We all love candy and sweets on holidays like Easter, but parents want to give real Personalisiertes Geschenk, or personalized gifts. It is a tricky task to find ones that are so useful, ones that can be enjoyed throughout the year. It can be hard to come up with gift ideas, however, which is why many websites exist with pre-made lists to help us think ahead.
This Easter make the smart choice and give the gift of personalized games and books from I See Me!
I See Me! is one of MamatheFox’s favorite brands. Their collection of gifts and books is always growing and and changing. They make personalized gifts so easy that you will be going back for more over and over again.
They allow you to add a picture of your child to some of their book – which is thrilling to my children. When they see their own faces, and the faces of their loved ones on a book, they are more engulfed into the message and listen more intently. The personalized images make them feel special, important and loved.
My 2 top picks for your children’s Easter Basket this year are brand new products from I See Me! The Our Family’s Race Across the USA board game and the My Little Love Bug and Love Notes set

This is a super exciting new board game that is sure to make your family full of joy. You can create up to 6 personalized player game pieces with photos of your family. MamatheFox has a family of 4, so we have 2 other character faces that were provided to give us the full 6 player set of pieces.
My kids are 4 years old and 5 years old and are very much into games right now. They love to play games every day. Since adding in Our Family’s Race Across the USA into the rotation I am not minding playing along.

The game board folds open to show a colorful, wiggly path which you must travel on to get to the final destination, Washington D.C! As you move along your family will see their own names incorporated throughout the board, which is wonderful for preschoolers learning to read, write and spell their own names.
You move by picking up little cards which display either 1 or 2 colored squares, which are the same option of colors in the board, moving along the path towards the end. Some fun images are mixed in with the colored square, which can allow you to move to different areas on the board as you select them.

If your child likes games like Candyland and Shoots and Ladders, then this is the perfect new game for your house.
At only $29.99, this makes the most exciting personalized gift you may ever buy!

The Love Note set is the most entertaining way to leave notes for your school ages child in their lunchbox! Each week I try to remember to write a little note on a napkin and place it in their lunchbox. Letting them know I love them, Jesus loves them and a reminder to be a super great kid at school. With these pre-made, and personalized Love Notes, I can simply place one in their lunch box. I love how easy they are to use and my kids love how the feeling they get when they see a personalizes note, with their face on it, in their lunchbox!
Each note is on a 4×6 card and (as long as they are kept clean) can be reused over and over again.
The Loves Notes set also comes with a the Little Lovebug book. The book can be personalized with up to two names, which is great for our family as we have only 2 children. The book includes their names and photos, showing them how much you love them.

The other half of this set is a custom book “Out Little Lovebugs”
This book can have two different children included in the story. Both parents are also featured as characters, truly giving this book a family feel. When I showed this book to my 4 year old son his eyes popped open wide and his grin when ear to ear! He was thrilled to see his face and name on the front cover. When we started to read the story and he saw his mom and dad’s face in the pictures along with his sister he was ecstatic!! He would point to our faces and announce who it was as each page was turned.
This book is more of a Valentine’s Day theme, but can be loved and enjoyed all year round.