit, are they the right company to invest for your retirement? All these will be discussed in this article.

Who Is Schwab?

They are one of the financial institutions that service not just retirement planning but also brokerage accounts, and wealth management. They have over 32,000 employees working in their three hundred sixty branches in different parts of the world.

Their company was established in the year 1971 and up until this moment, they are still active. Being in the industry for more than fifty years, expect that they can provide truthful and fair trading and investing experience to everyone.

Schwab is managing millions of investors globally and also has international prospects and assets. They are serving retail and institutional clients and most of the time considered to be the 3rd world’s biggest asset manager.

They have received numerous awards, and these are:

– Most trusted financial institutions in 2021

– Best online brokers in 2022 – as per IBD

– 2021 Nerdwallet Best Robo Advisor

– Nerdwallet 2021 Best Broker for IRA Investing

–’s 2021 number one new tool

–’s 2021 number one IRA accounts

One of the downsides of their company is that they do not offer palladium, platinum, silver or gold in its physical form. Meaning, investors cannot buy silver, gold, etc. directly from Schwab.

Although they offer a list of options that can allow investors to purchase precious metals, most of them are paper assets.

If you are planning to use Schwab precious metal IRA, here are the pros and cons you can encounter from using it.


– Low transaction fees

– Free ETF and stock trading

– It is very easy to open an account with them

– They have highly interactive charts

– Some of the research tools accessible on their websites can give you trading ideas

– They have wide variety of assets to offer


– The fees of their mutual funds are high

– It would be nice if they have more research tools

Gold Jewelry Education: Mixing Accessories

There are two main reasons the title of this article would have caught your attention: either you’re going to buy some gold jewelry, but not sure what exactly to get, so it would match; or you have plenty of really diverse gold items you have complications to mix. It’s not that the reason matters much as long as we are able to help your jewelry avoid lying abandoned in the box. How about experimenting with us in search of the most appealing jewelry combinations?

But before starting, let’s discuss some general rules of mixing accessories. Considering that we’re talking about gold jewelry, we should first stop mixing it with other metals. Don’t get us wrong, it’s not like a taboo, we’re supporting creativity and bold experiments with jewelry, but it may be quite a problem for a beginner. Instead of trying to make the gold and silver, for example, work together it’ll be easier to start with the all-gold items, as the jewelry made of the same material is most likely to become a nice match. There’s a nuance with the color of gold as well. As you know, the gold in jewelry can be yellow, white or rose. For the best combination it’s preferably to mix gold jewelry of the same shades, unless, once again you’re willing to try something new and extravagant. But one jewelry item containing two or three variants of gold colors can become a great idea to connect the pieces of different colors into a complete ensemble.

Moving forward, we should mention the size and style of the jewelry. It’s not obligatory for the jewelry items to be identical, but it’ll bring more harmony to the look if their size matches, or they have some common elements in design. The results of mixing massive and delicate jewelry may not be the ones you’re expecting even if the metals and colors match.

If your jewelry features diamonds don’t try to mix it with the item that has other gems, pick diamonds to fit diamonds. Pearls also make the best impression when paired with pearls. Those sophisticated materials are rather fanciful, and they don’t like to share the spotlight.

One of the most important issues that arises while picking the jewelry to wear in one look is the quantity. There’s a well-known rule of 3 in jewelry that helps even the beginners to create flawless jewelry combinations. The rule obviously suggests to wear not more than 3 items of gold at once, while keeping in mind that at least one of them should be placed further from the face. It’s a formula following which you can be sure you won’t fail.

It’s about time to see how it all works with real jewelry pieces.



The closest jewelry piece to the face that is able to accentuate and visually alter its shape. The gold earrings can become an excellent match with a gold necklace and a bracelet or a ring. When you choose earrings as the focal element of the look, pick other jewelry to compliment them. A good idea is to select a central element of the necklace or a ring with the same design or the one that resonates with the earrings.

Massive gold chandelier earrings with precious stones should go well with a statement necklace and a flashy cocktail ring. Delicate gold hoops look nice with an elegant gold chain completed by a laconic pendant and a chain bracelet or few. A matching set of gold jewelry with pearls might have sounded like jewelry for elderly women not so long ago, but this season pearls are the top trend for young girls and jewelry sets are making their comeback. As they say, what’s old is new again. 


