Month: May 2022

The Home Maintenance Tasks You Need To Be On Top Of

It is a lovely thing to be able to call your own house your own. You have safety and consistency, in addition to a place to live until you make the decision to migrate and a setting in which to create memories for a significant amount of time.


 However, when you spend all of your important spare time and money that you have worked hard to gain on fixing the same problems year after year, it may make you feel exhausted and like your efforts are for nothing.


Even though there will always be something else to do, you will perpetually have the impression that you are overlooking an essential detail. We have developed a list of some of the duties related to house maintenance that you may be overlooking from time to time.



Do you perform routine inspections of your roof?


You do not spend a lot of time looking up at your roof, and you are unable even to make out what the peak of it looks like. Because of this, it is possible that you may not notice missing roof tiles, holes, or a buildup of garbage. It is essential to make a routine inspection of your attic area for any indications that your roof may be leaking, and you should also have a qualified inspector take a look at it once a year. This may result in expenses, but they will be far lower than the costs associated with the discovery of a significant issue that demands prompt action. If you d notice an issue, make sure you find reputable roof replacement companies to deal with it. 


Do you inspect the gutters and drains on your property?


Your drainage and gutter system, similar to your roof, may be something that you neglect until it overflows or becomes blocked, at which time repairs may become expensive and property damage may ensue. It is essential to check on them on a consistent basis in order to make certain that they are clean and clear of any leaves, twigs, or other types of dirt. You need to get in touch with a business that replaces gutters as soon as you notice any damage to them, such as cracks or holes.


Are you looking for any indications that there could be pests?


When we notice bugs for the first time, it is frequently the first sign that there is an infestation, and it may be tough to get rid of them without the aid of a professional. Always be on the lookout for signs of pests in areas such as the kitchen, mattresses, the attic, the basement, and the timber. Fleas, woodworm, bedbugs, mice, rats, and squirrels are just some of the pests you should be on the lookout for.


In the event that you own pets, it is imperative that you maintain regular flea and worm treatments for them. Be sure that any cracks or holes in the walls of your home and any pipes that go into or out of your home are patched and sealed, preferably with a substance that rats cannot gnaw through.


You should prune any shrubs or trees in your backyard that have become overgrown, and you should check to make sure that none of the branches is touching the roof. This will prevent any animals from using the roof as a pathway to enter or exit your property.


Naturally, these are only three of the numerous responsibilities you should be aware of; there is more. Maintain a diary or a planner where you write a list of the tasks that need to be completed weekly, monthly, and annually, and make it a point to see that the list is followed through. Doing so will help you save both money and time in the long term.


How To Prevent Injury When Exercising

Although exercise with a personal trainer or going to the gym, or even finding the right sport for you so you can do it regularly are all positives, the truth is that, sometimes, injuries can happen no matter what kind of exercise you do. Don’t let this put you off, however; there are many ways to prevent injury when exercising, and none of them should mean you have to reduce or limit the amount of exercise you’re doing. Read on to find out more. 

Photo by Kindel Media


Have A Complete Physical 

You’ll notice that all fitness professionals (and the instructions on new pieces of exercise equipment) will always suggest you see a doctor before starting a new exercise regime. There is a reason for this; it’s because if you go to a doctor and let them know what you’re going to be doing, they will check you over and determine whether that’s a safe idea or not. If it is, you’ll find you have much less chance of being injured. If it isn’t going to be good for you, you’ll know in advance, and you can change your plans. Thus you won’t run the risk of injury that you otherwise would. You might even get some good advice, such as joining a heart disease prevention program for senior women, for example. 


It’s good to know your own limitations when it comes to health since you’re exercising to become healthier, not to do yourself more harm. If there are limits to what you can do, a personal trainer will be able to help you make the right choices and get fitter via a different route. 


