Author: MamatheFox

What is the Environmental Impact of Divorce?

Divorce can have a huge impact on the lives of a separating couple, but it can also have much more far-reaching consequences. In this article, we’re going to be examining the impact of divorce on our environment…

Photo by Min An from Pexels

There are many things to consider when thinking about a divorce, including how children, property and our social lives will be impacted. However, one thing that many couples do not consider, is the impact of divorce on our environment.


In this article, we’ll take a look at what the consequences may be for the environment as well as, how to get a divorce that’s more environmentally friendly. 

How are Divorces Bad for the Environment?


In the last decade, we’ve started to become increasingly conscious of ways we can reduce our carbon footprint and do our bit for the planet. Some of the ways divorce can affect the environment include: 

One Household Becoming Two


When a couple initiates their divorce, usually one of the next steps includes living in separate properties. More households with fewer people can mean more water and energy are being used up – something which is of course, harmful to the planet.  



Although a couple will usually ‘divvy up’ furniture and other items following a divorce, it’s inevitable that one or both parties will have to buy new items. Mass-produced furniture and other products can contribute significantly to environmental issues and to climate change.

Vehicle Emissions

Photo by Takahiro Taguchi from Unsplash

While a married couple may have their own cars, they will generally share some car journeys. For example, trips to the supermarket, visits to family and trips and tours within the UK. It would, needless to say, be very unusual for a divorced couple to continue with these shared journeys. Twice as much emissions are therefore being created continually.



Divorce usually involves a large amount of documentation and paperwork – particularly if the separation is acrimonious. As we know, the production of paper is not good news for our planet. 


While some documents relating to divorce will need to be printed and physically signed, many other types of paperwork and communications can easily – and legally – be conducted through email and other digital means. 

How to Have a Greener Divorce


Photo by Eline Somers from Unsplash

When going through a divorce, it’s unlikely that the environment will be your first consideration. However, there are a few things that you can do to make the process a little more environmentally friendly and, these are as follows:


  • Documents – Where possible, request that documents are sent digitally and ask if these can be e-signed rather than hard copies being produced. Although this won’t always be possible, things like communication can be conducted by email.


  • Travel – Try to cut down on travelling to and from solicitors’ offices and the courts by requesting appearances and meetings by video to cut down on the use of vehicles.


  • Furniture – Instead of heading to your nearest brand of Ikea, you may want to consider second-hand or recycled furniture. Not only is this good for the planet but you’ll end up with some unique pieces – and save some cash too. 


  • Children – When there are children involved in a divorce, many couples have a tendency to double up on toys, devices and other items. While this may be convenient, it’s also unnecessary. Instead, try to share these items to cut down on production and waste. It’s also a good idea to think about how children will be transported from one home to another and to, perhaps, consider walking where possible in order to save on fuel.


  • Be mindful – When starting again after a divorce, be mindful of the environment. Now is a really good time to develop an eco-friendlier lifestyle. Think about making small changes such as carpooling and buying water-saving devices to make some small but significant changes to your daily life. This is also an opportunity to change your shopping habits by buying greener products and making the decision to buy from companies which actively support the environment.

Divorce and the Environment


When going through a divorce, it will often feel that it’s all that you can do to get through the day and, as such, the last thing on your mind will be the environment. However, not only is being mindful of the environment essential for our planet’s survival, but it’s also an opportunity to get into new habits which are more environmentally friendly. These new habits can also save you a fair amount of cash in the long run.


Although divorce will usually be an occasion of sadness, it can be turned into a positive in a small way by changing your way of thinking and, therefore, your way of living, for a more positive future. 




The 3 Important Things To Look For When Buying A Family Home

Once you start having children, your needs change drastically. One of the biggest changes will likely come in the form of the home that you need to buy. You may be happily living in a condo in the middle of a big city. Now, you won’t be comfortable there and have to find a suitable home for your kids.  Perfecting your home when it doesn’t have the right factors is not going to work. You’ll need to find a new one that ticks all of the boxes a family needs. 

