Author: MamatheFox

Give Your Elderly Parent A New Lease On Life

Are you looking for ways to help your elderly parent live a fuller, more satisfying life? It can be challenging to know where to start when giving an aging loved one the best possible care, but with these helpful tips and strategies, you too can give your elderly parent a new lease on life. Read on as we dive into creative ideas that will spark purpose, passion and joy in their daily routine.

Via Pixabay


Spend quality time together – do activities that your elderly parent enjoys.

Quality time with your elderly parents is one of the most important gifts you can offer them as they grow older, as it gives them moments to enjoy life and have fun. Taking the time to do activities your parent love helps show them their worth and importance in your life. Find out what makes them happy, like playing a game of cards or taking a leisurely walk together. Little activities often lead to brighter smiles and longer-lasting joy. Showing respect for these activities is essential to showing them care and building connections. Demonstrating an interest in helping make their lives more enjoyable shows that you are invested in their well-being and happiness, allowing for a solid bond to form between the two of you.


Take your elderly parent shopping – show them the latest trends and technologies.

Shopping with your elderly parents can be a unique and enjoyable experience. By taking them out to stores like the mall or retail outlets, you can give them a chance to see the latest trends, catch up on their favorite brands, and even explore some of the new technologies that have emerged in recent years. Not only is shopping an enjoyable way to spend time together, but it also helps keep your elderly parents active, so they feel better while doing something they greatly enjoy.


Introduce your elderly parents to new people – expand their social network.

Introducing your elderly parents to new people can be a great way to help them feel reinvigorated and connected in life. Feel free to try different opportunities to expand the scope of their social network – from attending events or joining clubs tailored to seniors to pointing out other friendly retirees in their neighborhood or at the doctor’s office. Encouraging them to find like-minded companions helps improve their mind and body health while providing the mental stimulation they may be lacking since retirement. 


Provide support to help them manage any health issues they may have

Supporting a parent as they age can be challenging, especially in managing any associated health issues. To ensure your elderly parent’s well-being and comfort, it is essential to check that their dentures are fitted correctly and up-to-date. As time passes, make sure they see the dentist so any changes or replacements needed can be taken care of immediately says this dentist in Manchester MO. This will guarantee that all requirements for appropriate dental health are met. With the guidance of healthcare experts, conditions like arthritis and vision loss can be managed and improved. Offering your elderly loved one support to address their medical issues grants them a dignified aging experience while ensuring they’re comfortable with their health care plan.


Taking the initiative to form a relationship with your elderly parents through activities, trips to the store, and social events will help guarantee their physical and mental well-being. Plus, participating in small yet meaningful moments like these together builds an everlasting friendship bond between both of you.

The Effect of Play-Based Maths Activities for Children

Maths is an important subject in every child’s life; with knowledge of it, they can incorporate it into their day-to-day lives. As much as maths is important, it is also sometimes viewed as a boring subject, with its numbers and endless calculations. To help bring fun and understanding to this subject, educators are now incorporating play-based maths activities to make learning more interesting and fun. This has shown to be a great and promising strategy since students get to benefit in various ways such as through enhancing problem-solving skills, improving thinking capacity, boosting confidence, and so much more. With that said, here are the effects of play-based maths activities for children.

Make Learning Maths Fun

Children sometimes perceive maths as a dull and monotonous subject. However, incorporating play-based maths activities into lessons can make learning fun. This can lead to increased engagement, motivation, and retention of the concepts learned. When children are having fun, they are more likely to learn and retain the information. 

Learning can be made fun by incorporating various Cazoom Maths activities, it’s all about being creative and introducing more fun.  

Boost Confidence and Self-Esteem

Play-based maths activities are often designed to be open-ended learning tools, allowing children to explore and experiment with different strategies to solve problems. This encourages children to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. When children are successful in completing the activities, they gain a sense of achievement, which boosts their confidence and self-esteem. This, in turn, motivates them to take on more challenges and continue learning. 

Create a Positive Attitude Towards Maths

Play-based maths activities can create a positive attitude towards maths by making it a fun and enjoyable subject. When children enjoy learning maths, they are more likely to develop a positive attitude towards it, which can lead to increased motivation and engagement in the subject. This can also help children overcome any anxiety or negative feelings they may have towards maths.

