Author: MamatheFox

Mountain Ridge Handcrafted Log Homes and Log Cabins in the States and Canada


If you are one of the people that still associate log cabins with Abraham Lincoln and the first-generation settlers, you would not be the only one. After all, the wooden cabin has been a symbol of the American working class and humble beginnings since its inception. 

In fact, history records at least seven of the early US presidents who were born in this type of house. Later on, many of their successors would use this symbol to display that they were “men of the people” in their political campaigns.

But these structures hail from way before the establishment of the New World. The ancient Romans noted that log cabins were a frequent occurrence in Europe. Best suited for cold climates, they were more often found on the Scandinavian Peninsula and Eastern Europe. For a more detailed approach, go to this link:

The roots of the log homes

The first iterations of these buildings were very simple. Their architects stacked rows of wooden logs on top of each other and fill in the gaps between them with things like mud and wood chips for better insulation. Moreover, they were devised to be portable, especially in the unforgiving and unpredictable Scandinavian weather, so simplicity was of the essence.

Naturally, the ideal trees for this task were the evergreen ones. Luckily, Scandinavia’s climate allowed for the flourishing of these trees that the people there used to construct their cabins with. Building one of these houses was mainly a group effort but not a very prolonged one. It is believed that a bigger family could assemble a log home within a few days.

Unrestricted by specific weather conditions or seasons, this task could be completed at any time and any place, making log cabins a versatile and durable type of home. Unsurprisingly, many old towns in Scandinavia are comprised of homes with decorations in the wood paneling and the cuttings. Click here for more information about them.

After the arrival of Swedish and Finnish immigrants to the New World, this technique of building spread among the other settlers. Very soon, the Dutch, Germans, and the Ukrainians also adopted log cabins as their home of choice. The British colonists were a bit slower on the uptake, but they quickly caught up.

However, within the United States, the log cabins varied greatly depending on their location. Choosing the right types of trees, the ideal soil to support the cabin’s weight, and the kind of roof were all essential things to take into consideration. They all contributed to the variety of what we know today as the American log cabin.

Furthermore, as the materials and technology progressed, people started to use wooden cabins as their starter homes while building larger and sturdier houses. They would later repurpose them into chicken coops or barns. Think of it as the old-fashioned version of a trailer home!

Contemporary approach

In today’s day and age, building a log home is not as simple as stacking several rows of tree trunks, and it takes more than several days and family help to finish them. Fortunately, this also means that they are sturdier, more reliable, and more long-lasting!

With the rise of the rustic architectural style came the revival of the log cabin. There are several types of it, one of which is inspired by the National Park Service and cleverly nicknamed “Parkitecture.”This style, however, is not exclusively limited to wooden homes.

Nowadays, contemporary log cabins are rarely made out of just wood. In fact, there are three distinct types of constructing them. Customers can go for a “full log” experience, in the spirit of old cabins. 

They can also decide on a fusion approach, with half of the walls being comprised of logs and half of the usual building materials. Lastly, the “post and beam” style uses traditional materials to build the majority of the house but emulates the look of a log cabin by using tree trunks for the post and the beams.

One such company offering this wide range of choices is Mountain Ridge handcrafted log homes for all of your needs. Investing in these types of homes can be very beneficial in the long run. They are energy efficient and, due to their design, can help you save on costs such as heating during winter and cooling during summer.

Unlike most modern homes, log cabins are built solid and can withstand almost any kind of weather. You do not need to worry about a winter storm or a hurricane destroying your house when it is made of some of the most robust materials that exist!

This also means that you can build them anywhere in the country. These structures have retained their versatility from the 17th century, making it all the easier for you to decide where you want to settle. Whether it is the mountains or a valley, it is up to you!

Additionally, with today’s always-online lifestyle, we can get burned out pretty quickly. If you want your own cozy place that is off the grid and completely disconnected, a log home is an ideal choice for you! Read about what living off the grid is like on this link:

If your first fear about owning a log home is termites, fear no more! Despite the heavy wood foundation of the house, spotting these pests has never been easier! That is because, with all the wood out in the open, they have nowhere to hide, which is not the case in traditionally drywall-covered houses.

A brief summary

Going back to your roots can sometimes be a good thing. Unfortunately, we have started to take what we have for granted, so maybe it is time to get reminded of how good our ancestors had it. After all, there was no air pollution and islands of plastic in the oceans back then, so they were clearly doing something right! Maybe the path to a better future is through retracing our steps to the past.


Top 5 Benefits of Sleeping Together

Collateral Health Benefits You May Not Have Suspected
Naturally, many in relationships prefer sleeping together-but the most obvious benefits aren’t the only ones that develop in terms of overall positive health impact.

For the best health overall, just like eating right and exercising regularly, sleeping together as a couple is eminently advisable. However, if you don’t have a partner, perhaps causal dating or friends with benefits may also work in your favor. Temporary connections could also have the same physical and mental advantages as any other long-term relationship. If you are looking for a no-commitment casual thing, you can check out a free sex hookup app that provides services for your location and find someone who has similar goals and expectations from you as you have from them.

Moving forward, here we’ll briefly explore five notable benefits of sleeping together.

  1. A Stronger Relationship
    This may take a little time to get used to for newlyweds. However, when you sleep together every night, eventually at a subconscious level this becomes a sort of baseline upon which your relationship is, at least partially, built. There’s a deep and comfortable bond which comes from sleeping together.
  2. Stress Reduction And Deeper Sleeping
    Once your sleep cycles are aligned, stress reduction and how deep your sleep ultimately is will both benefit. Your spouse gives you comfort, and that helps you fall asleep faster, getting more restorative sleep overall as a result. It’s a sort of win-win upward spiral for each of you.

Again, starting out, this may take a few nights or weeks to get used to; but once you “hit your stride”, you’re going to be doing much better as a couple overall in terms of necessary rest.

  1. More Opportunity For Intimacy
    Sexuality is good for relationships, and if you sleep together regularly, you’re more likely to have an opportunity for such intimacy. Couples who sleep separately are ultimately more “frigid” in this area. On top of this, when you sleep together you’re more open to trying new things. Over time, this intimacy can become stale if you don’t try to change things up in the bedroom. Why not try ice lock bondage? When was the last time you did roleplaying? Do you have a sexy outfit you can put on?

That said, you do want a good mattress for such intimacy. For some valuable info in this area, be sure to check out this great article about mattresses for couples.

  1. Enhancement Of Mood
    Going to bed with someone besides you will likely positively impact your dreams. Both of you will wake up more refreshed, as the cycle of sleep becomes ingrained into your regular cycles. Altogether, both of you will have a better mood when you regularly spend the night together in the same bed. Moreover, if the both of you want a prolonged sexual experience in bed maybe the use of a delay spray or something similar can also be considered.
  2. Reduced Blood Pressure
    Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night by yourself after having a terrible dream? That’s apt to get your heart pounding. Poor sleep that is in an isolated setting contributes to unhealthy blood pressure. Having someone sleep beside you every day can help you feel much more relaxed. Additionally, regular sexual pleasure can also aid in heart health. When you have a positive mood, your overall health is also enhanced. If you lack intimacy, try using aphrodisiacs or watching vr sex cams to get yourselves in the mood for intimacy.

This is what’s behind inoculation theory. In a nutshell, inoculation is all about safe exposure to inert pathogens so macrophages in your bloodstream learn how to deal with viral interlopers beforehand. Adjuvants keep viruses weak so when the real thing comes, it doesn’t hit you so hard. That’s the idea, anyway; inoculation theory is sound, but adjuvants have their issues.

At any rate, sleeping together has partially the same effect with less risk, and more involved enjoyment overall. When you’re sleeping with someone regularly, you’re in close contact with their unique microbial biome. That biome has aspects of it your own individual biome doesn’t.

Your immune system can interact with your spouse’s biome, “learning”. In a safe environment, your body at the cellular level figures out how to “deal” with diverse threats. Accordingly, when sickness comes, you’ll be able to recover more quickly should you be part of a healthy couple that regularly shares a bed.

More Advantages Than You May Have Expected
Here’s a more comprehensive list of advantages that accompany sleeping together. In a nutshell, five of the most important involve reduced blood pressure and immune system support, better mood, greater intimacy, better sleeping helping to facilitate reduced overall stress, and a relationship that has greater strength overall.

Provided you’ve both got the right sort of mattress, you’ll be able to fall asleep quicker and be more healthy overall. So in a nutshell, though the obvious benefits of intimacy exist, this is really only the very beginning of associated advantages when it comes to the clear benefits of sleeping together as a couple.

Super Foods You Should Get Into Your Family’s Diets

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We all want to fuel our bodies with the best foods that we can supply ourselves with. At the end of the day, if we load our bodies with junk food, excess sugars, excess salts, saturated fats and overly processed products, we don’t get the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that we need to thrive. Plus, we also need to consider the aspect of nutrient absorption by our bodies. Although we may eat all the healthy food possible, our digestive systems may not absorb most of the necessary nutrients leaving us as depleted as before. Consuming cell regeneration supplements along with a wholesome, balanced diet can help increase the bio-availability and nutrient distribution to all the cells of the body, rejuvenating and recharging it to work best. Of course, the key to the perfect, balanced diet is to eat healthy foods in the right quantities. This will take a whole lot of meal planning. But when you’re planning your meals, why not add a few superfoods in? These are foods that are particularly nutritionally dense and good for you. Here are a few to consider.

