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Being healthy is a chore. It’s something people do because they feel they have to survive; for themselves, their families, and their work. 


But does it all have to be so grim? Can you actually enjoy being healthy? Or is it just a miserable lifelong mission that ends in failure anyway? 


It turns out some people have cracked the code. They’re healthy, and they’re happy about it at the same time. They’re not bemoaning the loss of buttery biscuits and beer from their diets. 

Feeling miserable about your health kick? Here’s what to do: 


Turn Your Movement Into Meditation


The idea of “hitting the gym hard” is a very Puritanical concept. We have to exercise within an inch of our lives to absolve ourselves of all our late-night cake-eating and lard-guzzling. 


But it turns out that when you exercise to reduce your burden of sin, it’s not sustainable. You don’t want to do it. It’s a chore you’re forcing yourself to engage in, not something that positively adds to who you are. 

That’s where meditation comes into the picture. Turning your gym-going into a peaceful experience changes how you perceive it. Suddenly, it becomes fun and joyful in its own right and you actually want to go. 

Eat Your Favorite Foods From Time To Time


You want to make 80 percent of your diet healthy and 20 percent fun. Don’t stay away from braised beef short ribs just because some diet guru told you you couldn’t eat them. You’ve gotta live a little. 


Therefore, eat your favorite foods occasionally. Don’t deprive yourself. Don’t get into the habit of believing you deserve less and less. That’s not a healthy place to be. 


Listen To Your Body


Going on a health kick should make you feel good. However, listen to your body if it starts giving you negative feedback. Less energy, tiredness, and weakness mean you’re doing something wrong. Usually, it means you’re not getting enough calories, nutrients, or both. 

Additionally, don’t forget to visit a medical expert regularly – not only when you’re feeling sick. If you don’t have doctors yet, you can search for phrases like “dentist near me lafayette” and “physicians in new york” on the internet to find doctors that you can visit in your area.

Be Positive

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When you get healthy, never think about what you’re leaving behind. Instead, focus on what you gain. The benefits can be tremendous: feeling good every day, living longer, and looking better. Keep these in your mind at all times. 


Join With Other People On The Same Journey


Healthiness is a rare trait in modern society. Most people aren’t even doing the basics. Perhaps 1 in 5,000 people in western countries eat the target amount of beans, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and fruits. Almost everyone else is missing out on these food groups. 

Therefore, it can be a nice experience to join other rare travelers on the same health journey as you. These individuals can provide tips and tricks to help you keep yourself in tip-top condition. They can also share shortcuts with you that worked for them in the past. Having a community of like-minded individuals around you makes the whole act of being healthy more socially acceptable in a society that’s gone to the dogs. 


Don’t Do It All In One Go


Some people try to change every aspect of their lifestyle in one go, believing it will bring them instant glory. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. Most people can only cope with so much change all at once. 

Therefore, stagger what you do. In the first week, go for a walk or jog. In the second week, add a few more veggies to your meals. Don’t try to become a vegan super-marathon runner who fasts for two weeks at a time. You’ll be miserable. 


Leverage Movement For Energy


Here’s another way you can view movement. Instead of seeing it as movement, you can view it as a way to gain energy. People with high-powered careers or busy lives find taking this perspective helpful. Suddenly, exercise is your friend and something driving you toward your goals. It’s not getting in the way or taking up your time. 


Still not enjoying exercise? Try taking up a different type of activity. Yoga, for instance, gives you a workout and puts you in the zone at the same time. It releases tension from the mind, freeing up your consciousness for the things you want to achieve.


Adopt A Healthy Mindset


Lastly, adopt a healthy mindset. Don’t get into a deprived state of mind. Being healthy shouldn’t mean depriving yourself of anything. The opposite is true. 


Avoid the temptation to go on a diet. Rather, make a commitment to change your lifestyle, and who you are as a person. Raise your standards.