Enhance Problem-Solving Skills

Play-based maths activities are frequently interactive and require children to use their problem-solving skills to complete the tasks. These activities encourage children to think critically, analyse situations, and apply mathematical concepts to solve problems. Through play-based activities, children develop skills in logical thinking, spatial reasoning, and number sense, which are essential for solving complex problems in mathematics and other subjects.  

Promote Collaboration and Social Skills

The collaborative nature of play-based maths activities allows children to work together in pairs or small groups. This encourages children to communicate, share ideas, and work cooperatively towards a common goal. By working together, children develop social skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership. These skills are essential for success in all areas of life including school, work, and social situations.


Play-based maths activities have a lot of benefits for students including promoting collaboration and social skills and making learning fun. For children to learn maths in a pleasant and interesting way, educators and parents should incorporate play-based maths activities into their teaching methodologies. Children can cultivate a lifelong love of arithmetic by engaging in these activities.








goSili! St. Patrick’s Day Giveaway


Welcome to the Chasing Rainbows Giveaway Hop

Enter for your chance to win a Travel Sili Mug and family pack of straws!

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with goSili! GoSili’s Reusable Silicone Travel Sili Mug is the only silicone coffee cup on the market without a plastic lid and that hold its shape! This travel mug is made with 100% European grade, platinum silicone, 100% plastic-free, and features an embedded stainless-steel ring that makes it strong enough to grip, without collapsing. The perfect alternative to all the excessive plastic and styrofoam coffee cups that end up in our landfills and oceans. GoSili reusable straws are made with 100% European-grade platinum silicone and are nontoxic and eco-friendly. Enter to win a Travel Sili Mug and family pack of straws for yourself. Follow @gosiliproducts on Instagram for entry.



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Sign-Up – Moms Rock Giveaway Hop

Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.

Start time: May 16 – 9:00 am EST
End time: May 31 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on 6/1.

Events must be open to US entrants.

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Sign-Up – Come What May Giveaway Hop

Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.

Start time: May 1 – 9:00 am EST
End time: May 15 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on 5/16.

Events must be open to US entrants.

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Sign-Up – Rain Drops on Roses Giveaway Hop

Theme – Open
Minimum prize value of $10. Must be a new item.

Start time: April 16 – 9:00 am EST
End time: April 30 – 11:59 pm EST
Winner(s) must be drawn on 5/1.

Events must be open to US entrants.

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Should You Put Your Money into a Time Deposit?

One of the most common financial products you can use to grow your money over time is a time deposit account, which is essentially a high-yield savings account. The funds you put into a time deposit account are locked in for a fixed term during which they earn interest. When your term ends, you’re free to withdraw from the account without incurring any penalties.

If you’ve been wondering whether a time deposit account is a good investment product for you, simply read on. This handy guide will walk you through all you need to know about time deposits, the pros and cons of keeping them, and the kinds of investors whose needs they serve best.

Understanding Time Deposit Accounts

In the Philippines, time deposits are deposit accounts like regular savings or checking accounts. The main difference between a time deposit account and other bank accounts is that time deposits earn interest at significantly higher rates. As a tradeoff, however, you must wait until after your holding period ends to withdraw money from a time deposit account.

When determining whether a time deposit is right for you and which bank you should potentially open an account with, you should primarily look at three factors:

  • Deposit amount – The deposit amount refers to the amount of money you’re willing to store in your time deposit account for a fixed period. This needs to be an amount you can comfortably set aside without hurting your monthly living expenses, emergency fund, and savings.
  • Interest rate – Your interest rate determines how much money you’ll earn on your initial deposit amount at the end of your fixed term. Different banks will offer different interest rates, and your interest rate may also rise or fall depending on how long the term you choose is and how much money you’re willing to commit. 
  • Holding period – As the name implies, the holding period on your time deposit refers to the length of time you let the bank keep your money locked down. Most banks in the Philippines offer holding periods of anywhere between 30 and 360 days for time deposits.

In general, putting more money into your time deposit will net you a higher interest rate. As a result, time deposits are a good investment option for people with low risk tolerance and a preference for secure returns. Renewing your time deposit every year or every few years is another way to increase the interest you earn on your initial deposit amount. As interest rates tend to vary over time and from bank to bank, it’s best to discuss optimal renewal terms with your bank of choice.