There are some basics to look for when buying a family home that are generally universal. To know what the ideal family home should be you have to be aware of those basics. In this article, we will go over what you should be looking for.


1 – Consider the location

The days when it was important to be located near the bars, restaurants, and nightlife are long gone when you start having children. This means that you have to carefully consider where you are looking. You should have all the amenities a family needs nearby. This means that it should be in a good school district with schools nearby. 

The other factor is having things like a supermarket, banks, and other types of businesses when you need to run errands. Having to get little kids ready to go far for these things makes life complicated. 

The best suburbs of Nashville have these types of amenities nearby so look into that area or a similar situation wherever you are focusing. 

Some bonus amenities are things like parks, rivers or beaches, and walking trails. If you are not far from nature then this is a big benefit for your children


2 – Plenty of space

When the children are little you may not give too much thought to the size of the house. It may seem big enough now, but when they become teenagers, they will need a lot more space than they do now. They need to have rooms big enough for privacy but also to do their homework and study.

You may also think about expanding your family at some point and will need to make sure you have room for that. 

Having a house that your family can grow into is the best way to go, otherwise, you may find yourself in the market for a new home very quickly and face the hassle of moving with a young family. 


3 – Be move-in-ready

Getting a fixer-upper may seem like a great bargain but it can complicate your life greatly when you have small children. Trying to do construction in a house will be very disruptive and children need stability and calm to grow properly. This is not a situation in which children can thrive. If the process of renovating is going to take months then you should seriously consider if it is worth it to buy in that condition. 

7 Things to Do After Being Served With Divorce Papers


Obtaining a divorce might provide a significant challenge for you to surmount, or it could be one that you can handle with a reasonable amount of effort and effort. Experts indicate that half of all marriages in the country end in divorce, including Georgia divorce online and similar services. This is making it difficult to guarantee yourself a successful marriage. And when it fails, a lot of people find themselves lost as they do not know what to do when served with divorce papers. You are in luck since there are a few straightforward methods that you may make use of to lower the emotional load you are carrying at this time and to get your life back on track once the divorce is finalized.

  • Don’t blame eitherh of you 

It is only normal to blame a former lover for the years of your youth that you have wasted away. It would be better if you took this chance to grow as a person and as a husband rather than leaping to conclusions about his guilt or putting the blame for the troubles in your marriage on him. Is there a specific explanation for why the two of you were unable to make it work? What happens after serving divorce papers to both former partners? What measures may be taken going forward to ensure that this does not occur again? If you want to make the most progress in your life, the most effective strategy is to provide truthful responses, even if they aren’t always the most pleasant.

  1. Inquire into the limits

Make sure that your previous partners are not emotionally or financially draining you by wasting your time or money in any way. Take note of the patterns of language that you use, and mind your conjugal rights. Maintain your composure and avoid engaging in contentious exchanges if you wish to avoid the initiation of any new disputes or legal proceedings. 


Reduce the number of times you go out with friends and family since after a divorce, your usual activities may become more challenging because you will no longer have a social support system consisting of friends and family members with whom you can share them. It is essential that you give some thought to who you will be able to maintain friendships with after the divorce from your husband and who you should fully sever relations with. You should think about whether or not your friends or acquaintances might tell your ex-spouse anything they know about you, and you should make it very clear that you won’t be pressing anyone to take a side. 

If you start dating again too soon after getting a divorce, despite the fact that you want to experience the joy of falling in love once again, there is a chance that you may bring too much baggage into the new relationship. Spend some time thinking about what you believe was missing from your marriage and how you might be able to fulfill that void in your life.

