It’s safe to say that most of us have tried to improve our health at some point in our lives. Perhaps it was a diet you tried a few years ago and swore never to do again, or perhaps you make a conscious effort each day to eat well and exercise. 


Because so many people struggle with their health and wellness, we’re all bombarded with the same advice over and over again: stop eating bread, run more, and drink water. You’ll be pleased to know that you won’t be reading any of those tips in today’s article; instead, here are some less common but just as effective ways to care for your well-being. 


Find a Community


Yup, connecting with others is a crucial aspect of both your mental and physical health, and you can read more about that here. If there’s one thing we learned from the pandemic, it’s that we need community.


Finding your people and spending regular time with them will help reduce stress and improve your mood and mental well-being, which have far-reaching effects. Make sure to dedicate time each week to spending with other people, whether they’re your family, friends, or a community group. If you don’t feel like you have people to connect with regularly, try joining a club or even an online group! 


Practice Mindfulness


When you hear the word ‘mindfulness’, you probably think about doing yoga in a tranquil garden somewhere quiet. While this is a great practice to add to your routine, mindfulness is more (and less) than just that. 


Being mindful really just implies that you’re present and living in the moment. You can eat your meals mindfully, do your work mindfully, organise your life mindfully, and even watch TV mindfully! Instead of trying to multitask or scrolling through social media on the side of every activity, commit to being truly present for everything you decide to do in a day. You’ll feel more connected, have more clarity, and reduce feelings of stress and overwhelm. 


Engage in Creative Activities


Having hobbies is important for your health! Of course, picking an active hobby like running, hiking, or swimming will have direct physical health benefits. However, relaxing and creative hobbies are good for your mind and body too, and shouldn’t be discounted. 


Making time to be creative and engage your brain and body in something that isn’t work, chores, or watching TV is incredibly important for your mental state and feeling satisfied and fulfilled in your daily life. If you don’t have a creative hobby, look online for some ideas and try a few things out until you find your groove. 


Connect with Nature


We all know we need to get outside more and soak up some Vitamin D, but few of us really realise the impact of being in nature and connecting with the Earth. 


The concept of grounding isn’t all too common, but it simply implies connecting our physical bodies with the Earth and existing (just for a few minutes a day) the way we were intended to. Taking off your shoes and putting your toes in the grass is great for your mental health as well as your physical health, with studies showing reduced inflammation, better sleep, and improved mental health. Especially for those of us who work behind a desk all day, this is a great practice to implement.