Since our readers are practically our friends, we figured we should share the big news!
We are adopting from India!
Not “we” as in all the writers of MamatheFox…although it could be quite adorable having a little blogger baby running around.
“We” as in my personal family is adopting from India!
I shared this exciting news in this post because my heart was seriously the most pumped it’s ever been over a toy when I found Hearts for Hearts Girls.
Part of our adoption “nesting” has been to prepare our home and children for baby #3. Part of that prep entails educating our family on the culture from which we are adopting, and creating a lifestyle that celebrates our child’s birth country. Through teaching our children about the birth country of their new sibling can help them to make the child feel included and safe within our household. The process of adoption has been long and hard, especially having to contact a lawyer similar to the ones that you can find at Terry and Roberts Law, ( to help us know exactly what we need to do to make this adoption happen. So teaching our children all that we can about their new sibling and our new child is probably one of the easiest things about this whole process. I hope they embrace this change in the way that we have.
As a mama who loves books and interactive play, I started searching for Indian based lietearture and toys. I want to help my toddlers connect with Indian culture on their level, while still accurately representing their sibling’s first home. In addition, it is important our next child has toys and books that he/she can personally relate to. That means finding good role models that positively depict modern people from India.
Who is Hearts For Hearts Girls
Hearts for Hearts Girls was created to make a difference. Their mission is to celebrate diversity and inspire girls to be globally minded. Hearts for Hearts Girls designs dolls that represent different cultures through ethnically diverse features, fashion, jewelry, and character backgrounds.
The dolls are meant to represent real-world girls and their challenges. The included mini-book tells stories of each doll that helps children connect and engage in cultures beyond their own. Hearts for Hearts Girls hopes to promote empathy and respect for others and lay a foundation of unity and empowerment in our next generation. Hearts for Hearts Girls is empowering young girls to be strong compassionate citizens of the world that strive to make a difference.
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Giving Back
Hearts for Hearts Girls goes above and beyond by finically giving back. For every doll sold, they donate $1.00 to World Vision, a well-respected and global humanization organization. Hearts for Hearts Girls donation of over $375,000 has gone towards helping children in the regions represented by their dolls.
Why we love Hearts for Hearts Girls
Since we were adopting from India we decided to get Nahji, a 10 year old from Assam, India.
We love her vibrant solid box that is full of information about India and Nahji. A flap on the front has a larger than life head shot and when opened, you can peek at the actual doll. The inside lining has a nice touch with a map pinpointing her home in India.
The doll itself feels durable and easy to maneuver. She balances well standing up but struggles to sit without falling backwards.
For such a reasonably priced doll I was so surprised to see her come with accessories. Included with each doll is a child’s size friendship bracelet, comb, and storybook.
The tween style bracelet inspires girl power with a purple “GIRLS” heart as well as a heart saying “Changing the world one heart at a time”. It was so cute. It reminded me of some bracelets I had seen online, on or some similar website, with positive messages scrawled on them. Such an innovative idea, to combine empowering messages with accessories.
The teal comb is the perfect size and even included a matching hair tie. Perfect for styling and playing with her long brown silky hair.
Nahji is a very appropriate representation of a modern Indian girl. She has big brown gorgeous eyes, brown skin, and long dark wavy hair.
She is dressed in an outfit you could easily find in India today. To be honest, I was relieved she wasn’t wearing a sari and had a side braid. As beautiful as saris are, they aren’t the typical everyday dress; especially for little girls. She is clothed in a detailed modest tunic top that is brightly colored and playful. As pants, she has on adorable purple leggings embellished with fancy gold trim. I think her outfit is perfect for her age and culturally significant.
Nahji is also embellished in Indian style jewelry.
Yes, I did find it strange at first for a 10 year old to have a pierced nose. Then I did some researched. It is actually very common for young girls approaching puberty to get their left nostril pierced. There are a list of specific reasons I won’t get into, but I think it is enlightening that my children’s doll led me to learn something new about Indian culture.
Nahji also has three gold bangles, one of the most common ornaments an Indian women wears.
In addition to Nahji’s beautiful jewelry, she has a henna tattoo on her right hand.
Her storybook actually tells how she earned her henna tattoo from her mother. It is a beautiful symbol of her maturity and hard word.
Nahji’s inspirational storybook highlights her determination to get an education and change her future.
What I love most about her story is that it shines a new light on what it means to be successful.
Nahji didn’t want to be married at a young age and do manual labor for little pay. So she changes her future by overcoming the obstacles most India girls face; getting an education and breaking social norms of a young arranged marriage. She works to starts her own duck and vegetable farm and makes a way for her family to work from home.
Nahji not only changes her future but betters the lives of her family. Her success story didn’t include fame or fortune, rather hard work and passion. Nahji’s story has deep valuable lessons for young girls and can be eye opening about the world around them.
“When you believe in yourself,
when you are strong in your heart,
then you can change the world around you for the better.”
-Nahji Hearts for Hearts Girls
We are pleasantly satisfied with our Nahji doll and have already used her to talk with our kids about their new Indian sibling.
We love her significant details that help educate about Indian culture. Hearts for Hearts makes versatile quality dolls that lead young girls towards a global mindset.
16 Comments on Girl Power with Hearts for Hearts Girls
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These are such cute dolls!
I like the message that the dolls teach young kids.
It’s good for children to learn that people look differently and dress differently but we are all God’s children. Everyone wants to be loved and respected.
I love these dolls! My daughter would too!
I think it’s wonderful that these dolls teach kids about different cultures and raise funds for good causes. My nieces would enjoy playing with them.
Such pretty dolls!
This is the harts for hearts doll we want. I love the fact yall are using this dool to teach them about their new Indian sibling. Congrats on your upcoming adoption.
Congratulations! How wonderful. The doll is nice that your children can learn so much from her. What a heartwarming read.
The details on this doll are beautiful . WIshing you all the best!
All of these dolls are just so beautiful. Any little girl would love them.
These dolls are cute, and I like the fact that they represent different cultures. My daughter is half Guatemalan and I would have loved to have a doll like this when she was little.
My daughter would love and enjoy this doll! What remarkable features they have!
These are so cute, and they have so many different ones to choose from, which is awesome.
I love these dolls,they beautifully represents their country and culture. I like that the box shares information about their home country. My favorite is Rahel.
These dolls are so pretty and would make wonderful gifts
We Have Nahji & Dell. There stories are both very inspirational in there own ways. Gives children and even adults more perspective on other people’s culture and curious to learn more. And above it all the dolls are absolutely beautiful. Hair is very good quality and so silky and smooth.