Benefits of Time Deposit Accounts

The money you put in a time deposit account will be locked in for a significant length of time, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of this particular financial product before committing to the investment. Some of the primary advantages that time deposits offer include the following:

Low Deposit Amount Requirements

Depending on your chosen bank and the terms it offers, you probably won’t need a huge sum of money to set up a time deposit account. Some banks even allow you to open time deposits with as little as PHP 1,000. 

Low-Risk Investment Option

Unlike other conventional assets like stocks and real estate, time deposits guarantee a return on your initial investment after the holding period ends. This means that there’s no danger of losing money unless you terminate your account early. Because of their low risk profile, time deposits are ideal for conservative investors who prefer to grow their money without taking on significant risk.

Higher Interest than Regular Savings Accounts

Most savings accounts in the Philippines earn less than 1% interest, and even high-interest savings accounts only earn a little over 1%. Time deposit accounts, meanwhile, can earn as much as 5% interest depending on the account holder’s chosen holding period and deposit amount. 

Drawbacks of Time Deposit Accounts

Of course, it’s equally important to be aware of the possible disadvantages of time deposit accounts, such as:

Can’t Withdraw Money Freely

The holding period on a time deposit account in the Philippines can range anywhere from a month to a little under a year, though some banks offer terms as long as 5–7 years. The funds you initially place in your time deposit account must remain with the bank for the entire duration of your chosen term. While you can withdraw these funds before the end of your term in the event of an emergency, your bank may charge you a pre-termination fee—usually around 10–50% of the interest earned. 

Can’t Make Additional Deposits

Unlike with savings or checking accounts, you can only make one deposit into a time deposit account. Any extra money you want to invest after opening your time deposit will need to be funneled into other investment channels or into an additional time deposit account.


If you already have enough money saved for emergencies and basic needs, a time deposit account can be a worthwhile investment to help you meet short- and medium-term financial goals. Educating yourself on time deposits and other investment products will help you develop an investing strategy that works well with your monetary situation and savings objectives.

How To Help Young Children Thrive

Looking after young children can often be a very stressful and chaotic challenge, but this doesn’t mean that it can’t be just as rewarding and fulfilling too. Managing the many ups and downs of parenthood isn’t always easy, but thankfully there are a few handy hacks and simple steps that you can make the most of to help your young children thrive to the best of their abilities. In fact, this valuable guide contains some of the greatest tips and recommendations that you can utilize to help take great care of your little ones, so what are you waiting for? Read on to discover more now!

Image Source – Pexels 


Eating A Healthy Balanced Diet 


The food that your little one eats can have a huge impact on their health and their behavior, so it’s vital that you can begin with your best foot forward and feed them a healthy diet from day 1. Allowing your child to indulge in ultra processed unhealthy foods such as chocolates, crisps and more will negatively impact their well-being more than you could ever imagine, as they simply aren’t developed enough to handle the sugars, fats, preservatives, chemical colors and artificial flavors that are riddled in such foods. Instead, stick to a balanced whole food diet that’s made up of the most natural, nutritious food you can source! A brilliant way to ensure you and your family eat a better diet is to cook your own meals at home, as this way you can monitor and control every ingredient that you put inside. 


Exercising On A Regular Basis 


Another effective step that you should always bear in mind if you want your little ones to flourish health wise is to exercise on a regular basis. Nowadays it’s all too tempting to allow your children to remain still in front of their television or laptop, but in reality this will be doing nothing for their development and health as a whole. Children need to be able to get up and get active several times a day to burn off their excess energy and help to build and strengthen their muscles and bones! So, why not try and find a sport or exercise that your children actually enjoy taking part in? This way, they’ll feel more than motivated to get active without even recognizing how much exercise they are really doing!


Don’t Forget About Socialization!


Last but by no means least, you mustn’t forget about socialization. Every child should be encouraged to socialize and interact with both other children and with adults too, as your little one needs to begin understanding social cues, humor and more. Actively attempting to socialize your children can provide you with an opportunity to assess their mental well-being too, as you may find that they present some aggressive tendencies or even shy away without speaking a word. If you do notice that your child is struggling with socialization, then it’s a good idea to reach out to an expert team such as Accel Therapies that will be able to help you and your child to work around things like autism. 


Good luck in your parenting journey!

How to Build a Customer and Employee-Preferred Business

There are many things that go into making a customer or employee-preferred business. It’s not just about having the best product or the best service. There are many other factors that come into play, such as company culture, communication, and values. This blog post will discuss how to build a customer and employee-preferred business from the ground up and cover topics such as creating a vision and mission statement, setting goals and objectives, and building a great team.


