My daughter, like so many other children, loves to play with dolls.
When you look at most dolls in retailers and online, you can easily see that the dolls looks like little teenagers or grown ups. Why is this? My daughter likes to make her dolls play like little kids – just as she is, a little kid. Giving the dolls fun scenarios that kids may get into, and some situations that only a 5 year old could drum up!
Finding a doll that is for children, that LOOKS like a child finally became a reality when Lottie walked into our lives.

What Makes Lottie Dolls so Special?
- The dolls are made to resemble an elementary age child who really exists – they are Inspired by Real Kids.
- Each dolls outfit is made to easily go on and off. My daughter is the kid who constantly wants to put on and take off her dolls clothing. Many times my daughter cannot get a shirt over the head of the doll. Or cannot manage to get the pants back on. The designers of Lottie knew this was a problem for many kids. They took that into consideration when designing all of their dolls clothing. With easy to remove and easy to put on clothing, you can allow your child to stay in imagination mode longer without them needing adult assistance.
- The heads are slightly larger than a child’s head would be in real life, but this is to allow for a super fun amount of hair to be on each doll. Some children love to brush and manage their dolls hair. Lottie Dolls allow for load of hair play. They even have a special hair care accessory kit that helps with hair playing.
- Loads of extra outfits, pets, buildings and play sets to give your children even more scenarios to engage in.

Allowing your child to engage in creative play is a key to strengthening their imagination and development. Creating situations on their own allows them to express themselves and engage in a fulfilling type of play.
Connect with Lottie

The Forest Friend doll gives the child a doll with soft red hair who wears a fairy like outfit. The fairy clothing has a very earthy feel with shades of green and purples. With a bow in her hair and golden shoes, this Lottie doll is just what a little who who likes fairy gardens will want. When my daughter and I play with the Forest Friend Lottie we like to imagine she is the fairy that unlocks the world of gnomes, talking animals and beautiful fields of flowers. Will we find a secret door in the tree in the front yard? Can we fly today through the corn fields while looking for our secret frog friends?

With winter coming up soon my daughter keeps talking about ice skating, the holidays and snowball fights. With the Snow Queen Lottie you can play in the snow all year long! This beautiful doll comes with a mask, which allows you to image she was invited to a special Masked Ball Party, and may meet her prince charming there. Snow Queen wears a light blue dress with icy white accents. Studded with snowflakes, she looks like a tiny princess about to hit the town in her finest attire. When she puts on her mask will people know its her? Can she pretend to be someone completely different with her mask on? How will your child engage with the Snow Queen?

My daughter has a soft spot in her heart for dogs. Playing with small animals is one of her most favorite things to do. Each Lottie animal is made to perfectly pair with any of the Lottie dolls. The Biscuit the Beagle comes with a fall themed outfit for the dog to wear, a leash, bone, food/water dish and a bag which he can be carried in my any of the Lottie Dolls. Biscuit can easily because your Lottie’s favorite pet with his fun furry coat and easy to play with accessories. Will Biscuit be the faithful side kick for your Lottie or will be run a muck and track pretend mud into the dolls play area?

The Lottie Dolls Make Perfect Gifts for Birthdays and Holidays
I gave my daughter the above mentioned dolls and dog for her 5th birthday. Her face was beaming when she opened her packages to see beautiful dolls that looks like someone she would see at school. She instantly wanted to take them out of the box and start playing with them. I head her talking about how the pet is going to be the best pet ever! Her enthusiasm was reassuring, knowing that these dolls are above average and what you truly want to give as a gift.

Modest Dolls for Modest Girls
Keeping up with fashion of the day, but trying to remain modest and not allowing my daughter to wear certain tighter fitting clothing, is a choice my family made long ago. We love being in style, but want to sit with our convictions. We do not wear bikinis, or too shirts that are too low cut. Sadly, all of the dolls we have seem before Lottie we not dresses as we would dress. The clothing very tight, almost revealing at times too, made me sad. What a child sees on their doll is what they see on themselves. They set into those dolls shoes in their mind and become part of the play they are engaging in. Now with Lottie, my daughter can play without imagining herself in attire we would not wear. We love everything about Lottie.