Steel-Cut Oats

Let’s start out with a superfood that can get your day off to a great start. Oats are a great source of carbohydrates that slowly release energy throughout the day. Not only could eating oatmeal every day provide you with the energy you need to make it through to lunch time, but steel cut oats, in particular, are deemed a superfood! They are less processed than traditional oats and can, as a result, contain more fibre. Try topping your oatmeal with a few of the superfood berries below for a truly great breakfast!


Now, a great number of berries are often classed as superfoods. It can be hard to know where to start when choosing which to eat. So, let’s start out with a relatively common and easily sourced superfood berry – blueberries. These berries are available in most supermarkets and greengrocers. As well as tasting great, they contain a whole lot of vitamins, phytochemicals and soluble fibre. The vast majority of us have tried blueberries in some form in our lives. These berries are versatile. You can eat them as they are, out of the packet and freshly washed. You can add them (as briefly mentioned above) to oatmeal or other breakfast cereals. You can bake them into cakes (sure, this isn’t as healthy a way of eating them, but it is a way to incorporate them into your diet). You can try blueberry jams too. You may even want to try adding blueberries into a smoothie. They work particularly well in green smoothies or fruit smoothies.

Goji Berries

A less commonly eaten berry that has a whole lot of goodness packed into it is goji berries. Goji berries are a food that many of us wouldn’t have even heard of all too long back. But nowadays, most health food stores and even some major supermarkets stock them. So, what’s the big deal with these berries? Well, they contain vitamin A, vitamin C, fibre, iron, zinc, and other antioxidants. Something to bear in mind is that these berries have a pretty distinct taste. Try a small pack to try the taste and see if you like it. If you like them, you can eat them as they are. The majority of people, however, tend to add them into smoothies.

Acai Berries

A final berry to focus on for the time being is acai berries. These are generally lesser known, but they have experienced a surge in popularity over the past couple of years. These are the berries of social media influencers, who have been uploading pictures of Acai bowls and promoting their benefits. It’s claimed that acai berries – the main ingredient of an acai bowl – can help to significantly increase the levels of antioxidants in your blood. Find these beautiful berries in health food stores.


Prunes are a great health food that’s most commonly associated with laxative effects. But eaten in moderation, prunes can be extremely good for you without wielding this side effect. Prunes are actually just dried plums, making them a brilliant source of polyphenols. Polyphenols can help to significantly improve the health of your bones. They can even help to increase your overall bone density. An alternative to simply eating prunes is to drink prune juice, but make sure to clean your teeth thoroughly if you opt to consume prunes this way, as prune juice – like other fruit juices – contains a lot of natural sugars.


Kale has seen a huge increase in popularity over recent years. Not too long ago, few people ate it. But now, it’s available in pretty much any supermarket or food store. Kale is a brilliant leafy green that can fit in well with a wide variety of meals. Whether that’s a roast, with a pie and mash, in a stir fry or with anything else. Kale contains vitamins A, C and K. This is also a particularly great source of plant-based calcium. If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, eating kale can help you to get plenty of calcium into your diet in a seamless way.

Sunflower Seeds

We all know that seeds are good for us. But not enough of us actually incorporate them into our diets. Now, there are countless types of seeds out there, but for now, let’s focus on sunflower seeds. These seeds are packed with both monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, which are important for your body’s functioning and wellbeing. Try snacking on resealable packs of sunflower seeds. If you find this unsatisfying, you can simply throw them in a smoothie or sprinkle them over your oats or cereal.


Sunflower seeds aren’t the only seed to feature on this superfoods list. Flaxseed is another great option for those looking to benefit from seeds in their diet further. Flaxseeds are a great source of plant-based omega 3s, making them a particularly great option for vegetarians and vegans again. They are often milled and have a loose, powdery texture, ideal for stirring into yoghurts or smoothies.


Avocados have skyrocketed in popularity. Nowadays, you can see avocados almost everywhere – on notepads, on t-shirts, on stationery – the list goes on. But how about adding them into your diet too? There are so many delicious ways to eat avocado – from guacamole dip to avocado on toast, sliced avocado in salads or countless other recipes. Avocados are pretty great when it comes to potassium. When we think of potassium, we often think of bananas, but avocados actually contain more!

Olive Oil

If you cook with oil, try using olive oil where possible.While we often think of oils as unhealthy, olive oil contains a whole lot of monounsaturated fats which can help to improve your overall health and wellbeing. You can also find vitamins E and K in olive oil, helping your body to repair from oxidative stress!

Green Tea

Let’s finish off with a drink. Green tea is a great hot drink that contains bioactive compounds, such as catechins, which prevent cell damage in the body. It does have a distinct flavour, but it’s one that many people grow to love. Try it with a spoonful of honey for added sweetness. You can also get plenty of flavoured green teas to make the tea more palatable. Berries, lemon, pear, apple… the list goes on!

Additionally, you might also want to know that organic green tea (similar to Organic Loose Leaf Tea in NZ) is sometimes used as a weight-loss tea by many! By increasing the metabolism of the body, it reduces body fat at a faster rate, thus aiding in weight loss.

Of course, there are many more superfoods out there. But for now, the list above should give you some great ideas to incorporate into you and your family’s diets. Get the ball rolling when you next take a trip to the supermarket by adding some of these foods and ingredients to your basket! They can make all the difference to your overall health and wellbeing and will also help your family to eat a more varied and enjoyable diet t

Baby Bala Masks Giveaway

Welcome to the Chasing Rainbows Giveaway Hop




Enter for your chance to win a package of face masks from Baby Bala



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What you need to know about Airbnb management services

An Airbnb management service refers to a company that manages vacation rental homes on your behalf. Their services can include meeting and greeting guests, check-out, cleaning, marketing activities, and communication with guests.

As you can see, there are several things that an Airbnb management service can do on your behalf. In this way, you can get the right expertise required to maximize your profits. This post discusses what you need to know about Airbnb management services.

The importance of using an Airbnb management service

Many homeowners with vacation rental homes or timeshares usually tend to seek the services of Airbnb management, because they want to rent out their properties during the holiday seasons. While the individuals can hire the services of timeshare exit companies, they can also list it on the Airbnb portal along with the dates, prices, and house rules. Ideally, it is opted by those people who don’t want to manage the short-term lets.

No doubt, it’s always profitable to let during the holiday seasons, though cleaning the property, communicating with guests, and many more can be time-consuming. The good news is that an Airbnb management service can organize the whole management process. See Airbnb management Manchester to get an idea about Airbnb services.

Keep in mind that when you let the property, it means you may not be available on the premises, so delegating the activities makes sense. In the past, many owners usually managed their properties themselves or had their management run the property with the help of neighbors, a cleaner, or even friends. If they have multiple properties that need close management, they may turn to a professional building management company to see what they can do for the properties and help keep the owners on top of what they need throughout the years.

Today, many people feel that hiring an Airbnb management service provider is ideal. This is because such companies create rental value which is usually neglected when you run the property yourself.

You see, many of these Airbnb management companies usually let these vacation homes at a higher rate and often provide a better service. Even better, they also focus on logistics for the clients while creating added-value.

With professional photos that they use to advertise your vacation home, you can expect its visibility to increase significantly. Even better, they offer the technical skills needed to maximize rental incomes.

Furthermore, established Airbnb management service providers can also seek the help of companies like Royal Cyber and similar others in their attempts to connect with clients. By connecting with information technology services such as these, they may be able to integrate with digital platforms and provide seamless booking experiences for those interested in your property.

Affordable management service cost

On average, the costs of the Airbnb management services are around 20% of the night’s rate. Additionally, there are also fixed rates that can be added for each reservation and this can cover the logistical costs. It’s worth noting that these costs are usually passed on to your guests.

That said, it’s always worth using an Airbnb management service because it can increase your income. It tends to increase the occupation rate, especially when you delegate your adverts to them. A good Airbnb management company can replace your old photos with more professional-looking ones.

They can even arrange your advert to appear on various platforms. What’s more, with everything going digital today, they may even contact a company that specializes in Dynamic Creative Ads so that your Aribnb’s advertisements can appear in front of the right audience on their screens. As a result, they can increase the prices of the rooms and occupation rates. In short, you can earn more money by hiring a management service provider without having to worry about management issues.

However, before you decide to hire an Airbnb management service provider, you need to make sure that it has the right experience in your location. Besides, the company needs to have the expertise to run your vacation

Buying A New Mattress? Here’s Why Memory Foam Is The Best Option

Good sleep is key to improving your health, both mental and physical, and having the right mattress is a big part of that. There are all sorts of reasons why people don’t sleep well, but more often than not, it comes down to an old mattress that isn’t giving them the support that they need. If you get the right one, a mattress can reduce your headache, backache, keep you from fidgeting or becoming stiff. So finding the right one is vital for comfort and health.

