When it comes to your children’s health, this is one of the most important aspects of their life that you should be looking after. Your children’s health is so important as with good health, they will perform better at school, feel more motivated in their daily activities and feel happier overall – there is nothing better than seeing your children happy!


Keeping on top of your children’s health is done in numerous ways. Ensuring they are eating a healthy diet is important, getting enough sleep is important, and so is keeping on top of their yearly health checks, such as seeing pediatric dentists, and having their eyes checked and vaccines done. 


Life gets busy, but there is no excuse not to prioritise your children’s overall well-being. We have put together our guide on keeping on top of your children’s health, to help support you. Keep on reading for our top tips. 

Ensure your children are getting enough sleep 

Sleep is so important, no matter your age. The recommended amount of sleep you should be getting as a child varies by age, however here is a rough guide: Preschool (3–5 years): 10–13 hours, including naps. school-age (6–13 years): 9–12 hours. teens (14–17 years): 8–10 hours. Start by tracking how much sleep they are getting each day for a week to give you a rough guide. By tracking, you can then adapt their sleep schedule to the recommended amount. It may be that they are getting too little, too much or the perfect amount. 

Your children are eating a healthy diet 

Another area of your children’s life which is crucial is their diet. A healthy diet will help your children in many ways, as their brains will work better, and they will feel more active and less tired. Every child should be enjoying five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day and drinking plenty of water. To encourage them to eat more vegetables, try to add them to the sauces you make for their dinner. Carrots and peas into a bolognese is an easy one to do. You should also be creative and look up new healthy recipes which you could try cooking for them. 

Attending their yearly health checks 

From being a child to being an adult, there is a list of health checks which you should be doing to ensure you are at your optimum. You should be going to the dentist to look after your teeth, visiting an audiologist to check your hearing and having yearly eye tests for your site. There are plenty of other health checks which you should be doing on top of the ones mentioned, but those could arguably be the most important. 

Being active enough during the week

Playing sports and being active is great for many aspects of your children’s lives. Exercise allows them to meet new people of a similar age and make friends. Exercise also helps keep your children’s weight at the recommended amount and it helps them mentally – mental health should never be neglected. 


The type of exercise they do can be anything from running and swimming to playing cricket or tennis. If they enjoy running around chasing after their friends, this is also good exercise for them as well as going to the park and climbing on all the equipment. As long as their heart rate is increasing and they are burning some energy, it’s good for them. 

Seeing their friends

Children engaging with other children is a lovely thing to watch. No matter their age, having friends can help them develop in many ways and should be encouraged. Try taking your children to group sessions as this is a good way for them to meet other kids their age. Joining a sports team is also another way you can encourage them to meet other children. Plus, when you are at a sports session, you may find other dads or mums who take their children and can become friends with them. 


There are many ways to keep on top of your children’s health, the above are just a few important points. For more points, take a minute to search Google and you’ll find a plethora of additional tips. 


What recommendations would you make to someone trying to look after their children’s health? Which of the above tips did you find most useful? Is there anything missing in our guide that you think we should be adding? Let us know in the comment box below, we look forward to hearing from you.