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When in youth, many of us take a certain amount of pride in running ourselves ragged, in going out and experiencing all life has to offer. While the last year has prevented us from doing that, it can seem that many of us may wish to overcompensate when we return to normality, and who could blame us for doing so?


However, while it can sound boring and yawn-inducing to hear of as a child, caring for your body (no matter how well it can bounce back at the moment) is essential. It’s very important for us to avoid bad habits and to respect our bodies, and their needs. We need to focus on what can sustain us in the long term, and to apply disciplines that help us moderate our vices.


For instance, many people enjoy a drink, but establishing regular binge drinking habits at any time, but especially in youth, can be a problem. The weight of our indiscretions often become harder to bear as we age. We get away with less than we may have done.


For that reason, we believe that no matter what age you are, it’s important to consider how to protect your hearing over time. It’s a sense we often take for granted, but it can be abused. Let’s see how we can avoid that fate:


Monitor Your Volumes


Monitor the volumes you use when listening to playback through headphones, or when attending concerts (hearing protection is well-suited for this), and making sure that you avoid overly loud environments. Hearing damage can often occur in youth based on the environments we put ourselves in or the decisions we make – even if that means neglecting ear protection in a busy work environment. 


Visit Your Doctor When Issues Arise


As soon as you feel a hearing issue arise or you simply feel like you’re saying ‘what?’ more than usual lately, it can be healthy to visit your physician, and from there, an audiologist. They can help confirm if you’re suffering from an issue or not, and to what extent. For instance, tinnitus may signify a neurological problem, or it could mean a heavy buildup of internal earwax.


Don’t Penetrate The Eardrum


Try not to penetrate the eardrum. This involves using ear buds to dig too deeply into the ear canal, using home treatments to remove wax in this context, or pushing ear plugs too deeply into your ear (such as when using in-ear headphones during a workout). It can also be healthy to avoid filling your ears too much at all, as issues such as swimmer’s ears can arise when you neglect to give your ears the breathing room they truly do deserve.


With these efforts, you can prevent bad practices from lessening your hearing quality and contributing to the development of hearing issues. In that respect, you will be doing right by your audiologist, who wants nothing more than for you to hear clearly and to appreciate this sense as much as you can.

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