Image Source – Pexels CCO License


You should watch out for these common signs to determine whether your mattress needs to be replaced or not. If you think that it’s time for an upgrade, you should consider memory foam. Mattress technology has advanced a lot in the last decade and the old spring mattresses may not be the best choice. These are some of the big benefits of using a memory foam mattress.

They’re Great For All Sleeping Positions

Buying a mattress can be confusing because certain ones are good for back sleepers while others are designed for side sleepers. But what if you move around in the night a lot, how do you know what mattress to get? You don’t have that problem with modern memory foam mattresses like the Puffy mattress, for example. You might be surprised to learn the Puffy mattress was featured on Ellen because it’s just that popular. The reason that new mattresses like this are so popular is that they are perfectly comfortable for everybody, no matter what position you sleep in, which is especially good if you are prone to moving around a lot in your sleep.

They Reduce Back And Neck Pain

If you get a lot of back and neck pain as a result of your old mattress, you’ll be pleasantly surprised if you invest in a memory foam one. They mold to your body and give you consistent support all over, meaning that your back and neck are perfectly aligned and there is no pressure. After a few weeks, you will notice a huge difference to your back and neck pain and your overall posture should improve too.

They Are Great At Absorbing Motion

Sharing a bed with somebody that moves around a lot in their sleep is so frustrating. It’s impossible for you to get to sleep because they’re constantly tossing and turning and the mattress is moving around all over the place. Memory foam mattresses solve this issue because they are great at absorbing motion. So, even if your partner is moving around a lot, you won’t feel a thing on your side and you can get a great night’s sleep.

They Are Hypo-Allergenic

Anybody that suffers from allergies should always go for a memory foam bed. The foam is resistant to mold and mildew and it repels pet dander too. Managing allergies with a traditional mattress can be quite tough but with a memory foam mattress, you don’t need to worry about a thing.


If you are looking for a new mattress, it’s always important to consider how you sleep and what kind of mattress you normally like. Everybody is different, but most people will find that a memory foam one is the perfect option for them.

2021 Easter Gift Guide



Easter is one of MamatheFox’s favorite holidays. Celebrating the gift of salvation which is obtained from Christ is celebrated and remembered during this holy time. Jesus died on a Friday, taking the sins of the world with Him into the grave, then conquering death and rising again to life on the 3rd day, Easter Day! John 3:16 tells us that “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Happy Easter to all


For Kids

Rainbowcorns – Sparkle Heart Surprise 

We love all things surprise! When you get a surprise toy the kids get so pumped up. This Easter we are hiding some Rainbocorn Sparkle Heart Surprise toys around the house along with the eggs. There are 6 surprises to uncover. Collect all 6 adorable plush including the Unicorn, Puppycorn, Flamingocorn, Llamacorn, Bunnycorn and Kittycorn. Each package comes with a plastic egg, a surprise color changing stamp boo-boocorn and the Sparkle Unicorn plushie. Keep your surprise in the reusable plastic egg for easy storage.  Which will you reveal first?

Click here to see Rainbocorns Sparkle Heart Surprise

 5 Surprise Unicorn Squad Series 2

Unbox a magical unicorn surprise with 5 Surprise Unicorn Squad! Unwrap, peel and reveal each capsule to find a brand new member of the glitter Unicorn Squad. Every unicorn comes with surprise accessories so you can style her and swap the accessories with rest of the squad! The surprises keep coming with all new stickers for you to decorate and a matching comb so you can groom your unicorn’s glossy neon tail and have her looking fab ! Every unicorn also comes with magical scented glitter Unicorn Poop compound for you to squish and stretch! Can you collect all 13 including the RARE PLATINUM UNICORN? They are the ultimate #glittersquadgoals

Click here to see 5 Surprise Unicorn Squad

Smashers Ice Age Ice Surprise Egg

Slime, fizz and SMASH your way through over 25 icy surprises inside to build the exclusive frozen Smash-o-saur Dino! Use the Arctic Scratch Map to excavate the Dino Ice Age to defrost compounds like the Growing Snow and Crystal Slime with hidden Smash-o-saur pieces. Collect all the pieces to start building one of 3 exclusive frozen Smash-o-saurs! Unfreeze more surprises like Smash Eggs and rebuilders. With access to Rare and Ultra Rare characters like the Blizzard Bear, the icy smashing will never end! Smash your frozen Smash Eggs on the ground, to the wall or anywhere you can think and start building your Dino Ice Age Smashers collection today! Keep track of your entire roar-some collection with our free Collector’s Guide inside every pack or download the Smashers app! The Smashers app allows you to interact with your collection and earn Smash Points to become the ultimate Smashers champion!

Click here to see Smashers Ice Age Surprise Egg

The Bunny EggMazing Egg Decorator Kit 

Looking for a fun way to decorate your Easter eggs this year? Look no further – Using the EggMazing Egg Decorator Kit you simply place a hard-boiled egg in the center slot atop the four rubber-lined wheels, switch it on, grab one of the 8 included markers, and start coloring. The spinning action makes it easy to make perfect stripes and lines all around the entire egg!

Click here to see the EggMazing Egg Decorator Kit


Think Tank Scholar – Sight Words

Flash cards are something that has been such a huge help over the past year with homeschooling our children. These high quality flash cards from Think Tank Scholar are the perfect little gift for kids of any age. Their cards are geared towards kids off all ages, so there is something on the site for every kid. I love the fun colors that our cards are decorated with, it makes learning all the more engaging. Their different categories include preschool, sight words, and math flash cards and each box and/or set is organized so well. There are also a few free worksheets available on their site which is perfect to add to a homeschooling corner.

Click here to purchase

Be Lenka – Play Shoes

This kids shoe that Be Lenka has available is a great addition to Easter baskets. With the changing of the seasons, new shoes are almost a must, at least here in Ohio. Goodbye winter boots, hello tennis shoes! These Be Lenka Play Shoes are so perfect for the shoe shape of a child. The wide toe-box is accommodating to any foot; no more squished toes. Absolutely flat with no arch at all allows for foot muscles to work properly and grow stronger. The flexibility moves with the foot, just how a shoe should; no firm sole that restricts the foot. Possible the best feature is that these shoes are ultra light weight. They are easy for children to put on, and not super clunky like many other shoes. Lots of color options are available for these Be Lenka Play Shoes. Kids will love them!

Click here to purchase

Star Kids Company – The Easter Story Egg

This unique product has quickly become an Easter tradition favorite. The Easter Story Egg comes with a book and a set of 7 wooden nesting eggs that are beautifully painted. The eggs are a visual tool to use in addition to the Easter Story book in this set. The Easter Story Egg takes you through the 7 Holy days leading up and includes Easter Day. Palm Sunday, House of Prayer Monday, Teacher of Love Tuesday, Give and Take Wednesday, Last Supper Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday & Easter Sunday. AS the child opens the next Egg they are reminded of the next step in the journey of Easter that focuses full on Jesus and His amazing gift of salvation.

Click here to purchase

Splay Athletics

Spring is the perfect time to update shoes, and these Splay Athletic shoes are just perfect. These shoes completely move with the child’s feet. They are flexible, thin soled, and have a wide toe box (very wide on in the toe). The single strap allows the shoes to be easily taken off and put on. 100% cotton makes up the majority of the shoe, which is perfect because it naturally fights odors. There are multiple color options available and would make any child, girl or boy, happy on Easter morning.

Click here to purchase

Cultivate What Matters – Write The Word Journal

Many of us want our children to grow and learn in the Word. This journal will help kids love the Word and it will help parents teach it to them. The Write the Word for Kids journal is created for kids ages 5-12 and allows them to focus and learn about the Fruits of the Spirit. Daily art pages, sticker pages, simple scripture pages, gratitude space, emotional “I feel”spaces, and more are all included in this cute journal. The leather cover is not only durable, but water and smudge resistant. This is such a perfect Easter basket filler for kiddos who are ready to jump in to learning more about the Bible.

Click here to purchase



SimplyFun-Save the Pie 

SimplyFun is a direct sales company passionate for playtime. They took the traditional board game and effectively developed them into a line of educational games. From preschool to adult age, SimpleFun has a vast collection covering a diverse number of academic categories. Each game is designed to help children develop unique skills and learn to love learning. For each game SimplyFun provides the educational standards it meets, skills the game focuses on, as well as special needs adaptations. Save the Pie is an adorable collaborative game for children 6 and up working on prediction and memory skills. Players work together to get all 5 characters and their berries to the pie maker before Beary Bear catches up and eats all the delicious berries. Save the Pie is a perfect game to break out during the beautiful spring season! Check out SimplyFun games for all your educational game needs and to encourage a fun and easy way to spend face-to-face time as a family.

Click here to see SimplyFun games


STICK-O First Friends

Magnet tiles are all the rage in the toy market because they are a wonderful STEM activity for growing minds. However they take quite the skills to build and use effectively. Stick-O created adorable magnet sets that can be enjoyed by children as young as 18 months. Rainbow colored magnetic shapes are fun and safe and perfect for brain development. With Stick-O’s First friend set, children work on critical thinking as they use the different shapes to create recognizable objects such as flowers, animals, and bugs. Each Stick-O pieces uses magnets that rotate so your creations will always stick together, assuring playtime is frustration free. This Easter holiday be sure to check out all of Stick-O’s magnet building sets!