Chains – that’s what we’re going to talk about, as there are no more popular necklaces today. Besides, they are quite easy to style with other jewelry. The thick these gold chains for men have a perfect companion to duet with, and it’s a massive pendant with the design of your choice. A bulky pinky ring will surely add to the statement those two are willing to make on your behalf. It’s the ensemble that displays your success and wealth. Ladies will most likely opt for more intricate gold chain necklaces that emphasize elegance and chic, though massive Cuban link chains are popular with women as well. The gold chain can be made a part of a trendy layered chain look, or become a great match with a gold chain bracelet, preferably of the same pattern. Earrings featuring chain link styles are a frequent tendency this year and can handle completing the image the necklace is trying to create as well.


Stacked gold bracelets are really popular these days, so you’re free to go all out here and put on as many gold chain bracelets or bangles as you like. As to the other items that are able to finish the look along with bracelets, they can be anything you may think of as long as you remember about the rule of 3. You’d also better think twice before placing all your gold jewelry on your hands and arms. A bracelet and a ring are quite enough in the area, the third item should be placed somewhere by the face, either it’s a necklace or earrings. You may also go for a bracelet and a watch, but then you’d better choose a necklace to complete the image instead of the ring. As we’ve already mentioned, gold chain bracelets match well with the necklaces of the same style. The iconic tennis bracelet looks gorgeous in the duet with a pair of shiny diamond studs. Bangles can be mixed with the large gold hoops.


It’s rather easy to implement a ring into the style. It’s the jewelry that can help you express your individuality and reveal your exquisite taste. A gold ring is easy to find pieces to match, every item described above suits its companion as long as their designs create a harmonious image.

Men should consider Gold Square Diamond Pinky Ring to polish their style to perfection. Adding a massive gold chain necklace or a single diamond stud earring will only enhance a dazzling look. A luxury wristwatch is a must-have for mixing with such a sophisticated ring. Women should take a look at a massive cocktail ring with large gems. It can be matched with a bracelet and beautiful chandelier earrings featuring the same stones, or a pendant with the design alike.

Probably, the easiest way to start building up your look with the help of jewelry is to choose a key element. Sometimes one right gold jewelry item can define not only the jewelry ensemble, but the whole outfit. Remember, jewelry is created for us to highlight our natural beauty and enjoy the opportunities it provides to upgrade our style and express our individuality. So feel free to experiment with daring jewelry combinations while relying on your common sense, keeping in mind that sometimes less is more. 

Why Are Your Energy Levels So Low?

Are you constantly struggling with low levels of energy? You’re far from alone here. Plenty of people struggle to find the energy that they need to get through the day. Your energy levels can be impacted by a lot of different things in your life. That’s why it’s important to explore all the options if you constantly feel drained, whether you don’t have the energy in the morning or towards the middle of the day. 


You might think that low levels of energy isn’t a serious issue. However it can be because it can stop you functioning effectively. This may mean that you have issues with your career or even your personal life. If you feel drained, then you are always going to be far more irritable throughout the day. So, let’s explore some of the key reasons why your energy levels could be low and the right steps that you can take. 

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You’re Not Getting Enough Sleep


If you are finding that you are tired a lot of the time then this could be down to your sleep schedule. If you are not getting enough sleep then your mind and body will quickly spiral out of control. As an adult you should be aiming to get around six to nine hours of sleep each night, if you are not getting this then you will struggle to get through the day. The effects of sleep deprivation can exhibit headaches, fatigue, and pain in your eyes. If you don’t want to experience these symptoms then getting yourself into a good sleep routine will help. 


Turning off the technology and avoiding caffeine for at least a few hours before you head to bed is a great place to start with a solid sleep routine. It can be tricky retraining your brain not to fall asleep looking at a screen. 


It is all well and good sleeping for six to nine hours, however, what if your sleep is broken? If you are not getting enough good quality sleep then this can leave your energy levels low. You need to figure out why you are not getting a solid night’s sleep. It may be due to children waking you up throughout the night or a dodgy mattress. It is a good idea to change your mattress for a new one every eight to ten years. If your mattress is old and outdated then this could be the reason for your lack of sleep at night. 


