Tag: Silikids

Life’s A Beach! GIVEAWAY HOP

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1. (Host) The Mommy Island - Thirty-One Gifts Package - US   29. Mommy's Playbook - US  57. Christy's Cozy Corners - US  
2. (Host) The Kids Did It - Thirty-One Gifts Package - US  30. Says Me Says Mom - US  58. Mom To Grandma - US  
3. (VIP) Still Blonde after all these years - $120 Gourmet Breakfast Gift Basket - US  31. This N That with Olivia - US  59. Beauty Info Zone - US/CAN  
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5. (VIP) Way 2 Good Life - $40 3D Puzzle - US  33. Susie's Reviews - US/CAN  61. Reviewz & Newz - US  
6. (VIP) Broken Teepee - $100 Box Of Beach Reads - US  34. Jennifer Lane Books - WW  62. How Was Your Day? - US  
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Get Silly with Silikids

It seems like the world is depleting quickly, am I right?

“Going green” seems to be the new catch phrase for people these days; and for good reason. I think we have a responsibility to take care of our planet.

Not only is taking care of our planet important, but taking care of our bodies is important too.

That’s why our family is starting to transition away from plastic and over to silicone.

Well, that’s where Silikids comes into play.

Silikids was founded in 2006 and offers alternatives to plastic tableware found in our homes. Their products are safe, modern, and made completely from silicone.

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Silicone is:

Safe. Silicone is primarily made up of silicon. Silicon is a natural element that is found in sand and rock. When silicon is combined with oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen, it’s transformed into silicone. Silicone is inert – lacking the ability or strength to move – so it doesn’t react with food or liquid. Silicone is hypo-allergenic and does not promote bacteria or fungus growth.

Non-toxic. Silicone is BPA free and does not contain toxic chemicals like bisphenol-A, lead, PVC and phthalates.

Durable. The durability of silicone means that you will really not have to worry about disposable for a long time. The long lasting silicone takes away from the waste that you would otherwise create. You can also recycle silicone. Send your Silikids products back to them and they’ll recycle them for you!

Universal Tops

These tops are super great. Just like the name says – they’re universal. These tops fit on any cup, regardless of size. The beauty of these tops is that they turn any cup into a children’s cup in just seconds. Seriously so cool!

Two options are available for these tops – sippy top or straw top. Both of these options are great for children of any age. Not only are these tops good for the environment, they are a great money saver. Having cups in the house already means you only need these toppers. No extra kids cups sitting around the house taking up unwanted space.

Although the universal tops are made to fit any size cup, I would recommend using the tops on smaller sized cups. I had a few experiences with the toppers where some of the cups I used were just a little too big. Better be safe than sorry and use a smaller rimmed cup! But even better, invest in the Silikids silicone cups. These cups are perfect for kids, won’t break, and make the switch over from plastic complete.

*Note that the photo above is showing a sippy top. The cup in the photo is not a Silikids cup.

Reusable Silicone Straw

These silicone straws are great for children and adults. Six packs and three packs are available and come in different lengths, for different cup heights.

The straws are perfect for little teeth and especially great for teething kiddos. The softness of the straws are great for soothing gums; any baby will enjoy that! That being said, these straws are also a fabulous alternative for adults with sensitive teeth or sore gums! In some cases, these sore gums may be a canker sore lurking inside the cheek, luckily treatment such as Luminance RED is available to help alleviate that soreness, however, if it is their gums, the appropriate treatment is a must. A friend of mine has recently had to undergo treatment for periodontitis (also known as gum disease) so I will definitely be recommending these silicone straws to her. Which reminds me, my friend told me that if you are considering treatment for periodontitis Sydney is home to some fantastic dental professionals that can provide the advice and support you need to get your smile looking back to its best. Just be sure to reach out to a few different dentists to find the best treatment plan for your needs.

Reusable Snack Bags

These reusable bags are the perfect replacement to disposable bags. Use them over and over again and don’t feel like you’re hurting the environment; because you’re not!

If you’re like me, it’s really easy grab a ziplock bag and fill it with snacks for the kids or food for hubbies lunch. But now that I have these reusable bags I love grabbing one and filling it with goodies, I feel better that I’m not waisting anything.

The bags are super easy to open and close. The simple closure on the bag pops into the hole and is easier use than a zipper. Due to the way this bag closes, there is not a complete seal. I would recommend not putting food into the bag that should be sealed shut in order to stay fresh. We mostly use the bag for fruit, veggies, and nuts.

You can even write on the bag with a washable marker or a pen, it wipes off very easily. Writing on the bag allows you to know what’s in it without opening it up. You can write your name on the bag so no one eats your food, or write a note on the bag for your hubby or kiddo!

The bottom of the bag is gusseted, which allows the to stand up on its own. This is perfect for snacking and makes filling the bag super convenient.

Silikids is a great way to transition your family away from plastic. The silicone products are super safe and perfect for children, and adults too.