Click here to see Stick-O products

Camp Castle Play Mats

This family owned company was created by a mom of boys who love playing with cars. After searching for the perfect play mat and coming up short, she created one of her own. These durable, wipeable, super cute and engaging play mats are so great. The play mats are adorable and are available in many different options including: Dino land, dollhouse, farm, outer space, race track, and more! There are bundle options available too, including a carrying bag and wooden cars. A screen-free, battery-free, and noise-free toy is such a good toy option for Easter baskets. The mat is stylish and super durable, so moms and kids love them!

Click here to purchase

Softstar Shoes

These adorable little moccasins are just perfect for kids of all ages. Sued leather and smooth leather options are available in sizes from infant 0-6 months through youth size 4; kids of all ages can sport these little shoes. The moccasins are fully customizable, so ordering shoes based on a child’s personality or favorite color. There are lots of color options available and personalizing includes choosing the front color of the shoe, the back color of the shoe, and the little button motif inside the circle on the front. These are seriously so cute and such fun, unique gift for an Easter basket.

Click here to purchase


This made to last stainless steel dinnerware for kids is a great way to get plastic out of the home. Kiddobloom’s unique products are super cute and very practical. They have sets available that include a divided plate, a cup, and a bowl. Their silverware is available in two sizes – baby & toddler and kids. All the products are stackable too, so storage is a breeze! Their products are engraved with either a fire truck, airplane, frog, or princess, which makes it super fun for kids, they’ll love the figures on their dinnerware! They also have an option available that is plain and doesn’t include any engraving. This practical gift is not only great for kids, but for parents too!

Click here to purchase

Sugar Plum – Gourmet Easter Egg Hunt Set

Sugar Plum creates exciting and delicious treats. They offer everyday treats as well a specialty treats for holiday, like Easter. This Easter you can now purchase a set of 6 gourmet eggs. Easter Egg Hunt Sets includes six unique decorative metal Easter eggs, including one egg filled with each of the  following: .85oz Mini Pretzels, 1.6oz Pastel Mello Creme Candies, 2oz Assorted Gummy Flowers, 3oz Pastel Egg Jelly Beans, 2 – Milk Chocolate-Covered Sandwich Cookies,  and 1 – Milk Chocolate-Covered Marshmallow. By coming in beautiful pastel egg shaped containers they make for a sweet décor for any kitchen or dining area. Click them link below to see all Sugar Plum has to offer.

Click to see Sugar Plum 

Two Sisters –  Squishy Surprise Toy Bath Bomb’s

Two Sisters is one of MamatheFox’s favorite brands. They have created fun and affordable children’s bath bombs. What makes these special is that in each one of the bath bombs you will find a surprise toy! This bath bomb weighs about 5 oz and is about the size of a tennis ball. Ingredients: sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, Epsom salts, fragrance oils, olive oil, water-based colorant, witch hazel, and colored sugar. Two Sister’s bath bombs will leave your kiddo’s skin super-soft, and the scents will linger on their skin and in their room long after bathtime ends. This bath bomb pack comes with Easter themed surprise toys. We love the Egg with the Bow the best. Which one do you think is the cutest?

Click here to see Two Sisters Bath Bombs

Mamask Bunny Mask 

It seems we will be wearing masks for a bit linger still. Being that our children are not able to be vaccinated due to their age we are still getting new masks to keep our stock fresh and clean. This Easter be sure to order a few masks from Mamask. They have adorable cloth masks, like the bunny one seen here. They are 100% cotton & hand-made masks with bio-washed inner lining & copper ion fabric filter. Double-layered with antimicrobial effect. Flexible nose tip and adjustable silicone stoppers on the ear band for secure fit and minimizing external transmission. Due to the composition of these masks they are not machine washable as they require hand washing only. Click the link below to see all the masks they have to offer.

Click here to see Mamask

  Doctor Plotka’s – Toothbrushes

As a mom who loves making Easter baskets for my kids, I also love to toss in a few needed products like socks, Chapstick and toothbrushes. This year I am adding some toothbrushes from Doctor Plotka’s to their baskets. Their kid sizes toothbrushes are perfect for ages 3 to 12. They work great with braces, which is such a plus. Their break through technology is what really make them stand out. They use silver-infused bristles – these naturally eliminate 99% of bacteria, viruses and fungi within 6 hours.  It also has dual-layered flossing bristles are 10x thinner than leading brands and as thin as a human hair at the tip. They reach places other brushes miss and deep into grooves where 95% of cavities form. Click the link below to see more about these perfect toothbrushes.

Click here to see Doctor Plotka’s Toothbrushes

Think Tank Scholar – Math Flash Cards 

If you want to add some educational products to your child’s Easter basket then you should toss in a few sets of flash cards from Think Tank Scholar. They have addition, subtraction, multiplication and division cards. The full set of flash card comes with 681 math flashcards for kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth & sixth grade students learning all addition, multiplication, division facts 0-12 & all subtraction facts 0-17 +16 bonus facts!  Click the link below to see all the flash card sets Think Tank Scholar has to offer.

Click here to see Think Tank Scholar

UNiTE Food Bars

If you want a few healthy edible items in your child Easter hunt and basket them consider UNiTE Food Bars. They are shaking up the run-of-the-mill bar aisle – uniting globally inspired flavors with wholesome, gluten-free ingredients and superfoods for a nourishing, high-protein snack. From comforting peanut butter and jelly to crave-worthy churro, UNiTE Food Bars represent real people and places. The bars are packed with proteins like nuts, hemp seeds and dates, as well as prebiotic fibers. Inspired by their love of travel and adventure, UNiTE Food is a reflection of vibrant cultures from around the world.

Click here to see UNiTE Food Bars


Thames & Kosmos Gravity Bugs 

This Spring season give a STEM themed gift that will keep kids learning, even from home. Thames & Kosmos is a company passionate about bringing high quality and fun science educational resources to families. They have published more then 250 unique science kits ranging from single experiment kits to cutting-edge science projects. Gravity Bugs is a fairly simple build that teaches children about air pressure and suction cups. With third-generation wall-walking technology, Gravity Bugs can be assembled to defy gravity and climb walls and ceilings. Assembling the bug gives children the chance to learn about inner mechanisms, including gears and an electric circuit. Kids can then experiment with the different surfaces, testing the suction cups ability to work or not work. Young engineers will be enthralled with any of Thames & Kosmos science based kits!

Click here to see Gravity Bugs


Thames & Kosmos Creatto

This Spring season give a STEM themed gift that will keep kids learning, even from home. Thames & Kosmos is a company passionate about bringing high quality and fun science educational resources to families. They have published more then 250 unique science kits ranging from single experiment kits to cutting-edge science projects. Thames & Kosmos’s line of Creatto’s are magical, practical, and fun for any kid. Creattos are simple yet versatile building sets made up of flexible yet durable plastic interlocking tiles. In the magical Moose and First Friends set, 35 tiles easily interlock to construct the 4 different given models. However, children can let their imagination take over and create anything they want! Once a creation is complete 2 AA batteries can give it the power to glow and become a striking piece of art work or night light. Young creative thinkers could play endlessly with any of Thames & Kosmos Creatto kits!

Click here to see Creatoos

 mpix – Personalized Photo Playing Cards

Our kids are getting into playing cards, and this Easter we are so excited to gift them some photo playing cards from mpix. Kids have been stuck at home during the Covid-19 pandemic and we have been having family game nights a lot now a days. They learned how to play war, old maid and some other classic card games. With mpix, you can easily upload a photo and have them put it on a deck of playing cards. They are on premium card stock and feel like any other real deck of playing cards. These also makes an amazing stocking stuffer for teens.

Click here to see MPIX

Baby Delight – Go With Me™ Uplift Deluxe Portable High Chair  

If you have to travel on the holidays, or if you host your Easter celebration then you probably have at least 1 baby or toddler in tow. To make your life easier you should really purchase a Go With Me™ Uplift Deluxe Portable High Chair. We love using this chair! The Uplift is standard table height and is made of a durable indoor/outdoor fabric that can easily be wiped clean. The fully removable plastic tray is wide enough for a plate and has a convenient cup holder for sippy cups or bottles. And when Easter dinner gets really messy, the tray can be put in the dishwasher. It has a 5 point harness to keep the child in position. Recommend ages are 6 to 36 months and has a weight limit of 50 pounds. Click the link below to see this high chair and all the other great products Baby Delight offers.

