Getting the temperature just right is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to create a more comfortable home environment. Whether it’s hot outside or gloomy and gray, it’s important to be able to stay warm or get cool. In this informative guide, we’ll outline some hacks to help you get the temperature perfect all year round. 

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Staying warm in winter

When temperatures plunge, there’s nothing better than retreating to a snug, cozy home. There are many ways to stay warm in winter, from smart heating systems to simple, affordable solutions like adding extra blankets:


Updating your heating system


Installing a new heating system or updating an existing installation can help you stay warm in winter when the elements are against you. If you live in an area that experiences seasonal changes or extreme weather, it’s hugely beneficial to have a functional, efficient heating system in place. If you haven’t upgraded your system in decades, or you’re worried about warning lights or poor performance, it may make financial sense to replace the existing units and embrace modern technology. You can now take advantage of smart developments, amazing customized features and unrivaled energy efficiency. Today, you can control your radiators from your smartphone or use bespoke settings to heat rooms to different temperatures. You can also choose different installations to complement the style and aesthetics of your home. 


If you’re thinking of upgrading or replacing your heating system, it’s crucial to undertake extensive research, seek professional advice and compare options and quotes before you decide what to do. 


Improving insulation

Improving your home insulation is a fantastic way to lower bills, boost energy efficiency and create a more pleasant home environment. Insulation reduces heat loss and improves retention, ensuring your rooms stay warmer for longer. If you insulate your home effectively, you’ll not only benefit from cozy living spaces but you’ll also notice a difference in your energy bills. The more heat you can keep in your home, the less you’ll need to spend on electricity and gas. 


There are several options to explore when insulating a house, including inexpensive DIY solutions and professional insulation services. DIY jobs include filling holes and sealing gaps in the walls and window and door frames and hanging glazing sheets in your windows. You can also reduce heat loss with a draft excluder or weatherstrip. Professional services involve using insulation materials to insulate the walls or attic. Investing money in home insulation can help you lower costs in the short and long term and make your home more saleable. 


If you want to insulate your home, it’s wise to contact reputable, local companies and get a series of quotes. Choose highly rated providers and make sure you understand the scale and cost of the job before you sign any contracts or agree on a price. 


Replacing old doors and windows

Most of the heat in our homes disappears through the windows and doors. If you have an old house and you haven’t updated the doors and windows, or you have damaged or broken windows and doors, it’s beneficial to think about replacing them. Adding new installations can increase energy efficiency, save you money and improve security. New windows and doors will also enhance curb appeal, which is important if you choose to sell your property. There are many styles available and some companies offer finance options, enabling you to spread the cost to make it more affordable. 


Adding a fire

Adding a fire to your home is a surefire way to create a cozy, intimate feel while increasing warmth during the winter. You can choose from rustic open fires for a traditional living room or cutting-edge, modern designs for chic, contemporary living spaces. Lighting a fire is often a cost-effective way to stay warm when it’s cool or icy outside. 


Adding soft furnishings

When winter weather hits, most of us delve into our closets and wrap up warm in sweaters, coats, hats, and scarves. Layering up is one of the best ways to combat the cold. You can apply the same rules to stay toasty at home. Adding soft furnishings will help you get warm and stay warm without putting your heating on all the time or having a fire running. Blankets, throws, cushions, and rugs add warmth and create a comfy, cosy ambiance while also making your home look beautiful

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Staying cool in the summer

Many of us look forward to bright, sunny days, but being too hot can make you feel uncomfortable. If it’s scorching outside and the sun is beating down, it’s wonderful to be able to find respite at home. Here are some of the best ways to stay cool:


Adding air conditioning

Air conditioning provides instant relief from intense heat, creating cool, comfortable living spaces on even the hottest days. If you don’t already have AC units at home, it’s beneficial to use the Internet to search for air conditioning near me and research local companies. Compare quotes and think about how much you would use air conditioning in your home. If you live in an area where it’s only very hot for a few weeks during the height of the summer, for example, you may wish to explore other options. If the weather is hot for several months of the year, investing in air conditioning may be a great option for you. 


Fitting fans

Fans keep the air moving in your home to create a fresh, cool environment. The most popular types include ceiling fans and freestanding units. The beauty of using fans in your home is the flexibility. You can choose when to use your fan and how long to use it without worrying about committing to substantial installation or running costs. You can also focus on the rooms you use most or those that get hottest during the warmer months. If you buy a portable fan, you can move your fan around with you to keep cool wherever you are in the house. This is a great idea for people who work from home, for example. 


Opting for light, natural materials

Adding soft furnishings is an affordable way to get warm during the winter, but it can also help you design and maintain a cool home during the summer. Instead of opting for heavy, indulgent materials, choose lightweight, natural fabrics. Good examples include linen and cotton. It’s particularly beneficial to think about the types of fabrics you use in your bedroom, as getting too hot during the night can impact sleep quality. Breathable, natural materials will help you sleep better. You can also buy mattresses that help you stay cool. 


Setting a thermostat

Setting a thermostat is an effective way to regulate and control the temperature in your home, no matter the season. If you use a thermostat, you can decide what temperature you want in your living spaces. Some people prefer a warmer home than others. Once you’ve chosen the desired temperature and set your thermostat, it will activate your heating and cooling systems. If the temperature drops below the chosen setting, the heating will kick in. If it’s too hot, you can program the system to boost your air conditioning. 

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Getting the temperature just right is one of the most important considerations for creating a comfortable home environment. Whether it’s freezing or boiling outside, it’s important to be able to regulate the temperature at home to stay warm or cool. There are many ways to do this, from using cutting-edge heating and cooling systems, insulating your home and setting a thermostat to using DIY solutions and adding soft furnishings. Before you upgrade, add or replace systems, devices or installations, it’s beneficial to research companies, compare quotes and calculate potential costs and savings.