Finding a cloth alternative to your everyday paper products will not only save you money it will cut your carbon foot print. Gina’s Soft Cloth Shop has a amazing selection high quality cloth products that are proudly made one at a time in the USA.
Paperless Towels
Here’s some horrifying paper towel facts. 13 billion pounds of paper towels are used each year. That’s over 45 pounds of paper towels per person, per year. Paper towels are not recyclable since they don’t contain much fiber, making them purely waste. This waste adds up to 254 million tons of trash globally each year. These numbers alone should make you want to ditch paper towels and go paperless!
When I decided to make the switch to reusable products, paper towels and napkins were the first items I replaced. We use Gina’s Soft Cloth Shop Paperless Towels for everything, drying hands, mopping us spills and cleaning up my messy 19 month old after meals. As far as cleaning up messes, paperless towels are far superior to paper. I am able to clean the biggest of messes with one towel. Paperless Towels wont fall apart like paper towels do, these high quality towels will last you a long time. Simply wash and reuse!
Gina’s Soft Cloth Shop Paperless Towels are offered in Organic Cotton, Organic Cotton Birdseye, Unbleached Birdseye Cotton and White Cotton Birdseye. These Paperless Towels have a beautiful surged edging offered in a wide range of colors. You can easily coordinate with your kitchen colors or enjoy a rainbow assortment of colors. No longer will you have the eyesore of a roll of paper towels sitting on your counter.
Little Wipes
Little Wipes make a perfect eco-friendly alternative to baby wipes. Baby wipes wreak environmental havoc since most contain plastic fibers that are not biodegradable. There is always the misconception that baby wipes are flushable. I would not recommend flushing any kind of baby wipe and risk clogging not only your toilet but the city’s sewer system. Baby wipes also contain so many preservatives and fragrances that I don’t feel comfortable touching my daughters sensitive skin. As a cloth diapering mama, it only makes sense to use cloth wipes.
Gina’s Soft Cloth Shop’s Little Wipes have so many uses. These wipes are extremely absorbent making them great wash cloths. Little Wipes also make great tissues, helping keep little noses from getting irritated from constant wiping. Little wipes are 8″x 8″ and are offered in Organic Cotton Bamboo Velour, White Birdseye Cotton, Organic Cotton and flannel.
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Caring for your Cloth items
Caring for your Paperless Towels and Little Wipes is simple. I wash my towels and wipes in cold/ warm water. I also avoid fabric softeners and dryer sheet to keep the fabric absorbent. Gina’s Soft Cloth Shop also suggests occasionally adding 1/4 cup of white vinegar to your rinse cycle to prevent detergent build up and keep your towels soft. My Little Wipes that I use as baby wipes get thrown in the wash along with my diaper laundry. Air dry your towels in the sun for it antibacterial and stain removing benefits or dry in your dryer.
67 Comments on Gina’s Soft Cloth Shop
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I totally need to try these out. How have I never heard of these.
These sound wonderful! I like the idea of not going through so many wipes or paper towels!
These sound like awesome paperless paper towels and baby wipes! We use cloth wipes already and love them. I tried making some paperless towels that snap together but hated the sound of the snaps hitting the counter. I love how hers don’t have them!
these are exactly what I need. they look wonderful. id love to have the wipes for paperless towels.
I try not to use paper towels — Gina’s soft cloths would help me use even less.
I love that these are so green. It is so easy to spend so much on paper towel so this is a real money saver and earth saver
We are no longer using paper towels in our house and need something to replace them and these sound like they will fit the bill. Thanks for the review.
We go through a lot of paper towels. This would be great to have to cut down on all that wasted paper.
These would be wonderful to have on hand for dribble, drooling, and other messy baby events!
I love the idea! We tend to just use dishcloths to clean up most spills and as napkins. I love the fun colors these come in!
These look awesome! I like that they are nice and soft! We rarely use paper towels, but I’d love some cuter little clothes than just rags!
Getting crunchy one step at a time. This might be coming soon for me.