Click here to see Baby Delight 


 NG Kids Baby Animal Sticker Activity Book

(ages 4-8) With 1,000 stickers and fantastic graphics and text, these high quality, superfun sticker books are a great way for kids to learn about animals and the natural world. The Baby Animals sticker book is chock-full of the cutest creatures on the planet: pandas, piglets, wolf cubs, ponies, polar bears, elephants, bunnies, kittens, puppies, and many more. With a fun, brightly colored design and loaded with animal facts and games–such as mazes, counting, matching and more–this book is sure to provide endless entertainment.
Click here to see Baby Animals Sticker Book

National Geographic Pre-Reader: Ducks

(ages 2-5) – From fuzzy ducklings to graceful birds, waddle your way into this adorable early reader, all about ducks!
Perfect for beginning and young readers, National Geographic Pre-readers include simple, expert-vetted text and large, engaging photos on every page. A vocabulary tree at the beginning of the book introduces kids to key words in concept groups, helping kids make connections between words. Plus, a wrap-up activity gives kids a chance to use what they’ve learned, while expanding their understanding of the world.

 Cutest Animals on the Planet

(ages 8-12) – NEW SERIES ALERT! Meet the world’s most adorable animals and learn fun stuff about them in this aww-some first book in a brand-new series from National Geographic Kids. Whether you like mammals, aquatic creatures, insects, birds, amphibians, or reptiles, this browsable book contains kids’ favorite animals that would ALL be contenders for the grand prize in a cute competition. Big photos pair with upbeat descriptions that highlight each critter’s crazy cool skills and unique behaviors. This adorable book showcases popular animals such as hedgehogs and pandas as well as unusual species such as tapirs, kakapos, and pangolins. Special features include a head-to-head cute-off, sure to keep readers amused and informed. Perfect for curious tweens, animal lovers, and future veterinarians alike.

Treasury of Bible Stories

by Donna Jo Napoli, illus. by Christina Balit (ages 8-12)

A worthy cultural treasury with appeal to both the faithful and irreligious.” — Kirkus

Noah’s Ark, Moses, David and Goliath, the ten plagues, Daniel and the lions’ den, Jonah and the giant fish, and many more of the Bible’s most powerful stories — 27 in all — are compellingly retold in this beautifully illustrated treasury. Readers will be fascinated by the ancient people and events they encounter, surprised by some of the lesser known accounts revealed, and inspired by the lessons these tales impart. Stories cover important ground beyond religion, such as culture, history, and geography, and they touch on issues that remain relevant today–faith, loyalty, kindness, violence, generosity, greed, jealousy, and more. These accessible, readible stories give kids a rich picture of biblical times, which encourages them to think about our role in the world and to learn more.

Napoli’s magical storytelling is sure to ignite children’s imaginations. Along with Balit’s stunning art, this is a book kids will want to explore again and again–a classic that families can read aloud together.

Click here to see Treasury of Bible Stories

5,000 Awesome Facts About Everything

(ages 8-12) This book is literally busting its covers with fascinating, fun-tastic facts on super, sensational topics that kids love. Who knew that there were so many sweet  things to learn about chocolate or that a dozen delicious details about peanut butter would show up on a page with a few splotches of jelly to whet our appetites? Keep turning and a terrifyingly toothy shark tells  you all about himself, while other spreads lay out tons of tips on toys and games, mysteries of history, robots and reptiles, sports and spies and wacky words.   A visual feast of colorful photographs surrounded  by swirling, tipping, expanding, and climbing bits of information in a high-energy design, this book will satisfy both the casual browser and the truly fact obsessed.


Celebrate Easter

(ages 6-9) – The joyous celebration of Easter is seen through a global perspective in this National Geographic volume featuring over 25 vibrant photographs. Witness the holiest day on the Christian calendar as it is celebrated throughout the world: from the famous Easter Egg Roll at the White House to the traditional bonfires throughout Europe, to colorful customs, to the universally popular dying of eggshells worldwide.

The first-person narrative leads young readers through the origins and traditions of this springtime festival of rebirth and hope. Reverend George Handzo gives parents and teachers a historical and cultural background in his informative note.

Click here to see Celebrate Easter

Paint Your Own Squishy

If your kids are anything like mine, then they are squishy obsessed. If this sounds like your kids then you have to get them this paint your won squishy kit. This kit contains perfected tested, curated 3 fabric paint pots in teal, pink and white, one brush and a super slow rise bunny in a mug. This super slow rise Squishy Kit contains all you need to paint your own adorable bunny squishy along with a color mixing chart. Your kiddos are in for loads of fun with this squishy painting kit! If they want to use any colors that are not included with this kit you can use any fabric paint. Feeling this Easter Bunny themed squishy in their hands can give them a great sensory toy and can be used as a stress relief tactic too.

Click here to see the Paint Your Own Squishy

Little GF Chefs

Cooking and baking with kids is such a fun activity to incorporate in daily life. These Little GF Chefs Subscription kits are such a great gift for kids and parents. Their allergy-friendly baking kits are really good for families who need some special help in the kitchen. The kits have everything you need to make different things like cake pops, pizza, rainbow pop tarts, and more. Subscription options are available every 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. This is such a fun option for kids of all ages!

Click here to see Little GF Chefs


This awesome platform is perfect for kids who have family members that live far away. A combination of video chat and children’s library books, this virtual story time platform is such a great way to have family read all together from miles away. Multiple accounts in all different locations can read the same book all together; so grandma could read a book with multiple grandchildren families who live in different places. Readeo has an extensive library with many award-winning books included. There are also new books added each week to the platform, so children never get bored! This is such a unique gift, and one that will keep on giving.

Click here to view Readeo

For Teens

Naked Nutrition

Veggies are super important for people of all ages, especially adolescent. This Green Super Foods Powder is such a great way to hide nutrition in food and/or drinks. The powder is detoxifying, stress reducing, and supports gut health and immune function. Packed with not only six different vegetables and grasses but also probiotics, probiotics, and adaptogens. There are no artificial sweeteners or additives, which is maybe the best part! This is a unique and yummy Easter basket filler that will benefit parents and their kids.

Click here to purchase

 Rooted and Grounded – Prayer Journal

Is there a better way to celebrate the resurrections of Christ than with a prayer journal? Probably not to a young teen. As your children get older and their relationship with God strengthens you will want to encourage and enable them to keep growing. By gifting them this prayer journal you will help them grow through guided questions and scriptures’. By using this journal daily, it will help them to stay focused on the Lord and to ‘pray continuously’ like we are commanded to in 1 Thes 5. This journal has 5 sections: The Lord is my Shepherd, The Lord is Lovingkindness, The Lord is my Righteousness, The Lord is my Peace and The Lord is my Healer. Check out this journal and all the other great products at Rooted and Grounded in the link below.

Click here to see Rooted and Grounded

 Sequence – The Game

Looking for a preteen Easter gift? Look no further because here it is. It’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s exciting, it’s SEQUENCE! Play a card from your hand, and place a chip on a corresponding space on the game board. When you have five in a row, it’s a SEQUENCE. Learn to block your opponents or remove their chips, and watch out for the Jacks – they’re wild! With a little strategy and luck, you’ll be a winner. This game is great for STEM skills and can be spiced up by playing that the Jacks with 2 eyes can place a coin anywhere on the board! Best for 2-12 players, ages 7 and up.

Click here to see Sequence


Mastermind Vertical Box – The Game

Test your code-cracking prowess with Mastermind, the challenging game of logic and deduction. Can you crack the code in 10 moves or less? Can you create a code that can’t be cracked? With more than 55 million units sold, Mastermind is a great strategy game . . . and one of the world’s most popular games ever. It’s easy to learn and fast to play, and with more than 2,000 possible codes, it’s different every time. The Codemaker sets a secret code, and then the Codebreaker tries to match the code using logic, deduction, and maybe even a little bit of luck. After each move, the Codemaker gives clues to the Codebreaker. Make the code even more devious by using multiple pegs of the same color or by leaving one or more peg holes empty. With so many possible code combinations, every game is guaranteed to be a brainteaser. For 2 players, ages 8 and up. Includes game console with built-in storage tray and code peg shield, 108 code pegs in 6 colors, 30 key pegs in two colors, and complete instructions.

Click here to see Mastermind Vertical Box


Rummikub – The Game

With more than 55 million units sold, Rummikub is one of the world’s best-selling and most-played games! It’s really no surprise that Rummikub is so popular – it has all the elements that make a great game: it’s easy to learn and fast moving, it’s different every time it’s played, it combines luck and strategy, and it changes quickly so every player has a chance to win until the very end. Players take turns placing numbered tiles in runs (consecutive numbers of the same color) and groups (three or more of the same number in different colors), rummy style. It’s easy to learn, but packed with strategy – the “board” changes all the time as players adjust the tiles on the table. The Joker tiles add to the fun and can be used as any color or number. Be the first player to play every tile on your rack to win! Reinforces STEM skills like sequencing, pattern recognition and planning. Rummikub includes 106 high-quality plastic tiles, 4 plastic tile-holder racks, and complete instructions. For 2-4 players, ages 8 and up.

Click here to see Rummikub

Chill Mama’s – The CBD Products Mama’s Actually Want

With the growing popularity of companies like Herb Angels, it’s no wonder more moms are turning to CBD and cannabis to reduce stress and improve sleep. I am one of those moms.

I’m a mom. I’m a wife. I’m a friend. and…I can get very overwhelmed.

