Category: Article

Explaining Dementia To Your Children

Presented by BetterHelp.


Dementia is becoming an all too common condition in older adults. It affects every aspect of cognitive functioning, from memory and communication to moods and behavior. The affected person will depend on family for help and may experience significant personality changes. This can all be very confusing to a child who doesn’t understand this condition. 


Therefore, it is essential to discuss the situation with your child with empathy, openness, and honesty. They will depend on you for information and emotional support during this time. However, that doesn’t mean that this is an easy conversation to have. Below are some tips to consider when explaining dementia to your children


When To Have The Talk

Ideally, you should discuss your family member’s diagnosis as soon as possible, preferably right after the diagnosis or once your child starts noticing the symptoms. If you wait too long, the situation may become severe, leaving your child very confused. 


Timing is even more essential if the family member is going to be living with your family. Your children need to understand why the family member is moving in and how it will change their day-to-day life. Though the conversation may be uncomfortable, it needs to happen sooner rather than later. 

How To Explain Dementia To Your Children

Explaining dementia is never an easy discussion. It is a heartbreaking condition that will affect the family member for the rest of their lives. Your child may be perplexed and may not understand the gravity of the situation. Therefore, the condition needs to be discussed so your child can better understand what’s happening. Here are a few tips on how to have that discussion

Allow Open Communication

Explaining dementia is not going to be a one-off conversation. Dementia causes frequent changes as it is a progressive condition that will eventually affect much of the brain. Therefore, the symptoms they are exhibiting now may be different from those they show in a few months or a year. Therefore, ensure your child knows that you are always open to discussing the situation and can answer any questions they have. 

Answer All Questions Honestly

The truth is that your children will probably have many questions. Chances are, that they have never witnessed someone live with dementia before, so they may not thoroughly understand what is happening. It’s essential to answer all their questions honestly so they have as much information as possible to navigate the situation. Don’t hide information from them or lie about your family member’s condition to protect them or their feelings. Children need to understand how serious the situation is and won’t understand the gravity of the condition if you don’t make that clear. 

Explain The Changes They Can Expect

It’s important to educate your child about what comes with dementia. They should know the basics of what the condition is as well as some of the most common symptoms they will witness in their loved ones. Unfortunately, dementia will probably affect all their interactions with the family member, so they should be prepared for what’s coming. Some common symptoms you should prepare them for are:


  • Forgetting names, people, and dates
  • Wandering off
  • Repeating questions or comments
  • Struggling to finish sentences or follow conversations
  • Increased irritation or aggression
  • Stubbornness
  • Apathy
  • Depression


Furthermore, you should also point them to age-appropriate resources so they can learn more on their own. For some basic information about dementia, you can head to the link below:

Remind Them That Their Family Members Still Love Them

The most heartbreaking aspects of dementia are that the person slowly loses their memory of their loved ones and begins to behave in a manner that is unlike them. These changes can make it seem like the family member no longer loves their loved ones or is an entirely different person altogether. This can make for some difficult interactions that your child may take personally. 


Make sure your child understands that although their family members are going through these heartbreaking changes, deep down, they still love them. Furthermore, any frustrating or confusing interactions should not be taken personally. The person with dementia slowly loses control of their memory or actions, so nothing they do is personal or meant to hurt anyone, including your child. Make this clear to your child so they know that they aren’t always necessarily to blame for their family member’s reactions or moods.  

Common Reactions From Children

Children may have mixed reactions to the news that their loved one has dementia. On the one hand, they may be sad that their loved one is changing, but they may also feel frustrated or resentful that the family member needs so much help. Assure them that their emotions are valid, but make sure they don’t act out or behave inappropriately. 


You should also be prepared for their emotions to change frequently. Some days they may be more understanding and helpful, while other days, they may be more resistant and act out. Be as patient as you can, as children often struggle to communicate their emotions calmly or appropriately. 


Some common reactions that children have to this news include: 

  • Sad that their family member is struggling 
  • Curious about dementia and accompanying diseases such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s
  • Confused about the person’s change of behavior
  • Frustrated or resentful that the person takes up so much time or resources to help
  • Embarrassment of their behavior, especially if their friends or visitors witness the behavior


No matter how they react, it is important to honor their emotions. You probably have conflicting emotions yourself, so you need to understand how confusing this situation is to a child. Though you should encourage the healthy expression of all their emotions, do not punish them for feeling a certain way. 

Final Thoughts

A dementia diagnosis affects everyone in the family, not just the diagnosed individual. The changes in the person’s behavior will leave children confused. Explaining dementia to them early on can help them prepare for their family member’s changes and help them navigate the situation better. Remember to be empathetic, open, and honest with each other as the two of you navigate this diagnosis together. 


