If you started a blog hoping that you can turn it into a full time income, and it has finally taken off, it might be time to scale up your operations and take a step back, so you can start enjoying your life and the money you have earned, or take time focusing on your pregnancy. If you are still spending hours blogging and writing and cannot get away from the computer, there might be a better solution. You will be able to grow your business and let it run without you most of the time. Find out how below.
Make the Most Out of Your Time
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It is crucial that you manage your time efficiently, and know exactly how long it takes you to research a topic or write a post. There are plenty of great productivity tools you can utilize, such as the Pomodoro widget that will improve your focus and reward you with short or long breaks after completing a task or two. You don’t want to get distracted, as your productivity will suffer, and you will end up staying up late to finish your daily tasks.
Schedule Your Posts Ahead
In case you are not making the most out of the latest technology, you might be wasting your time and resources. Your brain takes around half an hour to switch from one task to another, so it might be a good idea to block schedule your time. Instead of writing a post at a time, you can do your entire week’s blogging and social media in just a few hours, so you can focus on other tasks for the rest of the week.
Market Research
You must keep an eye on the feedback and engagement on your blog. Creating a free survey will only take you a couple of minutes, and help you understand your readers better. Encourage them to comment and give you constructive criticism on your posts. That can help you learn about their preferences, values, and the problems they are facing, so you can address them in the future. It can work well with your SEO as well. If you are not well versed with content optimization and related strategies, you should consider getting help from a SEO Company. Optimizing a blog’s content and architecture is important for search engine visibility.
Add Affiliate Marketing
To increase your blogging income, you might also want to add affiliate marketing like jvzoo to your revenue stream. No matter if you sign up for a CPA network and pick and choose your own offers, or opt for automatic placements, maybe represent one company and create reviews, you can increase your income and work smarter instead of harder. Of course, the greater your audience is, the more chances you will have to make a sale.
Automate Your Social Media
Most bloggers are guilty of spending too much time on social media. If you are the person who gets easily distracted, you might want to limit your screen time and schedule your posts ahead. There are plenty of great tools out there that allow you to create posts and set up your own schedule, based on when your audience is online. After all, you don’t want to spend hours with boring admin tasks.

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Once you are planning a family, it might be time to focus on the big picture and take a step back. Similar to how small business owners hire a hubspot agency to automate basic tasks and also attract potential customers to their business, you can outsource design, writing, and other tasks in your business, and enjoy the fruit of your hard work. You will, however, need to find a way to manage your freelancers’ productivity. You will be too busy reading up on parenting or learning how to time contractions, and find it hard to focus on your work at these exciting times.
Measure Engagement
To have more time to spend with your baby and family, you might want to automate some of the processes in your blogging business, such as creating and analyzing statistics. You can measure the engagement rate for each of your blog posts and social media content, so you can make adjustments and stop shooting in the dark. It is important to monitor your performance, track touch-points, and evaluate your metrics, rather than just focusing on the fan and follower acquisition, engagement, or pure sales metrics. If you lack time for all these, you could then outsource these tasks to a iTonic paid social media advertising type of digital firm, and they could do the job better for you. After all, you will have more important things to do and enjoyable tasks than crunching numbers and keeping your website going while you are preparing for the arrival of the new family member.
Expecting a baby is one of the most exciting times in your life. You should not get stressed over keeping your blog going, instead focus on simplifying your processes and making sure that you are working smarter and not harder. Make use of help from freelancers and the latest technology so you can take a step back and plan your family life instead of sitting in front of the computer all day.
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