  1. Talk to a therapist

It’s possible that the procedure for seeking a divorce may be very challenging. The reality is that feeling run down or “down in the dumps” is only one aspect of what stress entails. Because it is clear that you are not in peak physical condition, increasing the amount of weight you carry will cause you to cause additional harm to your body. You have to walk away from your obligations for a little while, ask for the assistance of trustworthy loved ones with home chores, take a break from work, and put your mental health first. A session with a psychotherapist is not some odd cliché but rather a useful way to gain insight into oneself and let go of pent-up feelings. In point of fact, all of this is much more than just a depressing story; it entails a great number of complexities, feelings of guilt and anger, and maybe feelings of depression as well. Before you can force yourself to behave normally again, you have to give yourself time to work through all of these feelings first.

  1. Take your time to calm down

In addition to seeking professional assistance, you will need to make some alterations to your way of living after being served divorce papers. Unfortunately, many people are never able to return back to normal after experiencing something that was far less traumatic than what happened to you. What occurred to you isn’t the only factor that caused this. You shouldn’t have to teach yourself how to coexist with yourself; rather, you should teach yourself how to love yourself and to treat your mental and physical well-being with the same compassion that you show to the people who are important to you. The realization that everything is slipping away from you is not enough; you need to take action to help yourself and seek aid from other people. Tiredness and obstacles at work are hardly instances of difficulties that will last permanently. Now that you’ve had some time off to refresh yourself and take stock of the situation, you’re prepared to go back to the office.

  1. Take care of yourself

After getting served documents, you will have more time on your hands as well as more mental space to find out what it is that you truly want. It’s possible that right now is the ideal time to experiment with something completely new, whether it be a game, a location, or a degree of dedication to your profession. If your marriage has been preventing you from participating in these activities, then you should take the opportunity and be thankful for everything that you have. 

It is easy to talk yourself into believing that your marriage may be restored after a major argument has been resolved and you have made an effort to put the past in the past. Even if it seems like you and your ex have both grown to the point where you are ready to give the relationship another try and are taking positive, actionable steps toward reconciling your differences, you should not give in to the need to begin from the very beginning. This is true even if it appears that you and your ex have both reached this point.

  1. Make your children you top-1 priority

In the event that you and your ex-spouse have children together, it is imperative that the needs of those children take precedence in any settlement talks. You and your partner may find it difficult at first to maintain cordial relations with one another, which may provoke child support issues. But the achievement of your goals for the upbringing of your children will be contingent on your capacity to cooperate. Make preparations for when and where the entire family will gather together, how the money will be divided, and what you’ll need to keep an eye on in the future, such as which schools your child will attend.

  1. Avoid toxic people

Mind the fact, that after getting served divorce papers you will be extremely vulnerable. Another unpleasant but necessary chore is to damn those individuals who cause pain into your life and then send them to hell. Do not settle for relationships that do not complete you, friendships in which you are required to put on a mask, or occupations that require a lot of energy from you but provide nothing in return. There may be occasions when you will need to brace yourself for the scrutiny of the people around you. When caring for oneself, it is important to remember that the purpose of one’s existence is not to fulfill the requirements set forth by other people.

Is the Christian Faith for or Against Drug Use?

In this article, we’ll be exploring different Christian attitudes towards the use of drugs…

Photo by Samantha Sophia from Unsplash

In the UK, legal penalties for drug offences, including possession with intent to supply (PWITS charge), can carry serious consequences which may include a fine or even a prison term. 


While there is no direct mention of illegal drugs in the bible, many Christian denominations still actively discourage drug use. However, there are some Christian movements that accept the use of legal substances, such as alcohol or tobacco, in social environments. 


This means that, as well as the legal consequences, drug use can also be considered as going against the Christian faith. In this article, we’ll be exploring the various Christian attitudes towards drug use. 


The Christian Faith and its Stance on Drug Use


As with most religions, Christianity is centred around a set of beliefs which lay the foundation for Christian principles and lifestyle. These rules include prohibiting things which are considered morally wrong such as murder, theft, and adultery. 