Signs Your Child May Be Living With Depression

This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.


Depression is one of the most common mood disorders in the world. However, although most people know that many adults live with this condition, its prevalence amongst children is not as well known. This is primarily because some adults and parents dismiss children’s mental health as “just a phase” or something “they’ll get over.” However, mental illnesses do not just go away, and children do not grow out of them.


Childhood depression is a serious and common issue that can cause significant distress throughout adolescence (and even adulthood) if left untreated. Therefore, it’s important to understand depression so you can identify it if it shows up in your child. This article will give you a good introduction to depression in children, including causes, symptoms, and treatment options. 

What Is Depression?

Depression is a mental illness that can cause perpetual feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or despair. However, it is more than just “feeling down” for a day or two. The feelings experienced in depression are very intense and overwhelming. Furthermore, this condition can last weeks, months, or even years or decades if left untreated. 


Despite common belief, children and adults with depression cannot just “get over it.” The intense feelings can completely overwhelm and take over their life, affecting their social lives, school, and physical health. They may also lose interest in their hobbies and struggle to feel any sense of happiness or joy. A child’s demeanor and personality can completely change if they experience depression for long bouts of time. 

What Causes Depression In Children?

We all know that adulthood can be difficult, so it is understandable when we find out our peers live with depression. However, children have difficulties, too, that can cause depression. Not every child has a joyful childhood filled with wonder and love. Some children with depression experience rough childhoods, while others experience events, genetics, or other situations entirely out of their’s or their parents’ control. The most common causes and factors of depression in children include:


  • Substance use
  • Problems at home
  • Illness
  • Stressful life events
  • Trauma
  • Genetics

Signs And Symptoms Of Depression

If your child lives with depression, they may not open up to you about their struggle. What’s worse is they may not even understand what’s going on themselves! When adults realize that they have a condition, they may open up to their family, peers, or therapists about the problem. However, children don’t always think to do this or know how to vocalize their struggles. 


Therefore, you will need to be aware of any behavioral or mood changes to determine if something is wrong. Some common symptoms of depression that show up in children include: 


  • Continuous feelings of sadness, despair, hopelessness, worthlessness
  • Isolation and social withdrawal
  • Behavioral problems at school, during extracurricular activities, or when spending time with their peers
  • Apathy, boredom, and loss of interest in their favorite activities
  • Increased irritation, anger, or crankiness
  • Changes in appetite
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Fatigue
  • Pains that have no cause and don’t respond to treatment (such as headaches or stomachaches)
  • Increased number of tantrums, outbursts, or crying episodes
  • Thoughts of death or suicide**


**If you or your child are experiencing suicidal thoughts, reach out for help immediately. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1-800-273-8255 and is available 24/7.**


Anxiety is often concurrent with depression in children. Therefore, if your child is struggling with depression, they may also exhibit anxiety symptoms. These include: 


  • Persistent feelings of worry or nervousness
  • Negative thinking
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleeping issues or disorders
  • Quick to anger
  • Clinginess and separation anxiety


Depression and anxiety are very common among adolescents. About 13% of adolescents live with depression, and it is estimated that about 31% live with anxiety. Both conditions can affect your child’s school performance, social life, and overall happiness, so you should help your child as soon as possible. 

How To Treat Your Child’s Depression

If you notice your child exhibits any of the symptoms of depression, then you shouldn’t hesitate to seek treatment. Your child deserves to be happy and treat their feelings of despair. 


There are multiple treatment options to seek out, depending on the cause, severity, and length of your child’s depression. Below are a few of those options. 


Counseling is the most common form of treatment for both adults and children living with depression. A therapist can get to the root of your child’s depression and provide a safe space to discuss their problems and obstacles in life. They can also help your child find ways to cope with their stressors so that they can ease their symptoms and prevent them from worsening when life becomes stressful. Furthermore, a counselor can teach your child how to rewire their brain to be more optimistic and resilient. 


In some cases, it may be best to have your child take medication. However, this is a decision that a professional should make, and only after assessing your child and spending time counseling them. Mental health medication can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist, who your child’s therapist can recommend if they believe this is the best treatment option. 

Healthy Lifestyle

Though a healthy lifestyle probably won’t cure your child’s depression, it may help ease the symptoms. Exercise, a good diet, and plenty of sleep often result in happier, healthy, and more energetic children. If your child is struggling, work to create a more healthy lifestyle for everyone in the house to encourage better overall mental well-being and physical health. 