Poor Mental Health


It’s important to consider whether your mental health is having an impact on your energy levels. This is a real possibility. For instance, you could be feeling depressed or anxious. If you are depressed, then you’re always going to struggle to get out of bed in the morning. You might feel lethargic or totally drained from the time that you wake up. Depression is described as deep periods of sadness that lasts for extended periods. Everyone has down days but if it’s beginning to impact how you live your life, then this is an issue that you need to pay attention to and should not ignore. 


There are lots of options to explore if you are struggling with your mental health. For instance, you might want to think about speaking to a counselor. Support from a counselor can be the right action if you have been dealing with an issue like depression for a long time. 



It’s also possible that you are stressed. Stress is always going to cause you to feel drained. The best way to tackle this is to think about your stress triggers. What issues are disturbing your calm thoughts? This could be related to your job or your personal life. It may even be little things that irritate you such as traffic. You need to find ways to cope with these occurrences in your life effectively so that they don’t become energy drains. 

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Issues With Diet 


If you are not eating enough of the right types of foods then this can leave your energy levels extremely low. If you are relying on quick grab and go meals then these will not be very nutritious. However, if you cook your own meals and know exactly what goes into them then you will have much more luck with your energy levels. 


When it comes to your diet you need to be thinking about healthy balanced meals that tick every food group. These include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, dairy, fruit, and vegetables. If your meals are leaning more toward the unhealthy side of things then you will notice this far more. Junk food should be enjoyed in moderation as these can seriously steal from your energy. If you want something quick and easy that will instantly boost your energy levels then take a look at making smoothies


If you are unsure of what type of foods you should be enjoying then it may benefit you to speak with a nutritionist or dietician. They will be able to point you in the right direction when it comes to the types of foods you should be eating. 


If you feel you are not getting enough from your diet then you could look into taking a supplement. Everything you eat contains vitamins and nutrients that will have a function for the body. If these are missing then your energy levels may be on the lower side. For instance, if you don’t eat red meat or vegetables then your iron count could be low. Taking a supplement or multivitamin will ensure your body is getting everything it is missing out on. 

No Exercise 


Finally, it’s possible that you have low levels of energy because you are not getting enough exercise. People often assume that a high amount of energy is going to make you more tired than usual. However, this is not the case. In reality, the right level of energy will ensure that you are more focused and alert throughout the day. One of the reasons for this is that if you exercise you will be tired out when your head hits the pillow at the end of the day. However, if you don’t exercise and remain largely inactive, then you won’t be tired. This is another issue that can impact your quality of sleep. 


Ideally, you should be aiming to complete a solid forty-five minutes of exercise every couple of days. If you do this, then you’ll be able to ensure that your body is getting the right level of attention. The good news is that you don’t have to focus on intense forms of exercise either. Instead, you can consider exploring low impact options such as yoga. These can be incredibly beneficial because they will help ensure that your breathing is regulated as well. As such, it can ensure that your brain is gaining the right level of oxygen and allow you to think far more clearly. 

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We hope this helps you understand some of the key reasons why your energy levels might be lower than you would expect. If you are struggling with feeling drained through the day, then we recommend that you do take action, preferably before the situation gets any worse or it begins to impact your personal and professional life. For instance, you might want to think about speaking to a doctor. Don’t forget, while low energy can be an issue relating to your lifestyle, it might also be something like a hormonal imbalance. This isn’t something that you’ll be able to fix with the right lifestyle choices. Instead, you’ll need to get support from the right professional and you might even require medication.

How to Add Life to Your Home: 4 Interior Design Tips

Living in a space that brings you joy is more important than you may think. Many of us spend a good portion of our lives at home, and for those of us who have been working remotely since the pandemic started, this is even more true!


Naturally then, it’s pretty important that we’re spending time in a place that makes us feel inspired, calm, and happy. A drab, undecorated, or cluttered space might make you feel anxious or even depressed, but this can be combatted with a few simple changes.


Here are some ways you can add new life to your home for a more inspired feeling. 


Add a Splash of Colour


Neutral is trendy right now, and we all want that aesthetic look in our homes, but don’t forget that a little colour never hurt anybody. This doesn’t mean you need to bring the rainbow into your space, but a few touches here and there can do a lot for the overall feeling of your home. 