I struggle with sleeplessness and restlessness. I have a very hard time sitting still and relaxing. So, I have decided to try to dive into the world of CBD products. This is a new journey for me. I will document my thoughts and the products I try. Here is some information about what CBD is, who may benefit from them.

— The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. —

CBD – What it is?

I am sure by now you have heard the term “CBD” a ton of times. But, do you know what it really is? CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound from the Cannabis sativa plant. It is the compound of cannabis that is responsible for relaxation, not “the high”, and can be consumed in many ways. There’s inhalation, which is probably the fastest way to enjoy the effects, that can be done with the help of a vape, or other dab accessories. The next method is ingestion (edibles), which, as the name suggests, can be cooked and taken orally. Lastly, there are topicals, that can be used for muscle pain and soreness relief. And these come in the form of lotions and full spectrum CBD oil.

“It’s a naturally occurring substance that’s used in products like oils and edibles to impart a feeling of relaxation and calm. Unlike its cousin, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the major active ingredient in marijuana, CBD is not psychoactive.” –

What are the Health Benefits?

While the use of CBD is still fairly new, the medical field is still learning about the usage and benefits of CBD. Many brands and consumers are leaning on CBD products from people like nuleaf to help with several issues, such as PTSD, anxiety and help with falling asleep.

CBD is advertised as providing relief for anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is also marketed to promote sleep. Part of CBD’s popularity is that it purports to be “nonpsychoactive,” and that consumers can reap health benefits from the plant without the high – The New York Times

Why Try CBD Products?

People who have the following are the main people seeking the benefits of CBD products.

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • aid in sleep/insomnia
  • some forms of chronic pain

Products to Consider

Here are some CBD products you may want to look into and try out for yourself.

— The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. —

Scroll through the list below to find CBD products that may appeal to you. The product categories are:


  • Tinctures are an edible oil
  • Typically come in bottles with droppers to allow precise measurement. When applied under the tongue, it is a relatively fast-acting form of CBD, usually taking effect in about 30 minutes and lasting six or seven hours.


  • Capsules are taken orally. They go through your digestive system, taking an hour or two for you to feel the effect.


  • Edibles include anything you can eat that contains CBD
  • Includes products like gummies, drinks, food


  • Topicals don’t deliver CBD into your bloodstream
  • Includes products like lotions, cosmetics, menthol rubs, lip balm, bath bombs etc…


Kwan Pain Relief Lotion

If you are over the age of 30, then odd’s are you get weird back pain out of nowhere. There are days I wake up with a sore back just from sleeping in a weird position. Then there are days I push myself while working out and get a sore leg or my lower back starts to ache. I started to use Kwan Pain Relief Lotion and was shocked at how fast it worked. One night I had a very sore back, even getting those small sharp tweaking muscle pain. I applied a coat to the effected area. After a few minutes I felt the lotion working. A nice cool feeling spread and the smell allowed me to sit back and relax. When I woke up the next morning I had zero, literally no pain. If you have back pains, arthritis or cramps, try this lotion. You are going to thank me.

Click here to see Kwan Pain Relief Lotion

The Healing Rose – Bath Soaks

After a long day this mama love to unwind with a warm bath. To help me elevate the experience I often use some bath soaks from The Healing Rose. Their bath soaks contain 300 mg of CBD, giving you just the right amount per milligram. The Healing Rose is a MDAR licensed processor handcrafting body care and oils using 100% USDA Certified Organic essential oils, carrier oils, butters, waxes, & herbs. They offer a broad variety of products, such as: massage oils, salves, oils, lip balms and more. Being Cruelty free, paraben free, GMO Free, & Gluten Free you know you can trust the products from The Healing Rose.

Click here to see The Healing Rose

Hempward Farms- Body Butter

Many CBD companies strip out each part and then recombines them in an artificial way, thankfully Hempward Farms doesn’t believe in changing what nature already does so well. Their products retain all the natural terpenes and flavonoids which are already in the plants, and we keep diligent records of analyses of each batch. Hempward offers products for humans, equines and canines. They created a body butter which I find amazing. Their hemp is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. This luxurious body butter infused with full spectrum CBD extract to nourish and soothe dry skin. Each jar contains 1000mg full spectrum hemp extract.

Click here to see Hempward Farms

Vertly – Bath Salts

When this mama gets that wonderful alone time, I choose to take a quiet, relaxing bath. This allows me to slow myself, take some very needed slow breaths and simply unwind. Vertly believes that skincare is selfcare, and I completely agree with them. Vertly starts making their products by having California farmers and and herbalists grow their plants. They know that when they bloom they are using only the finest selection. By using hemp topically you can expect anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, making it great for the skin, joints and muscles.

Click here to see Vertly

Vertly – Lip Butter

As a mom who relies on lip butters on a daily bases, I am always searching for my new favorite. Whelp, I found it. The lip butter from Vertly is seriously amazing. To start off the tube is thick, giving the product the protection it needs is you are like me and carry it in your pants pockets. The top comes off by twisting, like a jar, instead of just sliding off. I love this feature. But what we all really care about is how it feels and works. Vertly adds kokum butter, shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, jojoba oil, and hempseed oil. All of these ingredients adds a powerful moisturizing quality. As for the hemp, Vertly varies the amount of Hemp extract in their products based on the products purpose. Take their lip balm – they approach the Hemp extract like a vitamin allowing for smaller amounts to be absorbed into the skin through daily use, supplementing the body’s natural reserves.

Click here to see Vertly

Populum – Lavender + CBD Face Oil

As we age, as all mom’s do, our skin starts to change. We seem to always have dry skin, and the wrinkles start to show up. While we cant stop from aging, we can use skincare products that help keep a more youthful look and keep your skin hydrated and reduce fine lines. I started to use Populum’s face oil and I absolutely love it! The bottle contains 250 mg of CBD. Cannabidiol offers some serious antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. They can be beneficial in treating skin concerns like inflammation, dryness and free radical damage. To achieve the best results you should use this product every night before bed. Lavender is the scent used for calming, so it gives you that simple scent to aid in your rest each evening.

Click here to see Populum

Pure Hemp Botanicals – Love Your Body Kit

After a full day of holding a baby, carrying laundry around, making meals your body starts to ache and feel warn down. Your hands are dry from all the washing and sanitizing, and your lips could be chapped form the cold weather (I see you mid-west). If this sounds like you then you need to consider trying Love Your Body Kit from Pure Hemp Botanicals. It contains a 100mg Peppermint Lip Balm, a 100mg Warming Balm and a 400mg Body Lotion. The warming balm is made with potent botanicals, vegan ingredients and is infused with relaxing therapeutic grade lavender essential oil. It comes in an easy to use roll-up stick to massage into skin mess-free. The warming sensation is so nice and you can feel it soaking in and working. This is powered by CBD, Arnica, hydrating plant botanicals and a soothing aromatherapy blend. The lotion Delivers you moisture therapy and pure CBD through your skin barrier for optimal nourishment . Simply apply to this lotion to your skin and your dry patches. The lotion is made with 400mg of CBD, high-quality botanicals such as aloe leaf juice, rosemary oil, white willow bark extract, and a combination of soothing carrier oils to deliver CBD to the skin purely and effectively. Lastly, is the lip balm. This mama LOVES this lip balm so very much. It protects my lips from cracking and general dryness. I love that is is made with avocado butter and hemp seed oil. Check out this kit with the link below.

Click here to see Pure Hemp Botanicals


Verma Farms – Dried Fruit

Some manufacturers distill their product from plants doused in pesticides, while others adulterate them with low quality or synthetic ingredients. When you add-in how many companies that don’t accurately measure the amount of cannabidiol in their products, it’s no wonder a lot of people don’t believe in the power of CBD. Thankfully, Verma Farms takes their job seriously and makes products of the highest quality. I personally love their Dried Fruits. The Dried Fruit is sweet, just the right amount of chewiness. Verma Farms makes the following flavors: Island Pineapple Party, Rainbow Papaya, and Maui Mango.

Click here to see Verma Farms


At JustCBD, they believe that you have the right to know what is inside your CBD products. It is their mission and promise never to misrepresent the content of their products. With the help of world-class labs to test our products, they are confident that JustCBD is made with industry-leading quality, honesty, and love. They have a very broad product line. From vegan gummies, capsule, vape pens and even honey sticks. Personally I find CBD infused honey sticks the perfect amount for my evening tea. The CBD is perfectly folded into the honey making to easy to digest. The honey sticks come in several flavors: standard honey flavor, grape, cinnamon and raspberry. Their coconut oil makes cooking with CBD a breeze.

Click here to see JustCBD

Smile – CBD Vegan Gummies – Balance

Smile is a unique CBD brand dedicated to keeping you present, peaceful, and in the zone. They believe the combination of using CBD and smiling can make a huge difference in your life. What they found is when you combine CBD and smiling you can these results: Improved mood, Alleviated symptoms to anxiety and depression and can give you relief from stress. I tried the gummy Balance from Smile. They also offer unwind, energize and rejuvenate gummies. Balance gummies come in 3 flavors, Fresh Watermelon, Acai Blast and Passion Fruit. These contain 5-HTP which 5-HTP is used for sleep disorders such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, and many other conditions. Let us know what you think of Smile when you try them.