Bottom Line

Depression is more common in children than most people think. Unfortunately, mental health for children is often dismissed as “just a phase” and not important. But recognizing the signs of depression is critical so that they can receive the treatment they need. Hopefully, this article helped you understand if your child is experiencing depression and what treatment options are available. For further reading on depression, you can find more information and resources at the link below:


How To Heal After Domestic Violence

The article is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.


**Content Warning: This article discusses domestic violence and abuse. If you have or are experiencing domestic violence, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) for help and resources.** 


There are very few situations or events as traumatic as domestic violence. Abuse can leave you with physical and emotional scars that can last a long time. This can cause significant distress and difficulties, even long after the abuse has ended. 


However, though it may not always feel like it, the truth is that a more positive future is waiting for you. Once you have left your abusive situation, you are free to heal and find the joy that you deserve. Read on to learn how you can begin to rebuild your life and heal after surviving domestic violence. 

Create Stability

Your first priority after surviving domestic violence is finding a sense of stability and security. It has probably been a long time since you felt safe or had any stability or sense of autonomy. Therefore, you need to care about your basic survival needs before doing anything else. 


Make sure you have a safe place to live, a stable job, and the money to buy all your essentials. Create a sense of independence and security so that you aren’t tempted to go back to an abusive situation again just to get your needs met. Being on your own and creating a solid foundation with clear the path forward to further healing and recovery.

Process Your Experiences

Once you are safe and have a solid foundation, it is time to process your experiences. Ignoring your pain or trauma will not make them go away. The emotional scars will remain until you find ways to process the distress you experienced. 


Talking with a counselor is the best way to start this process. They have the training to help abuse survivors work on their limiting beliefs and develop strategies that will ensure a better future. They can also treat any mental health conditions or other consequences of domestic violence, such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. 


However, you can also process the emotions on your own. For example, you can write in a journal to analyze your thoughts, practice mindfulness or meditation, or partake in other activities that facilitate emotional healing. 

Find A Support Network

It’s also essential to create a support network so that you don’t experience your healing journey alone. This can include going to a support group for domestic violence survivors or reconnecting with friends and family. 


Abusers will often isolate their targets from their friends and family so that no one can help them. Therefore, once a survivor leaves an abusive situation, they may feel isolated and alone. It is crucial to reconnect with loved ones or create a new support network so you are no longer alone. 

Create Goals To A Happier Future

As you progress on your healing journey, you should start planning for a more positive future. When experiencing domestic violence, survivors often lose their sense of individuality and any hope for their future. Their dreams may be squashed by their abusers, or they become so focused on survival that they don’t even know what their dreams are. Now that you are safe and taking control of your life, you can plan for a happier future. 


If you don’t know what your dreams are, take some time to think about what you want from life. You can use a journal or ask your counselor for help with this. When we spend months or years under the control of someone else, it can take some time to figure out who we are and what we want. Therefore, there’s no shame in taking time to do this or consulting with a professional along the way. 


Once you have an idea of what you want, start setting goals to achieve your dreams, and then take baby steps to reach those goals. It is essential to be patient with the process and set achievable goals. The path to any dream can take a long time and require an enormous amount of energy. However, by creating goals that are achievable, you will find yourself on the path to progress soon enough. 

Practice Self-Compassion

The path to healing is rarely straightforward. It comes with challenges and setbacks that can stumble you along the way. That’s why no matter what is happening, you should practice self-compassion.


Don’t beat yourself up for being emotional or struggling with basic tasks. Domestic violence can affect you long after the abuse has ended, so know that your challenges are normal. Furthermore, your emotions are valid, and it may take a while to heal fully. Remind yourself that this is okay, and keep working on your healing strategies. 


You should also find ways to motivate and empower yourself when life seems difficult. Though you may have some bad days, having strategies to recover and keep being positive will keep your momentum going. 


Furthermore, no matter what is happening, always take time for self-care. Eat nutritious food, get plenty of rest, and exercise often. Also, take time to relax, treat yourself, and set appropriate boundaries to ensure you have plenty of “me time.” 


And, of course, remember that your past does not define you. Though the experience may have been traumatic, you can heal. The healing process is not a race; it is a journey. So make sure to be patient and compassionate with yourself every step of the way. 


For more guidance and tips on healing from domestic violence, click on the link below:


Unhealthy Defense Mechanisms To Keep An Eye Out For

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.


We all have our own ways of dealing with stressful situations. Depending on our upbringing and past experiences, we may have healthy and effective mechanisms or use strategies that cause more harm than good. However, it’s not always easy to identify these unhealthy defense mechanisms, as they are often unconscious behaviors. 