Gina’s Soft Cloth Towels sound like a great idea and a wonderful money saver. Paper towels, napkins, and the like are expensive & it’s like throwing money away. So much nicer to be able to toss in the laundry & reuse. Thanks for the review!
I would love to try these. I am the worst at using paper towels and need to break that habit.
These soft cloth wipes look wonderful! I use cloth wipes for my son and I love them!
These look amazing! I’m sure they’d be great for cleaning up many messes
A great introduction to Gina’s. I had never heard of them. I never buy paper towels and use very few paper napkins. The rags I use are old cut up towels. These are eco-friendly and would love to get a set for the new grandson. I won’t buy the wipes and their plastic packaging. I have one packaged wipe on hand for emergency or travel only.
These look very professional and I love that they are easy to care for.
These look very high quality, and I love that they are easy to care for.
I love the organic fabric options and the large size.
I have really cut down on paper towel usage. For most messes cloth works best and is better for the environment.
These would be for my family.
This is the perfect gift for my family. Thanks for the chance!
Would love to use these.
13 billion pounds of paper towels are used each year-that amazed me-and I do buy and use paper towels
LOVE those paperless towels!! My hubby is a paper towel addict and Id love to switch him over!!
i’ve been needing to get new unpaper towels. these look awesome
They look super soft and absorbent, I would love to try these and I also love how you can just toss them in the wash and reuse so convenient.
they look so soft!
I really like the idea of paperless towels. I think I need to find a tasteful downstairs hamper for them once I’ve wiped something. It’s a little petty, but sometimes I use paper towels instead of, say, a dish rag to clean up spills so I won’t have to trudge upstairs to find a hamper.
Wow! 13 billion pounds of paper towels each year is a staggering amount! So wasteful! Glad to learn of a more eco friendly option such as Gina’s soft cloth towels!
I love the look of these! I’ve been using washrags to clean for many years. Whenever I clean for other people, I always bring a big bag of rags and towels.
I stopped using paper towels and now only use fabric washcloths. These look lighter weight and smaller so I wouldn’t go through so many each week. I like this notion!
They look helpful and a great way to reduce one’s reliance on paper products!
I love these to reduce the use of paper products! And they look so soft!
I would love to try these! I go through so many paper towels at home right now.
These sounds great. I would be very interested in trying these cloths. Thank you for sharing.
I have been looking for reusable paper towels for a bit. Right now we have a basket of old towels we keep handy for spills. With 6 kids we have a lot I f spills
Excellent advice on fabric care. Vinegar works wonders and leaving out the fabric softeners keeps towels so much more absorbent!. These clothes are beautiful, and the idea of storing in a beautiful glass container….almost like having art in the kitchen!
We’ve recently started using cloth in place of paper towels, but I love that these are organic as well.
I’m always looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint to save our environment for my grandkids and future generations. I love these 8″ x 8″ soft cloths with serged edges in rainbow colors. Thanks for white vinegar tip in rinse water to prevent detergent buildup and to keep clothes soft eliminating softeners in laundry.
These look nice! I like the way you store them in a jar! Cute! I think it’s easier to use cloth wipes when using cloth diapers!
These cloths look incredible! I love the colors and that they are environmentally friendly.
These would free up a lot of paper towel or wipe waste at my house. I like that they have some made with organic cotton and that there were tips on how to keep them soft-vinegar
These are handy. I try to get away from using paper for clean ups.
These sound awesome! I’ve been trying to cut down on the paper towels we use, these would certainly help.
These are exactly what I need.
The rainbow borders are so pretty! These are so great for avoiding paper trash!
I have been slowly stopping using of paper towels, right now a roll will last me almost 3 weeks. I have been using different clothes but they don’t sound as good as these.
I would love to give these a try!
I love these, they are so cute. I have been trying to go more green in my home and I have to admit that I do use a big whole roll of paper towels a day. I did stop using them to clean windows and glass, I have been using tea towels for that, so I’ve done a little better.
I love your storage option! Such a great idea – it looks clean & nice!
Love the storage idea! Cloth wipes are a great way to save money!
this sounds like a great product, would love to try them