Warm Up And Cool Down

No matter that they know they need to warm up before exercising, with time at a premium, many people still leap straight into exercising, whether that be weight training, running, cycling, using gym equipment, or anything else. The problem is that, although they won’t realize it at the time, they are risking injury because the muscles won’t be supple enough. If you move in the wrong way, you can do damage, and that will cause pain. When you warm up properly, taking just a few minutes to stretch out, your muscles will be ready to move how you want them to (plus, your blood will be flowing quicker as it will be more oxygenated, making exercise easier). 


You should also wind down after exercise to help your heart rate and blood flow return to normal. Having a warm bath can be a good way to do this as it will soothe your muscles, too, although there are other ways, such as stretching or a light jog. 


Make Sure You Eat 

There seems to be a fear amongst gym-goers and exercisers that if they eat before they do any kind of exercise, they will get a cramp or be sick, or generally feel unwell. Plus, of course, they are going to be losing calories, so why add more in the form of food? 


The truth is that exercising on an empty stomach can cause injury. Not only could you feel faint and fall over, but your muscles won’t be working at their best, and they might be stiff or slow to move, meaning that they twist and become damaged. If you eat two hours before a workout, you can lose those calories easily, and you’ll be stronger and therefore less likely to be hurt. 

Want an Academic Career? Do This

Are you destined to have an academic career? Not only do university instructors earn excellent salaries, but they also enjoy a unique lifestyle apart from the for-profit business world. Many who opt for a life in academia remain in place for decades, publish important research in their fields, earn tenured status, and experience a rewarding career teaching others. It’s imperative to acquire basic teaching experience even while you’re still in college. Earn a college degree in liberal arts or a niche major of your choice. Take on teaching assistant positions whenever possible to build your instructional skills. Finally, consider applying for positions at community colleges where you can gain all-important classroom experience and take part in faculty activities like steering committees, advisory groups, and administrative duties. Here are more relevant details about how to launch your academic career and lifestyle.

Acquire Basic Teaching Experience

Get whatever teaching experience you can find, even if it’s not related to college-level coursework or is a simple tutoring position for grade school pupils. Employment agents look for candidates who keep their eyes on the long-term goal. Teaching experience on your resume will stand out and indicate that you are always aiming toward the long-term goal of higher educational opportunities.

Get the Right Education

Getting the appropriate education is an essential part of creating your academic career path. In addition to an undergrad degree, consider obtaining a master’s or doctorate later on. But first, focus on completing college. If money is short, you’re in luck. You can work with a private lender to secure borrowing with competitive rates and flexible terms. Most applicants turn to private lenders to cover all their education-related expenses for the entire four-year course of study.

Take Teaching Assistant Positions While in School

Teaching assistant positions are often paid. While in college, you can apply through the school’s administration office for any openings. Even non-paid positions offer a worthwhile way to advance your career and learn the art of working in a university setting. Likewise, when you apply for full-time positions, a teaching assistant listing on your resume will set you apart from the vast majority of other jobseekers. Don’t assume that you can only do a job in your major field of study. Schools look for undergraduate students who can help professors grade papers, make phone calls, and take over classes in a pinch. There’s no set requirement that you be studying the same courses as the assignment you apply for.

Apply at Community Colleges

Community colleges are ideal places to earn your career stripes. Often, instructors in local two-year schools gain relevant experience, earn a generous salary, and make themselves attractive to university and four-year college hiring offices. If you do work at a community college, dedicate yourself to the work. Consider it a training and testing ground for your long-term educational plans to become a university instructor.

Take on Non-Teaching Responsibilities

Join faculty organizations, work as a faculty-tutor to students, and take on any other non-classroom responsibilities you can find. In the long run, you’ll build up your professional network and add to your general skill set for future positions.

5 Signs Your AC Needs Repairs or Maintenance

As the temperatures rise and summer approaches, more people are turning on their air conditioning systems to find cooling relief. Unfortunately, many of these homes will find that their AC is not working as it should. For others, it may break down on the hottest day of the summer. Many of these issues could be prevented.

Timely Repairs and Maintenance

Timely repairs and proper maintenance of an air conditioning unit can prevent many breakdowns and other cooling issues with the unit. When a problem presents itself, repairing the AC should be done before the system is used again. This will prevent further damage to the unit.