The problem is that unhealthy defense mechanisms can cause unnecessary tension and rifts within the family. If either a parent or child consistently uses them, the family will struggle to work through conflict or overcome challenges together. This is why it is so important to identify unhealthy defense mechanisms early and treat them. In this article, you will learn about some of the most common harmful defense mechanisms and learn how to create better strategies for coping with stress. 

Common Unhealthy Defense Mechanisms

Defense mechanisms are behaviors or ways of thinking that are used to handle or distance oneself from uncomfortable or stressful situations. Unhealthy defense mechanisms are often used to rewrite reality in one’s mind or find other ways to avoid or skirt around the issue. These mechanisms often create more harm than good, damaging relationships, worsening one’s mental health, or even making the issue much worse than it initially was. Below are a few harmful defense mechanisms that you may encounter often. 


Denial is probably the most well-known defense mechanism. It is a pathological defense mechanism used when someone refuses to accept reality as it is. They will block the uncomfortable or inconvenient facts as a way to protect themselves from the resulting stress or other negative emotions. 


Though everyone experiences denial at some point in their lives, denial is only harmful when it is a persistent defense mechanism. For example, someone in grief may experience denial when they first hear news of losing their loved one but will transition into other emotions and acceptance. This is a normal part of grief and does not necessarily indicate that someone uses denial as a consistent defense mechanism. 


As with denial, projection is a defense mechanism used to rewrite reality to avoid distressful facts or emotions. People who use this defense mechanism will misattribute their actions or uncomfortable thoughts and emotions to someone else. They do this because they struggle to own up to their own behaviors and feelings and therefore need to put them onto someone else to make themselves feel and look better. 


Someone who uses repression will hide painful memories or thoughts, hoping to forget them altogether. This is commonly experienced amongst survivors of abuse. They will try to hide the traumatic events in hopes that they can cope better if they “forget” about those memories. Repression often occurs subconsciously as a way to protect the mind from further pain or distress.


However, repression rarely works. Even if someone does not consciously remember the traumatic event, their subconscious will have memories of it. As a result, they will do things or have certain thoughts that self-sabotage their goals, cause them great distress, or repeat the trauma in some way. 

Acting Out

Have you ever experienced someone reacting completely out of proportion to a particular situation? For example, maybe they were angry at someone, and instead of communicating, they threw an object against the room. Instances like these are called “acting out.” 


Acting out is very commonly attributed to children but often occurs in adults too. It is an extreme reaction to emotion or situation. The person feels intense emotions but doesn’t know how to process them, so they do something drastic to release the pain. However, people who use this defense mechanism rarely think before acting and may harm themselves or their loved ones as a result. 


Displacement is the act of taking out distressing emotions on someone or something that is not seen as threatening. The person rarely has anything to do with the situation causing the distress but is seen as “an easy target” for someone to take their emotions out on. 


For example, a person who is frustrated at work may be silent and bottle up their emotions at the workplace but take out their anger at home. This can include snapping at their partner for tiny inconveniences or even becoming violent or abusive. 


If you are experiencing domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) for help, guidance, and support. 

How To Treat Unhealthy Defense Mechanisms

Don’t worry if you identified any of these defense mechanisms in yourself or your family. We learn these mechanisms based on our upbringing and experiences but aren’t glued to them for eternity. Furthermore, children commonly express unhealthy defense mechanisms but grow out of them with proper education, stress management techniques, and discipline. But if you are witnessing these defense mechanisms in your family, there are a few things you can do to start working on them right away. 


First of all, it is essential to teach your family about mindfulness. Mindfulness encourages one to be aware of their emotions and be present with their coping strategies. Furthermore, this practice promotes feeling your feelings rather than running from them. In turn, this encourages you to make better decisions when looking to heal or release painful emotions rather than just react to them. 


Second, discussing your situation and defense mechanisms with a therapist can be quite beneficial. Your therapist can teach you and your family healthier ways to handle your obstacles and show you how your actions affect each other.  


Finally, you can also educate yourself on healthy defense mechanisms so that you can work towards healthier behaviors. You can start learning about these healthy mechanisms by clicking on the link below:


Final Thoughts

We all have our own ways of adapting and reacting to stressful events. However, we should always aim to develop strategies that will not cause further harm. By identifying the unhealthy defense mechanisms in you or your family, you are already taking an essential step towards choosing healthy behaviors that will help you manage stress effectively. 


The Advantages of Having a Drive Up Storage Unit

If you’re looking for an easy way to store your belongings, drive up storage units are a great choice. You can drive right up to the unit and unload your belongings without having to carry them very far.

With drive up storage units in mind, we shall examine here the types of items that are useful for storing as opposed to using just a standard lock-up situation. 