1) Establish a Vision and Mission Statement


Establishing a vision and mission statement is the foundation upon which a customer and employee-preferred business is built. A vision statement should provide direction, inspire and guide the decisions of an organization. It should be bold, aspirational, and detail the ultimate goals of the business.


A mission statement should define what the business does, how it provides value to its customers and employees, as well as why it exists. It should also describe how it intends to meet its objectives and what makes it distinct from other businesses in its industry. Taking the time to create both statements that reflect an organization’s values will ensure that everyone involved is working towards common objectives in order to achieve success.

via Pexels


2) Create a Corporate Giving Program


Creating a corporate giving program is another great way to show that the company cares about its customers and employees. Customers want to know that they are supporting an organization with values that align with their own. By creating a program dedicated to giving back, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to making a positive impact on the community and those in need.


Employees also appreciate it when companies make meaningful contributions to causes they care about, as it shows that the organization is willing to invest in them and demonstrates trustworthiness. Corporate giving programs can come in many forms, such as donating money, offering volunteer opportunities or providing pro-bono services.


3) Develop Goals and Objectives


Once an organization has established its vision and mission statements and created a corporate giving program, it is important to set goals and objectives to ensure that the company’s efforts are focused on achieving success. Setting clear goals allows everyone involved in the business to understand what needs to be done and when it should be completed. Objectives should also be established as they provide an organization with specific milestones that need to be achieved in order for goals to be met.


4) Build a Great Team


The most important factor of a customer and employee-preferred business is having a great team of employees who have the same vision and passion for creating value for customers and employees alike. This includes hiring people with diverse perspectives, backgrounds, skill sets, and values. It also involves creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected and where there is open communication and collaboration among team members.


Overall, building a customer and employee-preferred business takes time and dedication. It requires developing a vision statement and mission statement, a corporate giving program, setting goals and objectives, and building a great team of employees who share the same values and passion for creating value for customers and employees alike. By doing so, businesses can create an environment where both customers and employees feel valued while providing quality products or services that make their lives better.


Title: How Early Intervention Could Improve the Quality Of Life for A Child with Autism

Autism has been defined as a developmental disorder that can affect a number of aspects of a person’s life, including social interaction and communication. Indeed, if you think your child may be suffering from autism, then you could think about scheduling an early intervention because you will be able to improve the quality-of-life of your child as well as the rest of the family. Early intervention services can be used to support children that suffer from autism, as well as their families during the earliest years of their personal development. This particular type of intervention could potentially improve a child’s communication skills and their behaviour, while you will also be able to teach them about social interaction. Children that suffer from autism often have problems communicating as well as interacting with other people, especially children of the same age. As a consequence, if you want to improve the quality-of-life of your child, then you could think about talking to a provider of early intervention services so that you can improve the quality-of-life of your child as well as the rest of the family.

  • Improve communication skills

If you are looking to carry out an early intervention, then you could potentially improve your child’s communication and social skills which is especially important if they suffer from autism. Furthermore, children that experience autism often have problems interacting socially and communicating while they may have certain patterns of behaviour that can be altered by undertaking ABAlink early intervention services. As a consequence, if you want to manage your child’s behaviour, and improve their skills, you could think about staging an early intervention with a specialist provider in Australia.

  • Change behaviour

Another reason that an early intervention can improve the quality-of-life for a child with autism is that you can change their behaviour. Indeed, autistic children often suffer from serious behavioural problems while this type of behaviour can often be challenging or disruptive. Furthermore, if your child suffers from aggressive behaviour or even self harm, you could stage an intervention.

  • Support for the family

Finally, early intervention services can provide a number of benefits for the parents of a child with autism. Moreover, raising a child that experiences autism can be a challenge while you may be struggling to cope with the special needs of a child that suffers from this particular medical condition. As a consequence, if you want to receive training and support to help you develop the skills you need to provide a high level of care for your child, you could think about talking to a provider of early intervention services in Australia.

  • Improve a child’s communication skills by staging an intervention
  • Change repetitive or challenging behaviour in a child suffering with autism
  • Receive training and support for the rest of the family

In conclusion, if your child suffers from autism, then you will probably be aware that life can be challenging while staging an early intervention could potentially improve the quality-of-life for your child as well as the rest of the family.