Experimenting with fun and interesting furniture and décor like yellow sofas or pink kitchen cabinetry can add incredible character to your home and make it something unique and fun – a space that you’ll always want to be in. 


Mix Old and New


To make a house feel like a home, it’s always a good idea to mix some new and some old features. You might take this to the extreme and mix vintage and modern décor for a fun and eclectic look, or you might simply combine some hand-me-down furniture with some brand-new items.


If you’re living in a modern, minimalist apartment, then adding some more vintage-style pieces can help warm up the space and avoid that hard, clinical look. A little romance in your home will make it feel more liveable and less like a photo from a magazine. 

Incorporating elements of your cultural or regional identity can bring a touch of authenticity and warmth to your living space. For instance, if you’ve spent any time in the Midwest, you might appreciate the sturdy, practical nature of midwestern furniture, with its emphasis on solid woods, neutral tones, and durable fabrics. These pieces often possess a timeless charm that pairs well with various other styles, old or new. You could introduce a vintage midwestern wooden dining table or an oak bookshelf into a modern minimalist living room, juxtaposing the old-world charm with sleek, contemporary design. The result is a unique blend that tells your story while also making your home more comfortable and inviting. Remember, the goal is to create a home that reflects who you are and what you love.

Work With the Light


Light plays a huge role in our mood and mental health. Living in a dark space can begin to feel compressive if you don’t manage your lighting carefully. 


Of course, your first order of business is to bring in natural light as far as you possibly can. When you have a naturally bright space, you have more leeway to use darker furniture and style pieces. However, if the space doesn’t get a lot of natural light, try to incorporate more fun lighting and stick to lighter woods and fabrics where possible. It is worth considering investing in a window installation service to reinvent any of these rooms starved of natural light. 


Become a Plant Parent


One of the best ways to add life to your home is to actually add life! By this, we mean that house plants can really contribute to your home in a significant way. Having something to take care of can have a positive benefit on our mental health, and bringing nature into our homes can also be good for our physical health. 


Start small and simple, since not all plants are easy to care for. Make sure that you arrange your plants carefully too – both for style and to ensure that they get the perfect lighting! 

7 Ways To Freshen Your Wardrobe For The New Year

Freshening up your wardrobe for the new year can have many benefits. It can help boost your confidence by making you feel more comfortable and stylish in your clothes. It can ensure you get more wear out of your existing clothes and save money, rather than constantly buying new pieces. Plus, it makes it easier to stay current with fashion trends and look your best by removing clothes that don’t fit anymore and making room for new, useful items. So if you’re planning to look your best this year, start by freshening up your wardrobe with these tips.

  • Clear out your closet

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Clearing your wardrobe can seem daunting, but you can break it down into smaller steps. The first step is to take everything out of your closet and lay it on a bed or the floor. Doing this will allow you to see all your clothes in one place and make it easier to assess what you have. Next, sort through your clothes and divide them into three piles: keep, donate, and toss. Clothes you wear regularly should be in the keep pile, while those you no longer wear should go to the donate pile. Damaged or non-fitting clothes can go to the toss pile. Finally, organize your keep pile by grouping similar items, such as tops, pants, and dresses. That will make it easier to see what you have and plan your outfits.

  • Invest in basic and versatile clothes


Stock up on essentials like T-shirts, jeans, and a little black dress. These pieces can be dressed up or down and will be easy to mix and match. Beyond investing in the basics, it also helps to add more versatile clothing options to your wardrobe to make your choices more straightforward. For example, add more white shirts, go for anything denim, invest in babydoll tops, classic striped tops, or dresses, and consider adding more tan or nude colors. 

  • Add a pop of color


While tan and nude colors will create a more versatile and basic wardrobe, it helps to have more options. So go ahead and add a pop of color, especially if you consider yourself a more color-loving person. For example, you can brighten up your wardrobe with a few statement pieces in bold colors. This can be a colorful top, a patterned scarf, or a brightly colored handbag.

  • Incorporate new trends


Keep an eye on the latest fashion trends and incorporate them into your wardrobe where appropriate. For instance, you can add a new print, silhouette, or accessory to your current collection. Of course, trends come and go, so you need to invest your time when looking for the latest styles. You don’t want to spend money on trends that add nothing to your style or personality. 