Though we might have 24/7 security and climate control, we still need to be able to conveniently get our items into or out of the self-storage unit. Access is everything when you have a storage unit. You will want it nearby and have a situation where it is as easy as possible to transfer items between your home and the unit.


Many self-storage units will house vehicles, and we will want to drive them straight into our larger-sized unit. We are talking about commuting and recreational vehicles such as:

  • Cars
  • Motorcycles
  • ATVs
  • Boats
  • RVs
  • Trailers


Second vehicles are popular for putting into self-storage units. Also, where a family grows and there are more car owners, it can become a necessity to have somewhere else that is secure enough to store them rather than risk leaving them out on a driveway or at the side of a road.

Heavy and Awkward Furniture

If you’re like many people, you may have heavy or awkward furniture to store that’s difficult to move. 

With drive up access, you can easily drive your car or truck up to your storage unit to load or unload your belongings. This is especially helpful if you have large or heavy items to store. You can also drive up to your unit to access your belongings anytime you need them.

Be sure to secure your furniture properly to your vehicle using plenty of rope to ensure there are no accidents on the way to the self-storage unit. It may not be far, and hopefully, it isn’t, but you do not want to take any chances with safety or break any rules of the road.

Disabled Users

For those with any kind of disability or who find it difficult to lift, it is useful to have a self-storage unit with easy access. You will want it not on the top floor but at ground level so that a vehicle can be driven as close up to it as possible.

Anyone with asthma or a breathing complaint such as COPD will appreciate not walking too far with objects they are dropping off at a self-storage unit.

Those without much help will want good access to their storage unit. An item may not require so many bodies moving it when there is less distance to have to take it.

Knowing that there are drive-up storage units is a peace of mind for those looking to store awkward objects or have other factors to consider when renting a storage unit. The first consideration might be how big the storage unit is but then we will want to know that we can easily move our objects and position them where we want within the unit. Careful placement of those objects will be what protects them best from each other and makes retrieval easier.

Drive up storage units are a good option for many, who find it well worth paying for the facility, and the extras many come with. Who can begrudge paying the extra when it is for our convenience? We will then not think twice about putting a certain object into self-storage when we know that we can much more easily retrieve it any time we need it.

10 Best Word Games for Kids


Word games are perfect for kids because they keep them entertained but also teach them new words. If you would like your children to spend less time in front of a screen and watching videos, then maybe an exciting word game can be the way to go. And let’s be honest, no one likes spelling exercises at school, but if there is some competitive element, perhaps your kids will want to be more involved. In this article, we will show you 5 great word games for kids. 

I spy with my little eye

This game is very easy to play and therefore perfect for young children. The idea is that one of the players will look around the room, the park, or wherever you are right now and will choose an object. Then they will say, “I spy with my little eye something …..” and will continue the phrase with some characteristic of the object they chose. The other players will have to try to guess which is the object or ask for more clues. 

Unscramble the words

The name says it all, but you will have to unscramble as many words as you can in this game. It is very easy to play with since you don’t need anything but a pen and paper. You can come up with some easy and not so easy keywords, scramble them, and put the scrambled letters on a piece of paper. Then your kid will have to guess the word, and maybe they can even come up with a couple of ones with the letters that are available. If the child has trouble guessing the word at some point, they can use a Wordle cheat until they get the hang of it and can unscramble the words by themselves.


Hang Man

Probably there is no need to explain to you how this game is played, but maybe you forgot some of the rules, so let’s cover the basics. Hang Man is another game that you can play only with pen and paper. One person is going to be the main player in each round. They will have to think of a word, count the letters in it, and add a line on the paper for each letter. Then the other players will have to count how many letters there are and try to guess which are the letters inside. If they guess correctly, the letters are added to the paper, but the main player will draw one part of the hangman if they guess wrongly. If the word is not guessed before the whole body of the hangman is drawn, then the main player wins a point. And in case the word is guessed, the player that found out the word will win the point.

Scrabble for kids

Scrabble indeed can be a very complicated game for kids, but some versions are adapted and made very kids-friendly. Scrabble is another perfect game to encourage kids to learn new words, especially their spelling. The rules will be pretty similar where they will get tiles with letters on them. They will try to come up with the longest possible word and put it on the board with those tiles. Each player can also use the letters of the words that are already on the board, similar to crossword puzzles. Of course, there are some tweaks in the game to make it easier for kids. There are many other board games that you can get for your little ones to play by themselves or with you.


Alphabet is a very simple game suitable for young children. Each kid will have to come up with a word that starts with each alphabet letter. They should try to be more creative because only the words that don’t match the other players’ ones are counted. Also, they shouldn’t skip or misplace a letter, or they will lose a point. You can try to put a time limit and see if the kids will be able to come up with a word for each letter on time. It is a perfect game to practice the alphabet and your kids’ creativity. 

