Month: November 2020

What Pathogens Might Lie In Your Water

What Pathogens Might Lie in Your Water


Since the recent pandemic that has left the world in shackles financially, emotionally, and psychologically, more and more people have started taking bacteria and viruses seriously.


But if there’s one good thing we can say about the latest coronavirus strain is that it doesn’t affect our drinking water. 


Well, at least we’ve got that going for us. Unfortunately, there are a lot of other pathogens hidden in our drinking water, despite the authorities’ best effort to filter them out. Let’s look at some of the most common ones and see what you can do about them.


E. Coli


Also known by its full name as Escherichia Coli, this is by far the most common bacteria that can be found in drinking water in the US and all over the world.


While symptoms usually vary, in most cases people get stricken down with stomach cramps, diarrhea, and uncontrollable vomiting. And while the first two symptoms might not seem like such a big deal, be aware that they’re consistent.


And on top of that, the cramps might become so painful that you won’t be able to focus on anything else. If you’re truly unlucky, you might also find yourself ejecting bloody stools. Again, the symptoms themselves might not seem like that much of a big deal at first, but they can give you a really hard time.


Furthermore, if left untreated, you can develop Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome, which causes the kidneys to cease functioning. 




The most frequent diagnosed disease caused by a waterborne parasite is Giardiasis. Caused by the now infamous Giardia parasite, this illness involves similar symptoms to those of E. Coli. 


However, it comes with some other foul “bonuses” such as greasy stools and dehydration. Weight loss can also occur thanks to Giardia, but don’t think it’s the desirable type. On the contrary, it’s the type of weight loss that involves excessive vomiting and dehydration.




Legionnaires’ disease is an acute type of pneumonia that can lead to death if left untreated. The legionella bacteria are persistent when coming in contact with water and can quickly turn into an outbreak whose effects are hard to detect. If you develop pneumonia symptoms, go to a doctor right away. Chances are you won’t be able to tell by yourself if it’s regular pneumonia or Legionnaire’s disease.




Cryptosporidium, or “crypto” as some call it is very similar to Giardia and E. Coli. The thing is that this is a trickier pathogen, as some people’s symptoms can last up to 30 days, while others might not develop symptoms at all.


But those are the extremes of the situations. Usually, most people suffer the symptoms for up to one or two weeks. The most affected people are those with weakened immune systems, including people diagnosed with cancer and those suffering from AIDS.


How to Prevent Waterborne Pathogens


As you can see, some of these bacteria and viruses’ effects are quite damaging. Fortunately, you can counteract them before they get to you by using a UV water filter. There are also other types of filtration methods that work, but if we’re talking strictly about pathogens, this type of filter far surpasses others by a long shot.

4 Ways To Improve Your Home


You may like your home as it is now but have looked around recently and realized it could use a facelift and some enhancements. A+ Construction & Remodeling can help you get the results you want. You’ll not only enjoy living in it more, but you’ll have that much more done when it comes time to put it on the market and sell it one day.

It’ll require time, effort, and money on your part but know that your hard work and dedication will pay off in the long run. You’ll be adding value in some cases and making it more modern and attractive overall. Who knows, once you get started, you may want to continue with more projects and truly spruce it up. Improve your home with these suggestions to fall back in love with it and ensure you’re keeping up with the times and latest trends.

1. Apply Fresh Paint

One way to improve your home is to apply fresh paint. A new coat of paint is a cost-effective way to make your home more attractive and contemporary. There are so many different colors and shades to choose from that your options are endless. You can get creative and paint accent walls, trim, and use stencils or fun patterns too. You can likely do a lot of the painting yourself and hire a professional for the areas that are hard to reach. The paint will enhance the beauty of and add value to your home.

2. Finish Your Basement

Improve your home by taking advantage of square footage you’re not currently using. For instance, you can finish your basement and turn it into a bedroom, playroom, or entertainment center. A finished basement offers you so much more space to use and for you and your family members to spread out. Of course, you’ll need to look into Basement Waterproofing Kingston and good lighting as the last thing you want to do is create a space that is dark, damp, and dingy. If you have a crawlspace, you’ll also want to ensure it stays dry and stable over time. Therefore, reach out to the experts at who can get this taken care of for you so you can prevent any future problems.

3. Tackle the Outside

Another opportunity to enhance and improve your home is to pay attention to the exterior. Tackle the outside to boost your home’s curb appeal and make it more attractive to passersby. Update and clean up your landscaping and fix what’s broken or cracked, such as a mailbox or walkway. You can also make your home look more inviting and charming by decorating your front porch and painting your front door a bold color.

