Nuisance birds are among the most destructive and harmful nuisance animals to have on your balcony or around your property in general. Between the damage they cause to homes and their ability to spread diseases to humans and their pets, keeping nuisance birds away from your home and property is a very important thing to do. Continue reading to learn how to keep nuisance birds from your balcony.
What Damage Do Birds Cause?
While birds might seem like the type of animal that does not cause too many problems when they are around humans, this is completely untrue. Virtually every species of bird carries dozens of diseases that have the potential to be very harmful to humans. These diseases are generally spread through contaminated droppings, and they can last for months on end in some cases. Some of the more common diseases that birds are capable of carrying are a variety of bird flus, histoplasmosis, and many additional viral and bacterial infections that can potentially cause death in humans and their pets.
Beyond the nasty diseases that can be spread, there is another major problem with birds around your home and property: damage. Birds cause many different kinds of damage, most of which are caused by their different habits. The main habit that causes problems with birds is their nest-building. These winged creatures often like to create their nests near HVAC vents and components, potentially causing a fire hazard. In addition, birds leave their droppings everywhere. These droppings are very corrosive, potentially weakening any metal structural materials in your home or on your property. For these reasons, it is highly recommended to remove birds from your balcony and your property as soon as possible. The best way to do this is through the use of a professional wildlife removal company, such as Wildlife Removal New Hampshire. The experts at these companies are able to pinpoint the problem, remove the birds, and then help you find ways to prevent them in the future as well.
Bird Spikes
In order to keep nuisance birds from your balcony, consider employing the use of bird spike strips. These strips are literally spikes that make it unpleasant or even impossible for birds to land in certain areas. Since birds are usually using your balcony because it offers a great place for them to roost, you will know exactly where you should be putting the spikes for the most effective use possible. This may only make the area that you put strips out free of birds though, as they could fly to another ledge around your home to roost on.
Bird netting is a very effective way to keep birds off of a large area around your home, such as your balcony. Bird netting works by being woven too small for a bird to fit through, forcing them to take their roosting elsewhere, thereby saving your balcony from bird infestation. This is one of the best removal methods that can be found at , which is a great place to learn more about this specific netting method, as well as many other nuisance bird deterrence and removal tips and techniques.
Use Another Animal
One of the best ways to keep birds off of your balcony is to give your pet a job! While it might sound surprising, allowing your pet, particularly if it is a dog, to roam around your property has the potential to scare different birds away from your property before they even land! The best part about this strategy is that your pet will get to enjoy the fresh air, as well as provide you a service.
Scare Them Away
Some birds are very smart, and some are less endowed when it comes to brains. The more gullible birds can be easily fooled by some simple visual deterrents set up around your property. One of the more effective scare tactics is to set up owl, hawk, or other large predatory bird decoys. Another idea would be to set up coyote or fox decoys, or even a scarecrow as well. These techniques may not work on all birds, but they will likely prevent many birds from coming to roost on your balcony.
Keep Easy Food Away
One of the main reasons many birds may be finding your home attractive is because there is food around that is easy to pick up. One of the quickest ways to shut off easy food for birds is to get rid of any bird feeders you may have. Another easy way to keep birds away is to keep your garbage and pet food secured and out of reach of the feathered creatures. Finally, be sure to pick up any fallen fruit from fruit trees or ripe vegetables sitting out, as these can be beacons for many different species of birds.