Due the fact that there is no direct mention of drugs (other than alcohol) in the bible, many people feel there is an element of ambiguity when it comes to Christianity’s stance on drugs. 


The term “drugs” can be used to describe both legal and illegal substances. Examples of legal drugs include alcohol, tobacco, and even caffeine. Illegal drugs include substances such as cannabis, cocaine, and heroin. In this article, we’ll be referring to both legal and illegal drugs. 


Christian Arguments Against the Use of Drugs


Many Christians believe that the Christian faith should stand against drug use for a number of reasons, including: 

Resisting Temptations

The Christian faith emphasises the act of being self-disciplined. Thus, some Christians feel you should resist the urge to recreationally consume drugs. 

Some Christians believe that indulging in any drug, even alcohol, can make it far more likely for us to commit a sin as we cannot think as rationally when under the influence. Therefore, it’s seen as good practice to resist the temptation of substances in order to avoid sin.




Christianity promotes the idea that you should take care of and respect your body. In fact, the Bible goes as far as to describe the human body as the “temple of the holy spirit”. And, as we all know, taking drugs can have an extremely detrimental effect on both our physical and mental health. 




The Christian faith promotes following the laws of the land, as well as those of Christianity. This suggests that the use of illegal drugs cannot be supported from a Christian perspective. In addition to this, much of UK law historically derives from Christian teachings on moral values. Therefore, it makes sense that Christian denominations would encourage individuals to act lawfully. 

Views on Christianity Being Ambiguous Towards Drugs


The points above have demonstrated that there are several compelling arguments against drugs within the Christian faith. However, some Christian denominations are more lenient towards drug use, as it can be argued that the Christian stance on drug use is ambiguous. In the following sections, we’ll discuss the key reasons why many Christians feel this way.


No Direct Rules


Some people feel that, due to the Bible not directly referencing drugs, Christian ideas on drug use are therefore rather vague. This is not to say the Christian faith promotes drug use, but just to simply point out the ambiguity on the subject. There is no specific stance stated either for or against drug consumption.




There are frequent mentions of wine and beer in the Bible. Although some of these warn against the dangers of excess, some Christians work on the basis that alcohol consumption is acceptable because it’s permitted in the bible.


Additionally, in the Eucharist, wine is supposed to represent the blood of Christ. That’s why many Christians choose to drink wine when they participate in the Holy Communion.


It’s also worth noting, that while many Christian denominations are against the use of illicit drugs, legal substances such as caffeine and alcohol are approved of in moderation.


Christianity and Drug Use


Photo by Jason Betz from Unsplash

While the Bible neither advocates nor specifically forbids drugs and alcohol, it does have rather a lot to say about excess. There are also many prominent Christian communities that work with charities and recovering addicts to help them recover from their illnesses.


The use of illegal drugs accounts for 4859 deaths in England and Wales every year as well as a large number of arrests and imprisonments. If you, or a loved one, are suffering from substance abuse or addiction, the UK has a number of resources available to offer counselling and rehabilitation. 






Making Your Home More Green

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If you want to make your home more green, reduce your carbon footprint, and help the planet to thrive for future generations, read on. Sometimes it feels as if there isn’t much you can do to make a difference, but the small changes count and influence the habits of other people.

Solar Power 

Solar power is a free form of energy; you just need a way to absorb the sun’s energy and transform it into electrical power. That’s what a photovoltaic panel does. Solar panels were expensive in the past but are becoming cheaper and more efficient. They are viable for homes. 


If you install solar panels on your roof, you can supply your home with free electricity and slash your carbon footprint. At the same time, you can sell any additional energy you create back to the grind and earn money as well. They are expensive up front but an excellent addition.  

Wind Power 

Wind power is one of the best forms of renewable energy because it’s consistent and clean; unfortunately, you can only get it through the grid until now. Now you can invest in a domestic wind turbine that is installed in your home and provide sit with clean energy like a solar panel. 


