Sophie the Giraffe Review
History of Sophie
The little giraffe known to consumers as Sophie was born in 1961. At that time the only animal toys for babies and children were farm or pet animals. Monsieur Rampeau who was an expert in transforming latex from the HEVEA tree using the rotational molding of rubber as a toy-making concept, came up with the idea of designing a giraffe.
She went into production on May 25th, 1961 and she looks the same today as she did then.
She is made from 100% natural rubber derived from the latex of the Hevea tree
“Vulli, a company based in Rumilly in the Haute-Savoie Region of France, has continued to keep the jealously-guarded secret of how this wonder toy is made. Sophie is still “traditionally” produced to this day, a process that involves more than 14 manual operations.” – Sophie the Giraffe Website
Stimulating the Five Senses

Sophie the Giraffe – Chewing Bandana

Bandana’s are so in right now. They are the cute accessory we love to have our infants sport. Drooling and babies is like peanut butter and jelly…they just go together. If you are going to put a bib on your child because of drooling then you should know that all the drooling is most likely due to teething. When both of my children are teething their sinus cavities start going crazy. They become snotty little drool machines. The concept of putting a teether on the bandana is just so smart! The two just go together…like peanut butter and jelly!

This bandana come in a boy and a girl version (blue or pink). I really think either color looks great on either gender. They are stylish, functional and super fun.
They have 2 snaps to adjust the fit based on your child’s size.
These are now available for $17.18. Click here to see it on their website.
Sophie the Giraffe – So’pure Teether

These teethers are just like the original Sophie the Giraffe, only with additional material for a small child to hold on to and to chew on. The multi textured surface gives the child more stimulation then the original Sophie. These are great for early teethers.

These are now available for $17.74. Click here to see it on their website.
Enter to win a Sophie the Giraffe Teething Set
Click here to enter to try and win a Sophie the Giraffe chewing bandana & a So’Pure Teether!
(runs 8/14-8/28 – US only)