  • Update your shoes


A new pair of shoes can completely change an outfit. Consider investing in a versatile pair of heels or boots that you can wear with multiple outfits. A pair of comfortable walking shoes or boots will also be suitable for daily wear, and you can pair them with different outfits. Neutral-colored leather boots, loafers, and oxfords can be paired with various outfits and will never go out of style. Additionally, consider incorporating a trendy statement shoe, like a chunky sneaker or a bold-colored pump, to add flair to your footwear collection. You can also focus on sustainability and invest in ethically-made shoes made of sustainable materials. 

  • Accessorize


Accessorizing can freshen up your wardrobe by adding new elements to your outfits. A statement necklace or a bold pair of earrings can instantly elevate a plain shirt or dress. A scarf or a belt can also add color or texture to an outfit. You can also layer your jewelry to create a unique look and experiment with different combinations of scarves, bracelets, and earrings to see what works best for you. Investing in key pieces like a leather handbag, stylish watch, or sunglasses can also help freshen up your wardrobe. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different styles and colors to create a look that is uniquely you.

  • Tailor and alter your clothes

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You can refresh your clothes by tailoring and altering them. You can change the fit, style, or length of your clothes to make them look new again. Tailoring and altering your clothes means you don’t have to throw clothes away (and waste money) just because they don’t fit. You can find an experienced tailor or designer to help you with it. 


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Best Milk for Baby 0-6 Months

When the baby comes to this world, parents do everything possible to assure their little one with all the best. And the first thing they need to think about is baby’s nutrition. A healthy diet is crucial for a baby’s health as it can be compared to the fuel that gives the opportunity to live, grow and develop. Babies in their first months of life are actually developing extremely intensively, all the health systems are forming and the diet determines how well the body will develop. That’s why it’s just essential to give the highest quality milk in order to make sure the little one thrives.


Two most popular options that experts claim to be appropriate milk for babies are breast milk and formula milk. And making a decision between these two kinds of milk or a combination of both is definitely up to you. If you’re not sure which food to choose, consult your pediatrician on that topic and read the following information to understand the differences and functions of breast milk and formula milk better.


Breast Milk


This is milk that offers the best nutritional start for babies and all the experts claim that. Breast milk is naturally the most appropriate milk for your little one as it adjusts to all the needs and requirements. You wouldn’t find any better milk as it’s just individual and has the right proportions of the nutrients. While giving breast milk to your baby you don’t need to worry whether it satisfies all the needs, because it does. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, proteins and other nutrients. Moreover, breast milk can provide a baby with antibodies which are exceptional and cannot be replaced by a formula. These antibodies help to build a resistant immune system that will fight infections, bacteria and viruses. That’s why breastfed babies are considered to be healthier and less likely to get cold than bottle-fed ones.


Baby formula


If breast milk isn’t an option for you, baby formula makes the best alternative. There are a wide range of them on the market and all of them are different in their compositions, functions, availability and price policy. To find the one that will be really suitable for your baby you need to consult a doctor and find out which formulas are high quality and which ingredients are healthy or harmful for little ones.


How to find the best baby formula for your baby?


  1. Prefer organic baby formulas to regular ones.


Organic food isn’t just mainstream, but is really important in order to maintain health and well-being. For babies who are only starting to develop it’s crucial to get the food without negative ingredients such as antibiotics, pesticides, GMOs, fertilizers, additives and other synthetic elements. Choosing organic baby formula, you prevent your baby from getting some health issues that can be provoked by these harmful substances. European formula is recommended by many experts as they are made with high standards and lack any chemicals.


  1. Choose the right type of baby formula


First of all, you need to make your mind on which kind of formula your baby needs. These can be formulas based on different kinds of proteins like cow’s, goat’s, soy based formulas. Then find out if your kid has any health issues. European formulas have a lot of options of milk that can deal with intolerance, allergies and other digestive problems.


  1. Consult a doctor


You should ask for professional advice before starting on a formula. Your health provider may evaluate the features of your baby’s body and recommend suitable milk. Do it especially if you have a family history of allergies or other health issues. That will protect your baby from unpleasant reactions.