Shapewear Vs Waist trainer: Which Is Best For You

So, Shapewear and Waist trainers are two undergarments that are in a trend or fashion you must have in your closet. The working of these two items are different but they are everyone’s need in today’s world.

We are going to cover the difference between shapewear vs waist trainers. The main facts that we explain are their results. 

Lets see which one is best for you and why?

Difference of Shapewear Vs Waist Trainers:

The Shapewear is that type of undergarment which provides an instantly slimmer look and temporary results. It gives you a sexy and smooth figure in any outfit you wear. 

So the shapewear is suitable for everyone who’s looking for the best and shape figure at any event, outing, parties etc. On the other hand, The waist trainers are the one which can permanently fix your body figure by trimming and melting your water fat.

Lets See both of their workings in detail.

Shapewear: How does it work?

As we said above, the shapewear is designed for giving the body a smooth and curvy look that everyone wants. It can be worn easily in any outfit or dress if you want a slimmer and tight figure.

Most of the Women prefer it to wear at work, events and casual outings parties etc.

The main reason that you need shapewear the most in your wardrobe is because of today’s unfigured body type and not having time to slim your body naturally.

It has the ability and the reason for making these undergarments is to save time and instantly change your body figure. You can hide your problems by using shapewear at any time.

So, it also has many types like tummy tuck, butt, thigh fats etc. Choose the one best shapewear for women preferably from the website

according to your need and choice.

Some shapewear types are below:

  • Tummy Tucker Body Shaper:

This tummy tucker best shapewear for lower belly pooch is specifically designed for only hiding the tummy area fat that makes a problem when wearing any outfit. So these are the ones which are used for lower abdominal areas.

  • Hiding Butt Fat Bodysuits:

It is made for hiding only butt area fat that is looking extra to the whole body whenever you wear any dress. It looks weird. These bodysuits are especially for this problem.

  • Thighs Fat Body Shaper:

Most of the Women’s have big thighs that make them look attractive and sexy. The high thigh fat body shapers are made for these problems and instantly gives you relief from this issue.

Waist Trainers: How it works and benefits?

Now the Waist Trainers are the one which mainly helps your body in the long term. It is purely made from highly compression neoprene materials that have the ability to produce more sweat and melt fat quickly.

It can also control your body to expand more and best for reducing waist size or achieving perfect hourglass body figure.

Just like shapewear, Waist trainers also help in making you slimmer instantly and give a perfect look. You can achieve an hourglass look permanently if you use it in a consistent way.

You should use it at least for about 8 hours a day to get maximum results from it. You just have two options, if you want a temporary fix then you have to opt for shapewear. However, if you want a permanent solution you can go for a well-constructed best waist trainer.

The working of waist trainers improves your posture and figure. Also, it helps you to achieve the best figure that boosts your confidence at any event.

So if you want a permanent solution you can go for waist trainers as per our suggestion and if you want temporary results you can select shapewear.

Some types of Waist Trainers Are:

  • Lower Abdomen Waist Trainer:

It is the most commonly used waist trainer that is special for losing belly fat and gives you a perfect hourglass shape. The lower belly waist trimmer produces more sweat at 2x level and burns the extra fat within 1-2 weeks.

  • Post Pregnancy Waist Girdles:

These types of waist trainers are made for mommies who have the C-section and their figures are disturbed after surgery. The pregnancy waist trainer is made for these women to attain back their original figure and stand out freely anywhere.

  • Muffin Tops Waist Trainer:

So, this is also one of the most common problems for each woman. This waist trainer of muffin tops specifically works on trimming the big muffin tops that show back of your waistline and looks very weird in every outfit.


Is shapewear and waist trainer the same?

No, They both are different in the long run. If you want instant results then they work the same but we suggest shapewear for instant or quick results.

Can you use shapewear as a waist trainer?

No, Shapewear only hides the extra fat on your body that makes you feel weird and your figure does not look good. You can not use shapewear as a waist trainer as each of them have different workings.

Which is a better waist trainer or corset?

Waist Trainers are the best solution for your problems in the long run. It trims your extra fat as a result of sweat and shapes your body as its original shape.

Does waist training flatten your stomach?

Yes, Waist training is the best solution for a flatter stomach as there is no other solution. Instead of that, You can use a waist trainer with exercise and diet to flatten your stomach within 1-2 weeks.

Overall Conclusion:

As we stated, The Difference of Shapewear Vs Waist Trainers is which one is best for you. You can choose according to your goals, and your needs.