It is important for homeowners to understand the signs of a problem with an AC. This understanding can help homeowners identify common AC issues and may even provide some helpful tips for correcting the issue. In some cases, simple maintenance tasks are all that are needed. However, there are more complicated problems that may require a professional.

Warm Air

It can be quite frustrating to turn on the AC only to find it is blowing warm air. This is actually a common problem with air conditioning units that can have many causes. In some cases, the problem may simply be a maintenance issue. The thermostat is set incorrectly or the air filter is dirty. It may even be that the evaporator coils are dirty and need proper cleaning.

However, there could be a more serious cause of this problem that will require a professional to make the necessary repairs. The system may be low on refrigerant or may have a refrigerant leak. It could even be that the compressor is not working properly and preventing the air from being cooled.

No Air

If the unit is not blowing any air at all, it could be a problem with the unit’s blower motor. This would require a professional to repair the issue. If the unit is not blowing air but is cycling on, it is probably a good idea to turn off the unit until the problem can be corrected.

For systems that are not turning on at all, homeowners may want to check that there is the power to the system. Sometimes, a breaker can be blown which prevents the system from turning on. Simply flipping the breaker can often get the unit back to working properly. However, if the unit continues to blow the breaker, it may be a good idea to contact a repair technician.

Frequent Cycles or Constant Running

Every AC has a cycle it goes through to cool the home. When the temperatures in the home get too high, the thermostat triggers the unit to turn on. It runs until the temperatures in the home are to the pre-set level and then turns off. On particularly hot days, the unit may cycle on and off more frequently.

When the unit is having a problem, it may turn on and off constantly. In some cases, homeowners may find their unit is running for really long periods of time and still may not cool the home. This could be a sign of a problem with the unit. The system may simply need the thermostat calibrated or it may be a more serious issue.

Water Leaks

An air conditioner uses refrigerant to cool the air that is blown into the home. This process can sometimes cause condensation to occur. The water is usually collected in the drain pan and then drained out of the unit through the drain line.

If there are water leaks or if the unit is blowing out water, there is a problem with the unit that must be corrected. In some cases, it may just be a clogged drain line. Freezing evaporator coils and incorrect installation of the unit could also be the cause of this problem. Contacting a professional may be the best option for repair.

Unpleasant Odors

Unpleasant odors coming from the AC is usually a poor maintenance issue. Regular maintenance of air conditioner parts and tune-ups of the system can prevent these foul smells from occurring. They are usually caused by microbial growth on the unit or in the ducts. Bacteria, mold, and other types of growth can accumulate and cause the air blown to have a bad smell.

This is not an inclusive list of all the problems an AC may face throughout the year. Any changes to the way the unit runs could be a sign of a problem. Contacting a professional AC repair company can help with these issues. In addition, annual maintenance and a tune-up for the unit may prevent many problems as well as extend the system’s life.

DinoMAYnia National Geographic Kids Book Giveaway

Welcome to the Moms Rock Giveaway Hop

Enter for your chance to win a set of Dinosaur books from National Geographic Kids


 Little Kids First Board Book; Dinosaurs (ages baby – 3, hard cover, $7.99)
The prehistoric world comes alive with dinosaurs small, big, giant, and gigantic in this colorful book for the very youngest dinosaur lovers! Each spread in this sturdy book features a different dinosaur, along with super simple facts and lively, age-appropriate language to keep babies and toddlers–and their grown-ups–fascinated by every colorful page. Not only will readers learn about a variety of dinosaurs–and how to say their names, they can also find recurring shapes and patterns in the art, while adults can keep their eyes open for occasional funny commentary from the animals. Sidebar text offers additional learning for older siblings or those ready for more complex information. The Little Kids First Board Books mirror the beloved First Big Books while taking a fresh new approach to excite a baby’s sense of wonder and make learning about nature and science fun.

 Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs (hardcover, ages 4-8, 128 pages, $14.95) – A #1 best seller on Amazon! The prehistoric world comes alive with dinosaurs small, big, giant, and gigantic, with stunning illustrations. Bursting with fun facts and age-appropriate information, each spread features a different dinosaur, along with simple text in big type that is perfect for little kids. Young dino fans will love the interactivity included in every chapter, and parents will appreciate tips to help carry readers’ experience beyond the page.

 So Cool! Dinos (hardcover, ages 3-5, $6.99)
Those sharp, pointy teeth! Those terrifying claws! Those long necks and pointy spines! Let’s face it … dinosaurs are SO COOL! Blending dinosaur art with silly quips and Informational fact boxes about when dinosaurs lived on Earth, stats about dinos, dinosaur feathers, and more, this is the perfect little reader to get kids’ brains buzzing and keep them laughing while learning.

 National Geographic Readers: T.Rex (ages 4-6, paperback, $4.99)
Giant teeth! Crushing bite! Slicing claws! And … feathers? Scientists have unearthed new knowledge about the king of the dinosaurs, and now you can, too. Travel back in time to the Mesozoic forests to meet the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex. Learn how their bodies were perfectly adapted for hunting, how T. rex parents guarded their nests, and just how much meat they could guzzle down in a single bite. Then explore some of the fascinating fossils―including Sue and Scotty―that have helped scientists make important discoveries (for example, T. rex may not have roared at all!). National Geographic Readers’ combination of expert-vetted text, brilliant images, and a fun approach to reading have proved to be a winning formula with kids, parents, and educators. This level 1 text provides accessible information for kids just beginning to read on their own, perfect to encourage the scientists and explorers of tomorrow!

 Ultimate Dinopedia, 2nd ED (hardcover, ages 7-10, 296 pages, $24.99) – Big, beautiful and gift-worthy! The new edition of the popular Nat Geo Kids Dinopedia includes all the latest species and is the most complete, up-to-date dinosaur reference available. Find favorites, like the fierce T-rex and the gentle Brontosaurus, plus audacious new finds, like the Anzu, Kosmoceratops, and Yi. Every dino profile is colorfully illustrated and features descriptions of when they roamed the Earth, how they lived, what they ate, and more. There are more than 600 dinos featured in all, including 10 profiles of recently discovered dinosaurs and new entries in the Dino Dictionary. Reports from paleontologists present the latest news and insights from the field.

 Weird But True! Dinosaurs (paperback, ages 8-12, 208 pages, $8.99) – 300 dino-mite facts to sink your teeth into! Perfectly sized for back seat boredom busting, this new addition to the wildly popular WBT series is taking on the jaws and claws that ruled the Mesozoic world. Calling all dino dynamos! Did you know that the T. rex had vision 13 times better than the average human’s? Or that people collect fossilized dino poop? And get this: There’s a dinosaur named after Hogwarts–Harry Potter’s wizarding school! Get ready to meet dinosaurs with horns and feathers, razor-sharp claws and gigantic teeth. You’ll encounter the places they lived, the bizarre art they inspired, and the amazing paleontologists who discovered them

MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.

Lifestyle Changes to Help Reduce Your Arthritis Pain

Arthritis pain is the leading cause of work disability. Did you know that more than 350 million people have arthritis globally, with 58.5 million adults in America? While there is no cure for this condition, physical therapy, medications, and surgery help patients with arthritis by improving some of the symptoms.


 However, the most effective way to deal with arthritis is to follow a treatment combination of medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes. This article discusses a list of lifestyle changes that could help reduce your arthritis pain. 


Exercise Regularly 


Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are two of the most common types of arthritis with common symptoms of joint pain and stiffness in one or more joints. 


Osteoarthritis causes cartilage ( the hard and slippery part which covers the end of bones) to break down, while in rheumatoid arthritis, the immune system attacks the joints. Orthopedists suggest that regular exercising greatly impacts reducing the symptoms of these types of arthritis. 


Regular exercising helps in strengthening, promotes flexibility, reduces joint inflammation, and fights against chronic fatigue. 


