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Starting your own family is an incredibly exciting journey to take, but for those that are first-time parents, it can be a little bit daunting, whether conceiving was easy or you required help from the best fertility clinic. Not know what to expect throughout your pregnancy can definitely lead to a little bit of worry and a lot of stress, especially if you haven’t had anyone close to you go through pregnancy too. To help prepare you for nine months of pregnancy, here are five things people don’t tell you about getting pregnant:
– It Can Takes Years And Years Of Trying Before You See A Positive Test
If you have been trying to get pregnant for a long time and you’re not seeing the result you want, it’s important not to get disheartened. Whilst it would be amazing for it to happen the first time, some people can try for years before they finally see that positive result on a pregnancy test. Try not to let it deter you and keep trying. You might just be stressing for no reason. If you’re concerned something is wrong, it may be best to speak to a women’s infertility doctor who can give you test-based accurate results on your situation. Many times, it can simply be anxiety and paranoia, but it would be advisable to get the confirmation. They will be able to run tests and if you are unable to conceive, they can give you an IVF guide.
– There Is Such Thing As A False Positive
When you’re trying you will most likely take a million tests, all of which will have conflicting answers. If you do find you have a positive result, make sure you’re taking a couple of tests to be sure. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to book a doctors appointment where they will confirm the good news.
– You Will Start To Doubt Whether Or Not You’ve Got The Symptoms
When you’re trying to get pregnant you will start to doubt whether not you have got any of the symptoms, and whether or not your rests have given you the wrong results. Whilst this is normal, it’s it important not to let it panic you. If you find something that worries you, speak to your doctor and they will be able to confirm everything for you! It may just be that you’re not experiencing the same symptoms as everyone else.
– You Will Be Offered Lots Of Advice And You Definitely Don’t Need To Take All Of It
When you announce your pregnancy you will find that absolutely everyone who has ever been pregnant will try to offer you their little bit of advice. Whilst some of the tips will be absolutely incredible, you really don’t need to listen to all of them. Everyone experiences pregnancy in a different way and what may work for some, won’t work for others. Be sure to take everything you’re told with a pinch of salt – unless it’s coming from your doctor!
– It Will Be The Best And Worst Experience Of Your Life
Finally, whilst pregnancy can be uncomfortable, scary and stressful, it will also be one of the best things you ever do. Whilst you’re growing your little one you will develop a bond that no one can replicate, and it’s something you’ll cherish forever.
Are you thinking of starting a family? What are you most looking forward to about pregnancy? Let me know in the comments below.
16 Comments on Five Things People Don’t Tell You About Getting Pregnant
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I know all about positive and false tests. That why I always went to doctor office to confirm
I lived through my two pregnancies but it was tough. No advice will help as much as going throgh it for yourself and dealing with it as best as you can.
This sounds like a must-read post for those who are pregnant for the first time. It is so interesting all the things which are pushed under the carpet in so many different situations.
Yup, I remember these days. I remember all the advice. I took some, but some I thought were strange. And while I did enjoy being pregnant at times, for the most part, it wasn’t my favorite!
They don’t tell you that your doc wants to look around every visit, either. Man, I never liked getting undressed from the waist down!
There are definitely misconceptions some people have about the whole pregnancy process. It’s important to be as prepared for the unexpected as possible. You provide a helpful perspective here.
There are a lot of things people don’t tell you. Especially my Nana. She told me it doesn’t hurt lol.
Pregnancy is such a bittersweet time. You have so many terrible symptoms but it is worth it because you are growing a life inside yourself.
I remember pregnancy as a beautiful time of my life, even there were a lot difficulties. Thanks for sharing these thoughts with us!
Yes, I’d love to have my own family in the future. I am sure that I want to be pregnant and be a mom. It’s a little scary to think about it though because there will be a lot of changes in the body.
I guess we can never fully prepare for something as monumental as parenthood. I know that it is really tough that so many people who are ready to be parents struggle with infertility issues. A friend of mine chose to adopt a baby, because the world is already so populated, and she and her daughter have a beautiful relationship.
I didn’t know the symptom I was having was because I was pregnant until my friend told me. So I grabbed a pregnancy test kit and…it was positive.
Agree…. My first pregnancy wasn’t easy, I was worried so much. My second pregnancy was much easier
I have never been pregnant but I work in an L&D and have seen way more than I ever wanted to of women giving birth…LOL!! Maybe that’s why I haven’t had a baby yet? LOL!
I agree that with pregnancy comes lots of advice. But I think it is wise to access the advice and at least file it away. You too will have advice for someone based on your experience.
I remember getting all kinds of unsolicited advice when I was pregnant. I try to be very conscious about not doing the same thing.