Click here to see Smile

ECO Therapy – Mints

ECO Therapy provides us with a unique CBD product, mints. Each mint contains 10 mg of CBD. They offer 3 flavors/features: Citrus/Revive, Wintermint/Relax and Vanilla/Rest. These mints taste so nice and the affects are noticeable. ECO Therapy products are infused with all natural essential oils and vitamins to deliver the optimal effect. What makes ECO Therapy unique is that they took the power of CBD with scientifically validated terpenes and essential oils. By adding these together they created the love child of Mother Nature and modern science. To order these mints click the link below.

Click here to see ECO Therapy

Infusionz – CBD Coffee

When this mama needs to wake up in the morning, I need my coffee. I need need need it. When I first heard about Infusionz coffee I was instantly interested. This coffee contains 100% Arabica coffee beans grown high in the Colombian mountains, in rich soils that maximize the boldness of the coffee’s flavor alluding to the fact that this has the naturally occurring caffeine any bean would have. Infusionz added 200 mg of water soluble CBD, giving this coffee that extra something. It is naturally sweet with flavor notes of vanilla and caramel – all the coffee flavors I prefer. We love that it comes in a can, keeping the coffee well contained to maximus freshness. Click the link below for more information on this fun coffee.

Click here to see Infusionz

Infusionz – NANO CBD Fruit Snacks

Infusionz created an amazing fruit snack that is perfect for mama’s getting ready for bed. This particular fruit snack has a 3 to 1 ratio of NANO CBD to CBN – making this perfect for consumption at bedtime. This bottle has three flavors: lemon, strawberry and watermelon. They are vegan and pectin based, and are made of natural ingredients. It contains naturally occurring Broad Spectrum or Full Spectrum cannabinoids – the cannabinoids are cooked directly into the fruit snack! There are trace amounts of THC Delta-9 which can possibly result in a failed drug test.

Click here to see Infusionz

The Hemp Division – Hot Tea

If you are like me, I love to have a warm cup of tea after the kids go to bed. I can relax with a book, a blanket and relax while sipping on tea. If you are like me, then you have to try out The Hemp Divisions tea’s. They offer a wide variety of flavors, strength of CBD and package quantities. For a relaxing night I like their ‘Chill’ Chamomile Mint. Its contains 16 mg of CBD per sachet. After you boil or heat up 12 ounces of water drop the sachet in to allow the tea to seep into the water. Add honey, sugar, milk or whatever you like with your tea. This tea is caffeine free, making it just right for your bedtime unwind. Click the link below to see all the tea’s The Hemp Division has to offer.

Click here to see The Hemp Division

Elixinol – Good Mood Gummies

Good Mood CBD Gummies are a flavor-filled way to experience all the benefits of CBD – from daily wellness to relief from occasional stress to finding a calmer mindset. Good Mood Gummies are made with full-spectrum hemp extract for an effective amount of CBD, and fruit extract for a sweet, delicious taste. Good Mood. Great taste. You’ve found the CBD sweet spot! This mams likes to take one of these gummies after dinner. This helps me stay level headed when I am trying to get the kids ready for bed – which is quite a task most nights. Try all the available flavors: Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Mixed Berry and an assorted flavor option.

Click here to see Good Mood Gummies


elixinol – Tranquility Capsules

If you are a mama who needs just a bit of help going to sleep or calming down from the day, then you definitely want to try elixinol’s tranquility bundle. This bundle comes with 3 CBD capsules bottles: Daily Balance, Calm Stress Support and Good Night. Their Daily Balance is great for achieving the peace throughout your day. When your anxiety creeps up, then Less Stress is the way to go. Finally, when it is time to fall asleep once all your kids are safely asleep themselves, I take a Good Night capsule. These really help me stay asleep. I never get groggy or are unable to wake up if my family needs me. No, these just help me not wake up after an REM cycle, which gives my body the rest it needs. elixinol offers a very broad variety of products like gummies, lip balms and a sports gel. Click the link below to see this bundle and all their other stellar products.

Click here to see elixinol

Sound Supplements – Sleep Softgels

Sound Supplements released a softgel capsule that helps aid in falling asleep. They focus on CBN. CBN is known as the “Sleep Molecule.” Their Sleep Softgels are designed to provide an easy, accurate dose of CBD in every softgel.  They recommend you start with one capsule each night. If the desire effects are not notices in 1 week, they recommend adding another softgel, making it 2 per night. After a week or two you they say you should feel the effects. If not they say you can go up to 3 softgel nightly. Each softgel contains 5 mg CBN. I find these to the trick at 2 per night. I have not experienced any bad aftertaste. These seem to do the trick and are an easy way to help aid in a quicker bedtime routine.

Click here to see Sleep Softgels

Joy Organics – CBD Softgel with Curcumin

Joy Organics is a family run business that prides themselves on their high quality standards with the values of compassion and excellence. Joy Organics understands the value of giving back. Each year they donate to a nonprofit organization which means each purchase helps another person’s life. This Mama has really enjoyed the CBD Softgels with Curcumin. Curcumin is a derivative from turmeric, which is known to help aid in muscle and join aches. The size of their softgels are significantly smaller than other capsules you will find in the marketplace. This means the ingredients will enter your bloodstream quickly. If you are looking for some help with joint issues, then this is the capsule of you. Use coupon code MAMAFOX for 20% off your Joy Organics order.

Click here to see Joy Organics

FOCL – Day Capsules

If you are looking for a way to get focused, increase your energy and achieve the awesome feeling of being in balance then you have to try these capsules. The perfect blend of energetic adaptogens + premium hemp CBD to help you stay focused and power through your to-do list like never before. Is has 6 main ingredients. The one’s that stand out are Lion’s Mane (this supports cognitive performance to beat brain fog),
Rhodiola Rosea (this fights fatigue to help keep you energized all day long and
L-theanine (this helps improve concentration, memory and focus). Using this combination along with their high quality CBD you can stay focused and productive all day long.

Click here to see FOCL


Joy Organics – Full Spectrum CBD Oil – Fresh Lime

As I previously mentioned (see Joy Organics – CBD Softgel with Curcumin above), Joy Organics is a brand you can trust. Their full spectrum CBD oil’s are USDA Certified-Organic, vegan and alcohol-free. Each bottle holds one ounce of Premium CBD oil. This blend has organic key lime oil and stevia to make it taste good. Often times tinctures taste horrible, making people have a bad mindset on tincture. If this happened to you, then I suggest trying Joy Organics Fresh Lime, you can not only taste the difference, but will feel the calming and a great version of yourself. The tinctures come in unflavored, lemon, mint and orange.

Click here to see Joy Organics

SOL CBD – Advanced Sleep Formula With CBD

If you are looking for a quick way to unwind and fall asleep then you need to try SOL CBD’s Advanced Sleep Formula With CBD. Simply take a the dropper, fill it completely with the formula and mix it in a small amount of water (I used 2 or 3 tablespoons or water with one dropper). Mix it well and drink. What is special about this particular product is that is is the only product in the world containing 6 powerful nutrients encapsulated in an advanced liposomal technology shown to help you fall asleep fast and remain in deep sleep. It combines GABA, melatonin, 5-HTP, valerian root, passion flower and CBD. By using this combination it produces a relaxing feel that helps this mama fall asleep. Let me know what you think of this product when you try it out.

Click here to see SOL CBD

FOCL – CBD Drops

FOCL has a lovely line of CBD Drops – a premium product that can quickly calm the mind + body. They have 3 delicious, fruity flavors, each has either 300mg or 1000mg per bottle. Their Mint Drops were ranked 2020’s Best CBD Oil by Heathline. Each bottle contains only 3 ingredients, flavor (mint, cherry or orange swirl), Broad-Spectrum Hemp CBD and Organic MCT Oil. The MCT is extracted from baby coconuts, this natural, healthy fat has been found to help support brain function, memory and heart health with a smoother flavor and consistency. This product is used to help you relax and recover, calm your mind, ease your everyday stress and fall asleep quicker. As a busy mom, I have a hard time relaxing at night, I cannot seem to slow down. By adding these Mint CBD Drops I can relax when I need to get ready for bed. Click the link below to see all the products FOCL has to offer.

Click here to see FOCL

Pure Hemp Botanicals – Pure Sleep

Pure Hemp Botanicals is a brand that this mama really likes. This is amazing for mama’s who are having a hard time falling asleep and/or staying asleep. This tincture has 900 mg of cannabinoids per bottle. It contains 750 mg of CBD + 150mg of CBN per bottle. They added in 2 mg of melatonin per serving, which also aid in sleep. This combine with tranquility terpenes makes for an effective product. Terpenes are a calming, relaxing synergistic blend of plant terpenes that include Beta-Caryophyllene, D-Limonene, Linalool, Nerolidol, and Myrcene to relax the body and ease the mind for a tranquil night’s rest. Take one dose about 30 minutes before bed. To read more about this great product click the link below.