Follow a Healthy Diet 


Dietary habits and nutritional supplements do have an influence on patients with arthritis. Eating a variety of nutritional food can reduce the severity of arthritis symptoms. 


Experts suggest opting for a Mediterranean-style diet which includes nuts, fish, pulses, olive oil, and plenty of fruit and vegetables. Omega-3 enriched fatty foods can help reduce the inflammation that’s a major symptom of rheumatoid arthritis. People also opt for various types of supplements like collagen peptide supplements to improve their joint health. 


Some studies also suggest a connection between chronic inflammation and saturated fatty foods like red meat, dairy products, poultry, and butter. Moreover, vitamin D has also been linked with arthritis. Low levels of vitamin D can increase the risk of both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 


Maintain a Healthy Weight


Maintaining a healthy weight is so imperative for patients with arthritis. Excessive weight can put stress on joints, especially knees and thighs, which could further worsen the pain. 


“Being just 10 pounds overweight increases the force on your knees by 30 to 40 pounds with every step you take,” say experts at Johns Hopkins University. If you are overweight or obese and have arthritis, start working on shedding some pounds with a practical goal in mind. 


Many people fail because of their high expectations. Start with the aim of shedding 5% of your body weight, and once you achieve the goal, gradually increase your expectations. 


Try Yoga 


Medical experts highly recommend that patients with arthritis add yoga to their daily routine. Performing different yoga asanas can help improve joint flexibility and reduce joint pain. 


It also builds muscle strength and improves balance. Moreover, it also helps boost both mental and physical health, which helps you cope with painful symptoms of arthritis. 


Bottom Line


Arthritis pain can be quite severe and can hurt your quality of life. While professional treatment might help reduce the symptoms, introducing some lifestyle changes is equally important for fast recovery. Make sure you follow the above-mentioned suggestions and do not let arthritis affect your quality of life. 


Yes, Playing at Online Casinos Can Be Safe – Here’s How

Gambling, by definition, is not the safest activity. However, there are tons of people who love the thrill and there’s nothing wrong with it – as long as they know what to do to keep themselves and their money safe.


Yes, while for many non-players, gambling equals risk and danger, a gambler can actually do a lot to ensure their financial stability and, in the case of online casinos, online safety. In this day and age, with the rising number of cyber threats, it becomes even more important not to be reckless.


First of all, you need to develop a reasonable budget. Then, it’s all about choosing the right website and taking preventive measures. You should, for example, check a given casino’s licenses, safety measures, and protocols, make sure you use a trusted Wi-Fi or pick the safest payment options.


Join us as we go through more details below.

Develop a Budget and Stick to It

The first rule of thumb for every gambler, be it online or offline, is to develop a budget and stick to it. No matter how much money you have, you need to be aware of your limits. In other words, don’t gamble with the rent or food money.


Of course, this is easier said than done. When you’re in the middle of the action, it’s easy to get caught up in the heat of the moment and spend more than you originally intended. That’s why it’s important to set a clear limit before you start playing and to stick to it no matter what.


If you’re playing online, it might be helpful to set up a separate account for your gambling activities. This way, you can easily track your expenses and see how much you’re spending on gambling per month.

Check the Casino’s License and Safety Protocols


Having checked an Ozwin Casino review, you may have some clues about its license. A licensed casino is a sign that the operator is legitimate and that it abides by the law. Make sure the one you’re about to join is licensed by a reputable authority, such as the UK Gambling Commission or the Malta Gaming Authority.


Another important thing to check is the casino’s safety protocols. A good online casino will use the latest security technologies to protect your personal and financial information. Look for casinos that use SSL encryption to ensure that your data is safe. Also, check what kind of measures the casino has in place to prevent fraud or underage gambling. A trustworthy provider will have strict policies in place to protect its players.


Use a Trusted Wi-Fi Connection


When you’re playing at an online casino, it’s important to use a trusted Wi-Fi connection. Public Wi-Fi hotspots are generally not very safe since they’re easy to hack. So, if you’re using one of these, there’s a risk that someone might be able to access your personal and financial data.