Domestic wind turbines are pole mounted, situated in an area of high wind in your home location. As with solar panels, the wind turbines generate electricity for the home and store excess power that can be sold back to the grid. Make your home more green and earn money.


The majority of energy lost in the home disappears through windows, roofs, and doors. Since it requires a lot of carbon and energy to produce heat in the first place, it makes sense to trap it for as long as possible. New build are constructed with this in mind, but any home can be insulated. 


If you want to make your home warmer this winter and pay less for your energy bills, think about insulating your home with foam insulation. This form of insulation is best for older properties because the expanding foam can seep into cracks, sealing them off and preventing heat loss. 

Better Blinds 

Another effective way of making your home more green is to use better bilind on the windows. A typical window accounts for around 10% of heat loss from the home, but there are a number of ways you can reduce it. Better blinds prevent heat leaving rooms without much investment.  


Most homes have double or triple-glazed windows these days; this is sensible to prevent heat losses, but Budget Blinds services are another smart option. These blinds are available in a range of thicknesses and styles, so you get blinds that match your home style with great eco value. 


These days there is a shift away from the linear economy where something is produced, used, and then put into landfill, to the circular economy in which an item is used, reused, then recycled as much as possible. Buy items that are part of the circular economy for your home. 


Upbounders Board Book Giveaway

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Senior Incontinence- How Women Can Stay Fit & Active

As you step into your golden years, it is time to focus on yourself. The silver lining is that you can go the extra mile with self-care with no more mommy duties and fewer household chores. Not surprisingly, more and more aging women are keen to explore senior fitness programs for an active lifestyle. However, incontinence is a roadblock you may encounter on your journey to fitness. Most women experience some degree of urinary leakage after menopause and beyond. But you need not suffer in silence or give up on the hope to improve your fitness levels. Here are some valuable fitness tips for women dealing with senior incontinence.  

Start slow

Starting slow is the best piece of advice for an elderly fitness enthusiast. Your energy levels are lower than your younger self, and you may have age-related health issues like osteoporosis, hypertension, and heart disease. You must consider these factors, and avoid going over the top. Incontinence makes it even more crucial to take it easy, specifically if you plan to join as a beginner or return after a break. Go slow and increase the time and intensity of exercise gradually.

Opt for the right workouts

Choosing the right workouts is equally crucial if you want to stay fit and active despite struggling with senior incontinence. Low-impact exercise programs such as walking, biking, yoga, and T’ai Chi are ideal. You can try easier versions of aerobics with fewer bouncing and hopping movements. Likewise, opt for workout equipment that exerts minimal stress on the bladder. Including Kegel exercises in your fitness regimen can actually resolve incontinence issues by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.

Wear proper clothing

You cannot do much about the leakage if you suffer from incontinence. But it should not keep you from taking the first step toward fitness. Wearing proper clothing can help you work out without worrying about a mishap. You can try Zorbies Reusable incontinence panties as they fit like your regular panties. So they will not interfere with your workouts while ensuring comfort and confidence during your exercise sessions. 

Listen to your body

Another piece of advice for seniors with incontinence is to listen to their bodies and follow the cues. If a specific exercise irritates your bladder, avoid it altogether. Frequent toilet breaks during workouts can also keep leakage at bay. You need not shy away from using the restroom as many times as you want. Consider bladder training for extending the time between toilet trips once you build your strength. 

Nourish well

Staying fit and active despite urinary incontinence also depends on good nourishment. Count your calories because weight management is the key to addressing the issue naturally. Load up on nutrients and avoid the food triggers that irritate your bladder. These include caffeine, alcohol, sugar, acidic foods, and tomato-based products. Hydrate well because staying thirsty can worsen the problem.

Most importantly, be confident about handling senior incontinence while switching to an active lifestyle. Becoming fit can actually resolve your problem besides offering the benefits of optimal health and longevity. 