I love the straws and that you can use them for not only the Silikids products but other drink containers as well.

The products are durable and the fun, bright colors are sure to bring some sunshine into your home.

The best part though?

They can be washed in the dishwasher.


Silikids Giveaway

Giveaway HopWelcome to the 1st annual Lucky Leprechaun Giveaway Hop hosted by SaraLee’s Deals Steals & Giveaways. This is an open themed hop with NO minimum prize value. Enter to win the prize Grand Prize by our host for that lucky man in your life. Manscaped – The Perfect Package is sponsoring the prize. So be sure to enter the giveaway here than hop on over and enter all the other great prizes today.

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I have always said that babies are never ending research projects. I am always doing my research on what are the safest products for my daughter. My daughter started eating solids and drinking from a sippy cup at 6 months old and that’s when I really started doing my research on the plastic products that touch my daughters food.

There are so many chemicals in plastic such as BPA and Phthalates. It is so important to me to keep these chemicals away from my daughter. That’s when I started to look into Silicone products. Silicone DOES NOT contain toxic chemicals like bisphenol-A, lead, PVC and phthalates. Silicon is a natural element found in sand and rock. Silicon is transformed into silicone when combined with oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Silicone is non-toxic, hypo-allergenic and does not promote bacteria or fungus growth. Silicone is so durable it will with stand the test of everyday use. I was surprised to find that Silicone is recyclable. Although you can not throw it in with your city recycling, there are many specialty recycling factories. Send your products back to Silikids and they will recycle it for you. How amazing is that!!! Read all about Silicone on Silikids Silicone 101 page.

Silikids started in 2006 and was the first brand focused on tableware products made entirely of silicone. Not only were they able to offer a alternative to plastic products, they have created some of the most innovative tableware that I have ever seen. While keeping our children safe with a non-toxic materials they make meal time and clean up a simple task.

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I absolutely love these silicone cups. As my daughter gets older she loves to be a big kid and often refuses a sippy cup and wants a regular cup. I was completely unprepared for this and only had glass cups, not sure why it never crossed my mind to have child friendly cups. Well let me tell you, Silikids Silicone Cups are the best. They are 100% food grade silicone with a stainless steel ring that helps hold its shape. The silicone body makes it easy to grip with little hands. This is a super sturdy cup, it does not have any flex when you are handling it and can withstand being dropped, when you have a toddler everything eventually hits the floor. I love that these cups are Dishwasher Safe, Freezer Safe and Microwave Safe along with the other benefits of silicone. These cups can be perfectly paired with the Siliskin Universal Straw Tops and the Siliskin Universal Sippy Tops.


The Universal Straw Tops will easily turn any cup into a kid friendly, spill proof cup. Simply slip the silicone top over your cup of choice and it will suction to your cup. Make sure your cup is dry for the best grip. The straw itself is 100% food grade silicone making it soft for chewing toddlers and bendable. Silikids straws are a little larger in diameter than a regular straw, making it easy to drink smoothies or thicker drinks. The Straw and the Silicone Top are both Dishwasher Safe. You are able to purchase the Straw Tops, the Straw Top a long with a Cup or just the Straws.


I must say the design of the Universal Sippy Tops is genius. I always keep one in my diaper bag and I will never have to worry about not having a spill proof cup while out and about. (I can’t be the only one that runs out of the house and forgets the sippy cup). They are so easy to use, Stretch the top and place on your cup, maybe try first on an empty cup to get the hang of it. Be sure to align the dashed line with the lip of your cup. The Universal Sippy Tops fit any size cup and will stay in place. These are 100% food grade silicone and are Microwave Safe and Dishwasher Safe. I have also used these as lids for snack cups while on the go. You can also purchase this as a Sippy Cup, and you will get the sippy top as well as the cup.


Silispoons are like no other spoon I’ve ever seen. My independent daughter has always fed herself, but finding a spoon that keeps the food on it from bowl to mouth has been difficult. My daughter loves the look and feel of the Silispoon making meal time more fun. This spoon is 100% food grade silicone from top to bottom. The handle is easy to grip and easy for little hands to maneuver. The “shovel” head is soft on tender teething gums while also making scooping food a simple task. The Silispoons also double as great teethers.


The Silimap is one of my favorite Silikids product. We take our own travel highchair when we go to restaurants and I always made sure we used our own tray since it grossed me out to think of my daughters food sitting on a public table. The Silimap takes the gross factor away from my daughter eating off a restaurant table. The Silimap conveniently folds, making it easy to slip into the diaper bag. Not only is it a clean space for her food, the Silimap is literally a map; it can turn meal time into a educational experience. Let your child’s creativity take over since the Silimap can be colored on with washable marker, pen and Crayola. The Silimap is 100% silicone and can be easily wiped clean and is Dishwasher Safe. Silimap is great for many ages, use it at home or use it on the go.

Make sure you check out the other great products by Silikids.

  • Siliskin Reusable Snack Bags
  • Siliskin Glass Cup
  • Silibib