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When we think of it, it is quite strange how schools, universities and peer pressure dictates that teenagers have to decide on their life’s career before they’ve even had the chance to live life independently. Of course, this is how it has to work, because the way to become independent is by supporting ourselves in the real world. In other words, income comes first, and then independence comes second for most people.


Yet it can be tough to know how to pick a direction when you might not even know yourself. It can take people until middle age before they have a good handle on themselves and their personality, sometimes even longer than that, and this in itself presents a problem.


Well, the truth is that finding yourself is not always the key, but creating yourself in line with your interests and natural talents/skills could be. How can we get started in that direction? That’s the million-dollar question. In this post, we’ll try to provide an answer of equal value:


Watch Yourself & Your Decisions


Often, learning about yourself is best aided by watching yourself. What makes you nervous at work? What jobs do you truly dislike, not just because of their repetitiveness, but because you don’t believe in the work at all? What tasks that you dislike are you more than willing to keep up with because it’s part of a job you think is appropriate? For instance, working as a kitchen porter may not be the most glamorous job, but if you love the restaurant and the people there, it’s tolerable and even interesting to enjoy. Watch yourself and how you react to your professional duties and carer opportunities. This way, you can understand what it is that brings you joy over the years.

Take An Interest Inventory Test


Many people use the interest inventory test to properly gauge what it is their personality is most suitable for, including their tastes, impressions, interests, passions, and potential talents. With a strong interest to guide you, you’ll find that conforming professional duties to who you are and how you express yourself is so much easier. Some people, for instance, are simply meant to manage people, and knowing that may help you feel less worried about pursuing that direction.


Try Something New


Ultimately, if you’re just starting out in life, the best way to learn what you like and dislike (aside from the above test) is to try. Don’t turn your nose up at opportunities, give them a go. Focus on the path in front of you. Try and ignore the naysayers or to dismiss things as beneath you. The more experience you gain, the more you’ll understand who you are and how you respond to things. In the long run, this may just help you develop a profound sense of understanding regarding where your talents lie. You don’t have to have all the answers now. What matters is the willingness to seek them.


With this approach, we hope you can focus on choosing a career even if you’re something of a mystery to yourself at the moment.