Click here to see Pure Hemp Botanicals

Mission Farms CBD – Pure, Relieve, Rest, Relax

If you are looking for a nice trial pack to start your first CBD experience then look no further. Mission Farms has curated the perfect oil bundle that has all 4 experiences you want. Each of the bottles contains 250 mg of CBD plus an essential oil to ramp up the effectiveness. The Pure is used for reducing inflammation, stress, and discomfort. They use full-spectrum CBD which makes it effective at boosting mood, energy, and overall wellness. Pure is mixed with vanilla mint. Relieve CBD Oil is an all-natural synergy of full-spectrum CBD and essential oils to calm inflammation, soothe aches, and ease your body’s discomfort so you feel good again. Relax CBD Oil is an all-natural synergy of full-spectrum CBD and essential oils to improve your mood and quiet your nervous system when you’re stressed. Finally, my favorite, Rest CBD Oil is used for deep and restorative sleep. Take a dose before bedtime, then sleep deeper, and wake refreshed, ready for the day. Click the link below to not only check out these oils, but all the other products they offer (look at the goats milk soap!)

Click here to see Mission Farms CBD

Elixinol – Daily Balance Tincture (Cinnamint)

Are you searching for a product that is going to help you get through your day and help you feel consistent in mood and attitude? The Cinnamint Tincture from Elixinol is going to be my suggestion. Elixinol makes a key difference in their products as compared to others. They add in beta-caryophyllene (BPC), an important terpene naturally found in hemp, to enhance the overall formulation. Simple ingredients, come together to make something that is, well, kind of amazing. BPC really helps with natural absorption and efficiency. Read more about this tincture in the link below.

Click here to see Elixinol – Daily Balance Tincture (Cinnamint)

How to Study Complex Material Online – What is the Future of Medical Studies?

Online education has rapidly advanced over the years, with many more opportunities to learn and study materials online. Students are able to study what they want from where they want in the best way that applies to them, they still go through the same thing in-person students go through just in a different way. For example, taking natural caffeine pills for studying as well as stocking up on pens and highlighters is certainly a part of their educational lifestyle, there is a difference but that is not a hindrance. Study materials are available even for complex topics in medical studies. What does this mean for the future of medical studies, and how can online resources be used to study complex material?

(Image by StockSnap from Pixabay)

It is easier than ever to study complex materials online with a variety of resources available to enhance the learning experience. Writing services have made a great leap forward. Now med students can order high-quality essays from experts. For those who have a tight budget, there are fortune-saving sites, such as With its help, students can get free coupons and discounts. While it is important to have these resources available for other types of studies, medical studies topics present a unique need for these types of educational tools to facilitate studying.

Online resources for medical students are not only a needed resource because of the complexity of the material, but students also have a need for readily available study tools for their medical licensure exams and doctoral degree coursework.

This article will discuss how the ability to study and learn online is impacting the future of medical studies and will provide some examples of online tools and resources to study these complex materials virtually.

What is the Future of Medical Studies?

Technological advancements have enhanced the capabilities of studying and learning online. Medical concepts and study materials can be practiced online, taught virtually, and studied on a variety of different platforms. These new technological capabilities raise the inevitable question of how this will shape medical studies moving forward.

According to a study on the impact of virtual learning on medical studies from Academic Medicine, the future of medical studies includes the use of online learning because of its individualized approach, collaboration opportunities, and its vast ability to facilitate learning. It is a way to further advance learning capabilities and it is a great opportunity for growth.

Access to online resources will continue to grow, and technological advancements in the medical field will only allow learning to grow even further and improve knowledge on these subjects. For instance, now students can access medical definitions, journals, research papers, and studies along with a universal medical dictionary through online study websites.

A variety of resources are available for online learning and studying, specifically in the medical field. Here are just a few of the resources that can be used to study complex medical materials online.

Take an Online Course

(Photo by from Pexels)

In addition to virtual learning in higher education settings, there are also other online course opportunities for studying complex materials and advancing knowledge on complex topics.

For example, Lecturio offers online study courses and materials to help prepare students for the USMLE Step 1 medical licensure exam. Their online resources include study guides and materials, lectures from professional teachers, and more.

The courses are focused on a wide variety of complex topics in the medical field. Medical students can take online courses to practice for their medical licensure exams, enhance their knowledge, and study complex topics. These types of online courses can be a great addition to medical studies.

Download Study Tools/Apps

Similarly to taking an online course, there are also study tools and apps available specifically for medical studies. Depending on the area of study, there are tools to help students prepare for medical exams, study for higher education courses, and more.

Study tools also come in many forms. Students have the ability to create flashcards online, take practice quizzes, review study materials, and so on. According to John Hopkins Medicine, some of the best study tools for medical exam preparation include websites and apps with flashcard capabilities, interactive videos, electronic boards for taking notes, and more.

Purchase Online Textbooks

(Photo by Lum3n from Pexels)

Studying complex materials doesn’t always have to be done using online facilitated learning methods. Students can also study online simply by purchasing an online textbook and researching on their own. Online textbooks are helpful for research, looking up definitions for complex terms, and are overall a great resource to have in addition to other study materials.

Online textbooks are also widely available and easy to purchase. In a study conducted by the Journal of the Medical Library Association, medical students were shown to use e-books for supplementary material, in addition to print textbooks, when they had e-books readily available to them. Today, because online textbooks are readily available for purchase on a variety of websites, they can be a valuable tool.

Buy a Subscription

Along with online textbooks, purchasing subscriptions from medical journals can be another helpful way to study complex topics in the medical field. Accessed completely online, these subscriptions can be a great tool in addition to the other study materials listed.

Many of these subscriptions come with free benefits as well, such as access to educational exercises, archives, and more study tools. For example, the New England Journal of Medicine offers an online subscription with access to resources such as a digital archive, videos, illustrations, and more.

These online tools for studying complex materials are valuable and helpful resources for facilitating and helping with studying. Although there are many more online tools that are also helpful, these are the main four tools that are easily accessible, available completely online, and are great support tools for medical studies.

Academic citations:

Ruiz, Jorge G. MD; Mintzer, Michael J. MD; Leipzig, Rosanne M. MD, PhD The Impact of E-Learning in

Medical Education, Academic Medicine: March 2006 – Volume 81 – Issue 3 – p 207-212.

Folb, Barbara L et al. “Clinical and academic use of electronic and print books: the Health Sciences

Library System e-book study at the University of Pittsburgh.” Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA vol. 99,3 (2011): 218-28. doi:10.3163/1536-5050.99.3.009.

A Step-wise Guide of “Things to do” When Someone Close to You Dies

The hardest part of losing someone is that you can’t share the same moments with them ever again.

Losing someone is daunting but closing the life they lived is even more challenging. Everything from consulting a funeral home director to closing financial accounts or subscriptions often makes it quite stressful.

Understandably you might not be aware of all requisites of settling the deceased family member’s or loved one’s affairs. But nobody said you had to do it all alone. You can take assistance from an attorney regarding the financial matters, get in touch with funeral directors to handle all the funeral arrangements, and friends or family for emotional support.

But you can’t take the help unless you know how to go about it! So, here is the checklist of the “things to do” in no particular order. Let’s begin!

Tell Your Friends and Family

Obviously, you are devastated by the news of losing your beloved. But you need to inform friends and family. What you can do is ask someone close to you to spread the word. You can also use the help of social media to let people know. Or you can try sending group texts or mass emails. You can choose whatever medium suits you best.

Get an Official Declaration of Death

You would require an official declaration of death. Only then can you get the death certificate. Usually, the hospital or the nursing home will handle this part for you. However, if your loved one died at home, you’ll need to get in touch with a medical professional to declare death. For this, all you have to do is call 911.

Death certificates are an important necessity to settle the deceased’s estates, health, life or car insurance
clearances, and other things.

Look for Funeral Homes Nearby

Before this, you need to search for documents or will (if any) to find out if the deceased had any prepaid burial plan. If not, you need to choose a funeral home by yourself or with the help of your family. But make sure you decide on all the specifics or services and the location. For instance, if you are a Los Angeles resident, finding a los angeles mortuary will be beneficial. Also, you need to decide about the last rites. For instance, are you planning for burial or cremation? Doing so will allow you to make necessary arrangements accordingly.

Track Down Assets or Debts

Once you are done with the memorial or funeral service, the next thing would be making an inventory list of all the assets. This might take even months or years. However, if you hire an attorney, they will provide you with all the steps to close all the necessary assets, such as estate, tax returns, brokerage, or bank accounts, quickly.

Other than that, you must create a list of pending bills and settle them accordingly. Also, don’t forget to cancel subscriptions, such as newspapers, magazines, cellphone, or the internet.

In case the deceased has left a will, maybe written with the help of a professional from a Wills & Estate Law firm, an attorney would also help you get clarity on that. It would ensure everyone gets their share of the inheritance, as decided by the deceased, so that there is no clash or dispute among family members.


Losing a family member or a loved one is quite excruciating. But you need to settle things quickly and get back to your life. If there are valuables, such as jewelry or cash, lock them up until all the necessary legal formalities are settled. Ask a friend or relative living nearby (if you are far) to water the plants and do the necessary things.