If you must use public Wi-Fi, make sure you use a VPN to encrypt your connection. This will make it much harder for someone to steal your personal or financial information.


Pick the Safest Payment Options


When it comes to online gambling, one of the most important things to consider is the payment method you’re using. Ideally, you should pick a payment option that’s both safe and convenient for you.


Credit cards are still one of the most popular payment methods among online gamblers. However, they’re not necessarily the safest option. If you decide to use a credit card, make sure you’re using a trusted and reputable provider.


Alternatively, you might want to consider using an e-wallet such as PayPal or Skrill. These are safer than credit cards since they’re not directly linked to your bank account. In other words, even if your account is hacked, the hacker won’t be able to access your bank account directly.


Of course, there are other, even safer, options such as cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, for example, is becoming increasingly popular among online gamblers due to its anonymity and safety.


Create Strong Passwords and Keep Them Safe


Another important thing to consider when playing at online casinos is your password. Always use strong and unique passwords for each of your online accounts. Otherwise, if you use the same password for your email, social media, and online banking, the hacker will be able to access all of them.


To make sure your passwords are strong enough, use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. And, if you can, use a password manager to keep track of all your passwords. This way, you won’t have to remember them all and you’ll be sure they’re safe.


Keep Your Software Up to Date


Another important thing to consider when playing at online casinos is your computer’s security. Make sure you have a strong antivirus program installed and that it’s up to date. This will help protect your computer from malware and other threats.


It’s also a good idea to keep your operating system and other software up to date. Software developers regularly release new versions with security improvements and bug fixes. So, by keeping your software up to date, you’ll make sure your computer is as safe as possible.


The Bottom Line


As you can see, there are a few things you need to keep in mind if you want to stay safe when gambling online. The most important thing is to be aware of the risks and to take preventive measures. If you do that, you can rest assured that your personal and financial information will be safe. 


If you’re careful and you take the necessary precautions, you’ll be able to enjoy your gambling experience without any problems. Be safe, and, most importantly, have fun!

5 Tips for Getting Stronger and Feeling Great About Your Body

Just about everyone has the desire to look good both with and without clothes. If you look in the mirror and aren’t happy with what’s looking back at you, it doesn’t have to be like this forever. For those whose aim is to get stronger and build muscle, there are approaches you can take to get there quicker. While you won’t see results overnight, if you remain committed and take a few tips onboard, you’ll soon gain muscle mass which will help your confidence skyrocket. 

Set Aside Time to Warm Up

If you’re serious about building strength, you must factor in time to warm up beforehand. Jumping into a resistance training exercise without warming up your muscles can lead to strains and injuries. Therefore, doing five minutes of light aerobic exercise first is essential. This can include cycling, walking, or rowing. Warming up before working out will ensure your muscles are loose, warm, and ready. To cool your muscles down after a workout, you should spend between five and 10 minutes doing simple stretches. 

Challenge Yourself

If you aim to build strength, your workouts should never feel easy. For those who come away from a session not feeling satisfied, it’s time to change how you do things. While it may not feel great, you need to put more stress on your muscles. If you don’t, you’ll have a hard time getting them stronger. The safest and most effective way to push your muscles is by doing as many reps as possible per set. You may benefit from hiring a personal trainer if you’re new to strength training. Having a specialist with you will ensure you’re using the correct form and technique for every exercise. This will also prevent you from getting injured.

Consider Supplements

Many of us are aware of how important diet and nutrition are for building strength. If you’re the type who always has takeout, you’re not giving your body the fuel it needs for a workout. As well as diet, you should consider taking supplements for working out. They can enhance exercise performance and build muscle. For example, turkesterone may help you get in shape faster thanks to its potential benefits like increasing lean muscle mass. To be on the safe side, you should always speak to a doctor first before taking supplements. And remember, supplements can never replace a healthy diet.