Prime Areas to Consider when Renovating Your Home

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Home renovations can be costly, and it might be challenging to fully renovate your home all at once. If it’s something in your plans, why not start by tackling the most important areas of your home that need attention? A home renovation is extremely important and goes beyond adding value to your home. It also heightens your experience and helps you feel more comfortable in your space. If you are part of the 55% of people planning on renovating their homes, here are some of the best room suggestions. 

  • Kitchen renovation


Your kitchen is the heart of your home. That’s why a kitchen remodeling project is something you must consider when renovating your home. There are several reasons why kitchen remodeling is good. It not only gives your kitchen a brand-new look, but you also equip it with modern and efficient appliances and increase the value of your home. Because your kitchen is one of the places with the most foot traffic, you must treat it with utmost care. 


The change doesn’t have to be drastic. Something as small as a paint job can change your kitchen’s entire vibe and atmosphere. You can also eliminate the things you dislike about your kitchen. It could be that small sink that makes washing dishes impossible or its original tiles that look faded and outdated. Whatever you don’t like, a renovation will help you replace those features with ones that are not only modern but up to your standard. 

  • Open-plan spaces


Open-plan spaces have gotten popular in the past couple of years. But they are not a passing trend. This concept is here to stay because it can help increase the value of your home when it’s time to resell. However, a few factors must be considered before breaking your walls to get this look. Walls aren’t used only to segment your living space but also to support your home’s structure. For certain properties like a terraced home or a semi-detached house, it might not be the wisest choice to have an open-plan space. 


If you cannot have an open-plan space, You can install other features to give it that spacious feel. Big windows, sliding doors, and arches are good ways to open up your home and help your rooms flow into each other. 

  • Basement


If you’ve expanded your home upwards and sideways, it’s time to look below. Basements are extremely important to consider renovating, especially if you live in a cramped city or urban area with limited space. However, unlike some other areas, basement renovations can be time-consuming and relatively expensive. But it could be worth it because you can add amazing amenities like an indoor pool, gym, or mini living space. If you are considering your basement, it will help to speak with your contractor to see if your home can support such a renovation. 


So, there you have it! With these areas, you can comfortably start renovating your home until you have the modern house of your dreams.


What is the Best Shapewear for Tummy Control?

So, you have an important event coming up and you plan to wear this bodycon dress but once you put it on, you didn’t like the lumps on the tummy or the love handles. This certainly sounds familiar to many women.  We all wish that there is a magic wand that can use to make these problems disappear. You know what? Shapewear can do that for you. 

Shapewear is a type of undergarment that firms up the body by flattening the stomach, slims the waist and thighs, and enhance the buttocks. It can keep everything tucked away while making you look slim and sleek. Shapewear can be worn under dresses, tops and pants to create a smooth foundation for clothes to look better. Looking for the best shapewear that offers tummy control can be rather daunting because of the many options available in the market. In order to make your life easier, you may want to check out the range of premium quality and durable tummy control shapewear from Waistdear, a shapewear and waist trainer wholesale that has been gaining worldwide reputation as one of the leading high quality and reliable manufacturers. 

The Best Tummy Control Shapewear 

Ahead are some of the favorite shapewear that will slim and control tummy bulges.  

Tummy Control Lace Bodysuit

This full body shapewear features graduated mesh that targets the tummy and offer a flawless finish. Made using ultra soft fabric with delicate lace, this full body shaper is flexible and comfortable to wear. The adjustable and convertible shoulder straps allows flexible wear.

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Seamless Mid Thigh Shaper Shorts

Smooth out all the lumps and bumps in these shaper shorts. These mid-thigh shorts have double layer control panel that flattens the abdomen and contour the waist curves. Not only will it trim the tummy, this butt lifting shapewear will give your derriere a boost too. It has flexible steel bones to keep it from rolling down. It is available in black and nude and up to size 5XL. 