We have explained all the aspects regarding waist trainers working, their results and shapewear as well so consider according to your taste.

Food and Supplements for a Youthful Skin

Aging is a natural process, and nothing you do can stop it. However, you can add grace to your aging process. Living in low-stress conditions, exercising, and eating healthy are regarded as one of the best ways to have healthy skin as you age. Although, The Manhattan Rhinoplasty helps patients to obtain an aesthetically beautiful, anatomically functional nose using advanced surgical techniques.


Our skin starts to have dark spots, wrinkles, and frickles as it ages. It is because of the presence of free radicals on the skin. Therefore, you need to prevent the skin from inflammation and reduce free radicals in the skin. You can achieve healthy skin by making a few lifestyle and dietary changes. Read on to find out how! 


Food and Supplements for Your Skin 

The most considerable organ in your body is the skin. It relies on various nutrients and vitamins for undergoing naturally healthy aging. Adding food rich in protein, healthy fat, and oxidants helps make your skin look and feel good as you age. You can use natural supplements to complete the required nutritional value in your body if you are not fond of eating much food. Here is a list of foods and accompaniments that can help you have more youthful skin as you age. 


  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

Are you looking for an oil that helps in skin enrichment and lowers the risk of diseases such as metabolic syndrome? If yes, then extra virgin olive oil is the answer. It is rich in antioxidants and healthy fats. As a result, it is a great choice to reduce inflammation in the skin. In addition, the presence of monosaturated fats helps in reducing skin aging.


  • Collagen Peptides 

Collagen is present in high amounts in our skin and joints. As we age, the bodies reduce collagen production and break it down. As a result, the skin begins to sag and have wrinkles. 


Therefore, you can start taking natural supplements or eating tofu, eggs, and chicken to accelerate collagen production will help in keeping your skin healthy. In addition, avoid smoking and sun tanning to reduce collagen breakdown. 


  • Flax Seeds 

Flax seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic acid. Therefore, consuming flax seeds every day will improve the skin membrane and keep it hydrated. In addition, it also helps in reducing inflammation. 


  • Green Tea

Green is highly-rich in antioxidants, notably polyphenols. Antioxidants are essential to stabilize the number of free radicals in your skin. Going out in the sun, keeping stressed, and normal skin functions produce free radicals. They can damage your skin. Having green tea every day will help reduce free radicals, thus, better skin. In addition, it also helps in reducing the risk of heart disease, neurological decline, etc. 


  • Vegetables 

Eating vegetables is essential for having healthy and youthful skin. Most vegetables are rich in nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. Our skin needs several nutrients and vitamins like vitamin C, E, carotenoids, etc., to fight premature aging. 


You can include pumpkin, carrots, and sweet potato in your diet will help in improving the skin and many other health issues. Moreover, different color of vegetables represents an additional antioxidant; thus, include them all in your diet for the best results. 


Final Words 

It is essential to understand that our skin is what food we eat. Adding a high-fiber diet, antioxidant-rich vegetables, and fruits will result in glowing and healthy skin. In addition, keeping your skin hydrated is the key to nurturing skin benefits from your dietary and skincare routines. 


Gambler’s Choice: Five Great Books from 2021

Outside of casinos and pure chance, a well-informed bet is not as much of a gamble as it might be.

In our ever-changing and often divisive modern world, it’s important to stay informed, and build empathy with the perspectives of others.

That idea was the key one behind this list. A couple of books for gamblers, a couple featuring gamblers and gambling, one slightly controversial New Zealand bestseller and one left-field choice. All published in 2021. Happy reading!

Punters: How Paddy Power Bet Billions and Changed Gambling Forever (Aaron Rogan)

If you’ve ever been to the UK or Ireland or watched UK sports, you’ll no doubt have seen the Paddy Power brand. Brits love this sports betting chain (or bookies as they call them) and their adverts are everywhere.

However, even in New Zealand – you’ve probably seen adverts from Paddy’s parent company, Flutter.

Flutter is now the single biggest gambling business in the world. Bigger than brands you might know better, like MGM or Caesar’s.

How did they get there? How did a bunch of Irish misfits create a multibillion-dollar business? Aaron Rogan does a good job of revealing all, without shying away from some of the societal issues that gambling can cause.

Fancy a cheeky punt after reading that one? Well, you might not be able to play at Paddy Power in NZ right now, but there’s a $5 deposit online casino we could recommend for you.


Auē (Becky Manawatu)

OK, so this one wasn’t actually published in 2021. But Auē was that year’s bestseller in New Zealand. As it also was in 2020.

Auē, the tale of two orphan Māori children and their struggles with poverty and gang violence, also won loads of awards and praise from some of New Zealand’s most eminent writers. Not bad for a debut novel!