Take Things Slowly

As your body begins getting used to a certain amount of weight, you should add more gradually. Never take on too much at once, as you could be putting yourself in harm’s way. If you are able to complete several sets of reps without causing muscle injury, it’s time to add more weights or reps. It isn’t a race to the finish line. Gradually building strength and endurance over time is considered the safest way to prevent injuries. 

Work Out Your Whole Body

Whether your goal is to have big, strong arms, or you wish to concentrate on your legs instead, it’s always best to train every muscle group. This is essential for full-body strength. It’s advised to work each muscle group a few times a week. Make sure you factor in one day of rest between major muscle groups. Working out every muscle group is key for reducing your risk of injury, improving your aesthetic, and forming a symmetrical body. 

Building strength can make you stronger, burn calories efficiently, decrease abdominal fat, and help you appear leaner. All of these can have a positive influence on how you view your body. To get the most out of your workout and build muscle and strength the safe way, make sure to use the tips above.

How to Control Your Emotions: The Main Tricks to Follow

If we understand the mechanism by which our reactions work, life definitely becomes easier. All emotions lead to action, and they are what create life as it is. Therefore, unpleasant reactions should not be suppressed – ignoring them leads to stress and increased anxiety.


The ability to control feelings is an option that can be developed as skills and habits. Of course, you can’t achieve 100% control over what happens. But it’s definitely possible to control the meaning you give to each event.

How Feelings Control Thinking

The limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotions, is one of the oldest compared to our prefrontal “thinking” cortex. It’s a strong part of the brain, so it seems that emotions control us and at times take over our thinking. The emotional part of the average person’s brain is more than six billion times more active than the prefrontal cortex.

It’s All About Meaning

Many things cannot be influenced in any way. But we can control the meanings we give them. The meaning we put into each event is a way of either accepting responsibility or giving up control over life. Imagine that you invited friends to the cottage – to have a barbecue, gamble at, swim in the river and sunbathe. No sooner had the guests arrived, it started pouring rain and turned cold. You sincerely wanted to have the perfect wonderful day for your loved ones and you feel deeply unhappy because life doesn’t live up to your expectations. Wait. Are friends unhappy? They’re not. They are happy because they didn’t expect perfect weather: they knew they were going to visit and have a great time socializing with you. But by assigning a negative meaning to the situation, you allowed unpleasant emotions to take over. By allowing this scenario to happen, you are allowing circumstances to happen to you, not for you. If you are going to manage your emotions, understand that they are only your emotions.

Acknowledging Your Emotions

The first step to coping is to acknowledge your current attitude toward the situation. It is important to listen to yourself and understand how acutely you are reacting to the problem. There are times when several emotions arise at once that can affect the decision you are making. Accepting what you’re really experiencing helps you make sense of what’s going on in the moment and get the best results. And it also helps you become aware of and fixate on emotions, i.e., it teaches you to pay attention to your reactions in principle.

Awareness. Reason. Solution. Reaction

If you don’t notice that you’re overreacting, you can’t control it. Start tracking emotions and giving them names. Sometimes we have a hard time identifying what we are feeling. If we give a name to that feeling, it will be easier to identify it.


Once you have identified exactly what you are feeling, you need to identify the cause of that feeling. Ask yourself: “What is wrong? What makes me feel this way? Is there another explanation for how I feel? What can I do about it? How can I deal with my feelings right now?” By asking questions and naming your emotions, you are rethinking your thoughts and feelings. It may be difficult at first, but over time you will learn to better control your emotions.


Next, look for a solution. Often you need to change the angle of the circumstance. When you begin to think of other possible ways to look at the situation, your emotions will immediately begin to change for the better. What the focus of attention is on will always grow. So, try not to think about bad scenarios. Sometimes, just by understanding why you are feeling certain emotions in the moment, you can manage your feelings and reduce unwanted reactions – understanding always leads to reassurance.


Reaction is the most difficult stage. How we react and manage our emotions is a habit. We all know at least one person who is nervous and constantly worried for no reason, about everything. He has formed the habit of associating a situation he doesn’t like with “agitation,” his emotions have taken over. Learning to listen to yourself, to identify, understand and choose emotions is an important skill that needs to be constantly developed.