4. Replace Old Flooring

Old and outdated flooring can drag down the appearance of your entire home. Brighten it up and make it more modern by replacing old floors and carpet. It’s especially wise to do if your carpet is stained and has an odor. Today, there are a plethora of options to choose from that will help improve the look of your home, such as laminate that looks like hardwood and luxury vinyl tile. There are floors you can put in even if you have kids and pets that won’t scratch or stain easily.

Staying Healthy During Stressful Times

2020 has been pretty rough for most of us and much worse for some. Unfortunately, an election and still raging pandemic mean that we’re approaching the usual Christmas stress with plenty of uncertainty and anxiety. If this year has taken its toll on your mental health, you certainly aren’t alone. Most of us feel very tense and unsure, and none of us know what to expect from the coming months.

In times of stress, we often reach for unhealthy crutches to get us through. We overindulge in comfort foods. We drink more alcohol. We spend more time cuddled up on the sofa binging Netflix favorites and far less time exercising. While a little overindulgence is expected, and a little extra comfort, whether it comes from food, TV, or baggy old sweatpants, is a good thing. Too much, over an extended period, can start to hurt both your physical and mental health. Here’s a look at some of the things you can do to stay healthy during a stressful time.

Understand Your Habits

We all reach for different things when we’re stressed out. You might be drinking more, eating more, or falling into other habits without really realizing it. It’s often slow progress, and to cut down, we need to look at Why Do People Drink Alcohol, what we’re overindulging in and why.

Try to be more mindful of your habits, paying attention to what you are doing, and why. Then, you can look at making some healthy swaps.

Take a Minute to Breathe

Often it can make a big difference to just step back and do nothing. Forget about your responsibilities for 30 minutes and just sit doing nothing of any consequence. We spend so much of our lives rushing around trying to get to work on time, trying to squeeze in another load of laundry, trying to pick up the kids from school, or trying to cram one more hour of revision for an exam; it can all get too much. Of course, your responsibilities are important, but your health and well-being is a priority too. Meditation can work wonders for some people, whilst breathing exercises, yoga poses or gentle stretching is also good for switching off and focusing on you.

If you struggle to switch off even for a minute, you might benefit from something like a hot cup of tea or even CBD/cannabis (if it’s legal in your area). Consider visiting the ju1cebox website if you think cannabis could help you. This is especially useful if you suffer from anxiety which prevents you from breathing without becoming panicked.

Make Time for a Daily Walk

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When we’re stressed out, it’s tempting to hide away. But, a lack of exercise or even movement can make your stress worse, lead to weight gain and affect your cardiovascular health. Making time for a daily walk and forcing yourself to get out even when you don’t want to can be a big help.

Try to Understand Yourself

Stress can be complicated, and you might not understand what’s causing it. A lack of engaging activity can be a cause of stress. Have you tried exploring new things? You should try to look for a new hobby that can keep your mind occupied. If that’s not it, is it sexual? Are you sexually active and healthy? Lack of sex can also build body tension and increase stress. You can try a dating app or a Fuck Finder App to remediate this issue. Analyze your issues, and try to find a remedy, if possible.

Don’t Forget Your Hygiene

What the boss doesn’t see, we get away with. Many people are now working in pyjamas and skipping their morning shower now that they work remotely without the boss seeing them – some people have had conference calls with a smart suit on top and a birthday suit on the bottom! But as fun as this is, don’t make it a habit.

Studies have shown that a change of clothes and a good bath/shower can reduce pain and calm the nervous system, reducing your anxiety. And that’s before you consider using wholesale cbd bath bombs or soaps to do the same.

Have Healthy Snacks to Hand

Comfort food is a big problem when we’re feeling a little down or stressed. The occasional treat, in moderation, won’t hurt you. It could even improve your mood. But, make sure you’ve got plenty of healthy snacks to hand so that binge eating doesn’t become a habit.

Get into a New Routine

When our lives change as much as they have in 2020, our old routines no longer work. But routines are good. They keep us moving, they make it easy to fit in exercise and talking to loved ones, and they give us focus. Your old routine might not work, and if you are working from home now, it can be a significant change. That doesn’t mean that you can’t create a new routine, with room to practice healthy habits and hobbies.

Remember, as the weather turns and winter settles in, finding ways to stay healthy becomes more important than ever, especially as we try to avoid or fight off COVID-19. Often, small changes have the most positive effects, so take it slowly and focus on making sustainable changes to your lifestyle.

CBD Living Bath Bomb Giveaway

Welcome to the Lucky Leaf Giveaway Hop



Enter for your chance to win (5) bath bombs from CBD Living


5 scents: Amber Bergamot, Coconut Lime, Eucalyptus, Lavender and Pumpkin Spice (limited)


MamatheFox and all participating blogs are not held responsible for sponsors who fail to fulfill their prize obligations.