Although some Māori contested its depictions, Auē received overwhelmingly positive feedback.

Its moving tale has captivated audiences across the world and sold hundreds of thousands of copies, helping to spread awareness of not just the problems but also the beauty in all New Zealand’s cultures.

You Can’t Lose Them All: Tales of a Degenerate Gambler and His Ridiculous Friends (Sal Iacono)

Sal Iacono, better known as Cousin Sal, has had a long career in American sports broadcasting. He’s worked for Fox, WWE and has been one of the USA’s biggest tipsters for many years.

He’s known as Cousin Sal, not because he’s a mobster as you might think, but because he’s cousins with famous talk show host Jimmy Kimmel.

This book details some of the crazy bets Sal has made in his career, as well as the famous (and infamous) faces he has made bets with. All in Sal’s unique and comic tone of voice!

The Four Winds (Kristin Hannah)

This powerful American Depression-era melodrama was one of the best-selling books of 2021. It details two generations of a young Texas family, deciding whether to abandon their dust bowl farm and head West into California – or stay and work for their home soil.

It brings to life characters with real evocative spirit – if you’re interested in old-timey Americana, you’ll love this one.


First Person Singular (Haruki Murakami)

A bit of a left-field choice, and definitely not a bestseller. However, the pretentious poetry reader’s novelist of choice is undeniably one of the finest writers in the world.

The award-winning Japanese storyteller was back in 2021 with a collection of short stories. Each one is told in the titular first-person singular – aka the perspective of the character who is also the narrator.

However, in typical Murakami fashion, that concept isn’t quite as simple as it seems. Other narrators, potentially Murakami himself, float in through the prose and offer their thoughts with little or no explanation.

Music. Baseball. Ghosts. Tranquillity by the sea. Talking monkeys writing jazz albums.

All of the above. Murakami drifts between topics but in a purposeful fashion, like a floating lantern on a stream.

We told you it was a left-field choice for our last book, are you in for the ride? 

12 Baby Essentials You Can’t Live Without

Having a baby is one of the most beautiful things in the world. They are so innocent and pure, and they bring a new level of joy to your life. But before you can experience all of that, you need to make sure your home is ready for your little one! There are many items that you will need to buy before the baby comes, but don’t worry – we have compiled a list of the twelve essentials that you can’t live without. Keep reading for more information!

Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

A Crib

This is probably the most essential item on the list. First, your baby will need a comfortable place to sleep, and a crib is a perfect option. However, make sure to pick one that is sturdy and has a good mattress.

A Changing Table

You will be spending a lot of time changing your baby’s diapers, so it’s essential to have a dedicated changing table. Look for one with plenty of storage space so that you can keep all of your supplies close at hand.

Baby Tableware

When thinking of one of the first essentials, bottles immediately come into one’s mind. They are easy to carry, to feed your baby in public and your baby just loves them. There is a wide variety of bottles in the market to choose from. When babies outgrow the bottle feeding age, you can also opt for a feeding set for babies which contains plates and stay-put bowls to help prevent the mess during the feeding.

Baby clothes

Of course, you will need to have some clothes for your little one to wear! Make sure to stock up on onesies, sleepers, and other basics. You might also want to pick out a few cute outfits for special occasions.


General Medication

While you might not need it right away, you’ll want to have some infant pain reliever and gas drops on hand just in case. You’ll also want to stock up on baby Pamol.


First-aid Kit

A well-stocked first-aid kit is a must for any home, but it’s especially important if you have a baby. Be sure to include items like bandages, gauze, and antiseptic cream.


A Stroller

You will definitely need a stroller so that you can take your baby out and about. Look for one that is lightweight and easy to maneuver.


A Car Seat

A car seat is an absolute must if you want to take your baby anywhere in the car. However, make sure to choose one that is age and size-appropriate.


Baby Formula

If you are not breastfeeding, you will need to buy baby formula. There are many different types on the market, so talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant to find the best one for your baby.



You will go through A LOT of diapers, so be sure to stock up! You can either buy disposable diapers or cloth diapers. If you go with cloth, you will also need to get a diaper pail and some laundry detergent specifically for babies.

Photo by Sarah  Chai


You will use wipes for everything from changing diapers to cleaning up spills. Look for ones that are gentle on the skin and free of harmful chemicals.


Baby Lotion

Baby skin is very sensitive, so you will need to use a special lotion to keep it healthy and hydrated. Also, look for one that is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic.


Baby Shampoo

Just like with lotion, you will need to use a special shampoo on your baby’s hair. Again, look for a gentle, tear-free formula.