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Neoprene Waist Trainer With 11 Steel Bones

This neoprene waist trainer has three-layer compound fabric that will help address back fat, tummy pooch as well as muffin top. It flattens and gives the appearance of a slimmer shape. Featuring 3-rows of hook-and-eye closure for easy tightness adjustment, it also has 11 steel bones that will prevent rolling while offering back support and posture correction.

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Will the VA Pay for Addiction Treatment in Ohio

Substance abuse is a mental health disorder that has the potential to affect an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Just as keeping up an addiction can be costly, addiction treatment can be expensive as well. Some insurance plans will cover the cost of a stay at a rehabilitation center, while some individuals have to pay out of pocket. 

If you’re a veteran in Ohio, you’re in luck. There are several Ohio VA rehab programs that accept military insurance, such as Veterans Affairs benefits, and can help veterans recover from a substance use disorder. 

Below we’ll explore how a veteran in Ohio can go about finding funded treatment, and what the different treatment options are. 


Scope of Addiction Amongst Veterans 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) published a report in 2019 that laid out the scope of addiction amongst veterans. They found that 1.3 million veterans had a substance use disorder in the past year. 


Out of these individuals:

  • 343,000 had issues with illicit drug use
  • one million had issues with alcohol use
  • 98,000 had issues with both alcohol and illicit drug use 


There are several reasons why veterans abuse substances. Some of these include:

  • emotional distress from traumatic events 
  • development of mental health disorders 
  • chronic pain from injury or strenuous duty 
  • difficulty transitioning from duty to normal life 


How Can a Veteran Receive Help from the VA?

When veterans turn to substances to cope, it may lead them down a rough path. This is why it’s important that veterans receive treatment for a substance use disorder. 

According to the SAMHSA, there are over 100 drug rehab and other services for veterans in Ohio. In addition, there are over 50 services for family members of veterans. 

Benefits through VA insurance cover the costs of mental health disorders, including substance use disorders. As long as the substance use is directly connected to their service, then costs will be covered. 

There is also TRICARE, which is another military insurance. Veterans are eligible to apply for this type of insurance, which will cover the costs of treatment services. 


What Sort of Treatment Options are Available for Veterans?

Veterans Affairs covers many options for substance use treatment for veterans. Some options are more intensive, while others are flexible. Important factors that may play into a treatment choice are:


  • the severity of substance use 
  • if there are co-occurring mental health disorders 
  • occupational, marital, and overall lifestyle situation


If you or a loved one are curious as to which kind of treatment will be the best fit, we’ll explore each option below. 

Detoxification Programs 

Detox programs are ideal for those withdrawing or about to begin withdrawing from substances. These centers are designed to provide the safest environment for patients to rid the body of toxins and begin the transition to longer-form treatment. Individuals usually stay three to seven days, or until uncomfortable physical withdrawal symptoms have subsided. 


Inpatient Programs 

Since substance use disorders are mental health disorders, it’s recommended that an all-encompassing long-form treatment plan is pursued. This is what inpatient programs provide. 


Patients will live on-site and be away from everyday life stressors that can trigger a relapse. They’ll have around-the-clock care and medical attention, and attend group and individual therapy sessions. This option is usually attended by those with severe addiction history. 


Outpatient Programs 

The least intensive form of addiction treatment is outpatient programs. Clients do not live on-site during outpatient treatment, but instead, visit the facility to attend anywhere from one to eight hours of counseling and therapy per day or week, then return home. 


Some patients will come in once or twice a week, while others visit four to five times weekly. Certain outpatient programs provide medical attention for those still experiencing withdrawal symptoms. 


These programs are best for veterans with a lower to mild substance use disorder, or those stepping down from residential treatment. 


Finding a Program 

By applying for VA health care, it’s possible to receive coverage for addiction treatment in the state of Ohio. Attending any of the above treatment programs can be the beginning of a drug-free life.