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The summer months can be brutal. The heat and humidity can make it difficult to do anything outside, let alone inside your home. This article, however, will share five home improvement tips that will help you survive the summer. From keeping cool to avoiding pests, we have you covered!


1) Get creative with insulation


When it comes to staying cool during hot summer days, insulation is key. Fortunately, there are many creative ways you can insulate your home to keep the heat out and the cool air in.


The first step to getting creative with insulation is to determine what type of insulation material is best for your home. Depending on factors such as climate and budget, options may include foam boards, spray foam, fiberglass batt insulation, or natural plant-based insulation such as wool. Additionally, if you choose a product with an R-value (a measure of thermal resistance) higher than recommended for your climate, it will provide extra insulation that can help reduce energy bills in the long run.


Once you’ve chosen an appropriate type of insulation material for your home, you can get creative with how it’s installed. For example, by using blow-in or loose-fill fiberglass insulation between walls or ceilings, you can create an insulated airspace that can reduce sound transfer from one room to another. You could also install rigid foam boards cut into different shapes along window frames for additional protection against heat gain. Additionally, installing reflective film over south-facing windows can reflect sunlight away from the house and reduce solar heating inside the home.


2) Improve ventilation


Proper ventilation is essential for keeping your home cool and comfortable during the summer months. Without good air circulation, trapped heat can make indoor temperatures unbearable. One way to improve ventilation in your home is by installing a whole-house fan. This type of fan pulls hot air out of the house while drawing in cooler outside air. It’s much more effective than ceiling fans at cooling a large area and can reduce energy costs because it doesn’t require electricity to operate.


Another way to improve ventilation during the summer is with an attic fan or gable ventilator. These devices draw warm air out of the attic, which helps reduce your home’s overall temperature. They also help prevent moisture buildup in the attic, which can lead to mold and mildew growth. Both devices are relatively easy to install and don’t require a lot of maintenance.


3) Plant drought-tolerant plants


Drought-tolerant plants are a great way to help your home look cool while also adding some much needed greenery. Not only do they require less water than traditional landscaping plants, but they also offer several benefits in terms of reducing energy costs and improving air quality.


For example, planting trees around your home can provide shade for outdoor living spaces as well as block out sun from windows during the hottest parts of the day. This shading effect helps reduce cooling costs by keeping heat from entering the home. Additionally, certain types of plants can help filter pollutants from the air inside your home, creating a healthier environment for you and your family.


4) Check weather-stripping


Weather-stripping is an important part of keeping your home cool during the summer. It’s designed to reduce drafts in windows and doors as well as block out unwanted pests such as insects and rodents. To check if weather-stripping is working properly in your home, use a candle or incense stick to detect any areas where air might be leaking in or out. If you find any problem areas, replace the weather-stripping immediately with new materials that are specifically designed for the surface they’re being installed on.


5) Take care of the pests


Summertime is a prime season for pests such as ants, ticks, and spiders to invade your home. To keep these critters from getting inside, it’s important to inspect the exterior of your house for any cracks or gaps that could be used as an entry point. Additionally, seal up any potential entry points around windows or doors with caulk or steel wool.


If you do happen to find unwanted guests in your home, there are several solutions that can help you get rid of mosquitoes. Peppermint oil is also a great option for keeping away ants and other insects while white vinegar can help deter spiders. There are also natural products available at most hardware stores that will eliminate any existing pest problems.


In conclusion, by following these simple steps you can keep your home cool and comfortable during the summer months. Not only will these tips help reduce energy costs, but they’ll also improve air quality and provide a healthier environment for you and your family.