If there is one thing that you can say to make a salesperson pay attention to you or turn their head, you can talk to them about how to convert clicks into sales.  That is especially true as electronic commerce (ecommerce) takes the globe by storm.  We have all had to adapt, and that certainly applies in this context as well.

So – how can we do it?  Well, there is no one, easy answer I am afraid.  Rather, there are techniques that we can implement to improve the rate that we convert visits to our webpage into a customer purchasing a product.  If you would like to know more about how that works, do be sure that you continue reading.  I will be delving into this topic at length.

What is Conversion?

The first thing that I would like to touch upon is that a conversion does not always have to be a sale.  Rather, it is a consumer taking the action that we want them to when they visit our page.  So, that could be anything from subscribing to a newsletter to listening to a podcast episode!  You are the one who decides what your goal is, so make sure that you go into the process of honing this with that in mind.

Now, if you did not know, there are ways that we can track these rates.  It is typically known as “CRO,” or conversion rate optimization.  There are external companies that you can employ to assist with this, but if you have your own marketing team, they should be aware of how to do this already.  If not, there is certainly nothing wrong with getting some outside help, though.

In essence, the goal is to keep track of how many people within your target audience are completing the action that you want them to on your website.  In general, this should be some manner of generating leads for the future or making a sale in that moment.  If you are still feeling uncertain about what it should be, hopefully those guidelines offer a bit of perspective.

Creating Higher Conversion Percentages

How does this all work, though?  How can you encourage these conversions?  Well, as you can probably expect, there are a few different techniques to implement.  One that I like to use is known as a “call to action.”  This is often referred to as “CTA” in the marketing world.

This can take several different forms, of course.  Commonly, though, the call is to go through with a purchase.  That is because typically, this is the end goal for a business or salesperson.  However, it is not the only option.

You can see some examples on this page, https://www.clickfunnels.com/blog/sales-funnel-conversion-rates/, if you are curious about how it works in practice.  What I would like to touch upon instead is how to make your message more impactful and effective, as that will make a big difference in terms of how consumers will respond to it.

Something critical here is that your call to action should always line up with the values and messaging that you have demonstrated thus far.  In addition to that, it should be fairly obvious.  Do not beat around the bush here.  Make the intention clear to your patrons.

That being said, there are two different types of CTAs.  These are “hard” versus “soft.”  The former is exceedingly obvious, reading something like “click here to buy now.”  Meanwhile, the latter is a bit less in your face, suggesting an action like signing up for a monthly newsletter to get access to better deals.

What Else is There to Know?

One way that people have started to improve their CRO is by implementing a “marketing funnel” technique.  This is where we examine how customers interact with our business and our brand as they enter the process of making a purchase.  It is something helpful to many aspiring entrepreneurs, especially now that we are careening towards a world dominated by ecommerce.

You can read further on the topic within this article.  I will instead focus on some of the ways that we can improve the interaction between customer and company during the initial stage, which I will refer to as the “awareness” phase.  As the name implies, it is when a potential lead becomes aware of our product or brand.

It might not seem like it at first, but it is phase in which we can really improve our conversion rates.  How does that work, though?  Allow me to explain!  If you do not have a website, that should obviously be your first step.  When a lot of consumers hear of a brand that they are curious about, they end up looking them up.  You want to be one of the results that they find.

Another big attractor in this day and age is blog content.  Pretty much any topic that you search online will have dozens of blogs written about it.  Why is this so appealing?  Well, most of us enjoy hearing from ordinary people that we can relate to.  It can be a lot more informative than some technical jargon.

So, if you are looking to increase engagement across the board, consider creating blog content for your webpage.  You should notice an increase in clicks, especially if the content follows SEO protocols to boost those engagement levels.  All of this leads into the other thing I want to discuss.

Something that any ecommerce company should start to consider is creating a landing page that reflects their goals, values, and what they have to offer to any visitors.  Landing pages are critical in retaining attention and ensuring that consumers do not just instantly close out your website.  Consider making it interactive in some way or include eye-catching photographs and fonts.

Just remember that it should be readable and easily consumable for anyone who clicks.  You could include a section for a newsletter or blog notification, even – just do not be too in their face.