The 90-Second Rule

When you feel an emotion, unpleasant for you, remember that it will pass through you in just a minute and a half. That’s how long it takes from the moment the limbic system generates the emotion to the moment the chemical reaction disappears. If you just feel the emotion in that time, rather than engaging in the thought of “I’m angry, sad, what a disappointment,” it will pass, and you will regain your balance. Never identify with the emotion in your thoughts. For example: “I am angry, crushed, depressed.” You are not your emotions! When a situation arises that you don’t like, try to be aware of your feelings, but don’t think about what upsets you.


There are times when the best way to accomplish something is to do nothing at all. In that case, just being here and now is enough to change the mood. A great way is a quick meditation. It will help you calm down and regain your composure. Close your eyes and concentrate on the breath. Feel the inhale and exhale. Breathe for a few minutes. You can find special resources that offer many options for meditation practices, including very short ones of 5,10,15 minutes.

Write Down Your Experiences

A mood and self-reflection journal, or, the familiar Diary, will help you manage your emotions effectively. Each day, write down in a notebook how you are feeling, how the emotion affected you, what happened during the day. Sometimes you may not make sense of yourself, you may not understand how or why any emotion came. You may have difficulty describing them. In that case, try to relate those feelings to a similar situation you’ve been in before.


Did you know that the moment a person smiles, they physiologically cannot have unpleasant feelings? If you are sad or tense, smile to yourself in front of the mirror. Hold that smile until you sincerely feel the urge to smile.

How Do You Get Rid of Raccoons Invading Your Home?

Raccoons getting into the yard can be fun to watch, but when they want to move into the house, it’s time to ask them to move. Unfortunately, just asking them politely doesn’t work very well – it’s necessary to force them to move. If raccoons are getting into the home, the first step is to find out how they’re entering the home. From there, a number of techniques exist to help encourage raccoons to move somewhere else. 

Install One-Way Doors

If raccoons are getting into the attic or another part of the home, install one-way doors. This is a great way to get rid of the raccoons because once they leave, they can’t get back in again. It is important to close off any holes the raccoons can use to get into the attic or the doors won’t work. It’s also recommended to check for babies before using this method, as a one-way door will mean the mom can’t get back in to feed the babies. If there are babies, it’s a good idea to leave the raccoons alone for a few weeks until the babies are old enough to leave the nest.

Place Live Traps

Raccoons may try to make the porch or patio their home if they can find a comfy spot to use. In order to get them to move from here, a live trap is a good option. The live trap can be set with just about any bait, and then it’s just a matter of waiting for the raccoon to try to get the food. Once they’re in the live trap, it’ll close and they’ll be stuck. They can then be taken somewhere away from the house to be released. 

Try Home Remedies

Home remedies are a great way to keep raccoons from getting into the yard. There are many different types of home remedies to try, including ammonia, which is a smell that raccoons don’t like. Placing this around the garden discourages raccoons from entering the area. Instead, they’ll move along to somewhere else to find food and shelter. It is important to note that the effectiveness of home remedies can decrease over time, so reapplication may be needed. 

Eliminate Food Sources

Raccoons often wander onto a property in search of food and shelter. Eliminating the food sources for raccoons can help discourage them from staying, as they won’t be able to easily grab a bite to eat. Keep trash cans in the garage or add a lock to make them more difficult to open. Raccoons can open some types of locks, so keep an eye on the trash can to see if they’re able to find a way inside. If they are, it might be time to try something new. 

Ask for Professional Help

While there are a lot of techniques that can be used to help keep raccoons out of the home, they’re not always going to work as well as expected. If there are raccoons in or around the house, calling in the professionals is a great way to remove the raccoons for good. Professionals know exactly which techniques are going to be more effective and can make sure they’re not displacing a family of raccoons with babies. Call in the professionals today to learn more about what they can do and how they can help.