Created in 1982 Sassy has expanded into a large company. There extensive line of products are available in over 70 countries and are all across the board on baby necessities. Sassy brand is committed and dedicated to providing parents toys they can trust to help in the development of their child. While providing premium quality on all their products, their innovative designs allow them to stand out from other companies. Using real and credible purpose in their products, like their focused coloration, they are the perfect developmental toys for your baby.


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The bumpy ball is the perfect toy for any child. It shakes and rattles but also has many other learning and developmental features to it. The whole ball itself is soft and squishy except for two of the bumps on it. These bumps are hard,clear plastic filled with smaller balls that rattle. When you shake the ball they rattle and you can actually see what is making the noise. Each bump on the ball is different – wether it be a different color or a different texture. It’s perfect for developing senses like seeing, hearing, and touching. Children of any age or gender will enjoy this bumpy ball.



Go go bugs are the perfect on the go car seat toy. These are cute little velcro bugs that attach to the car seat handle for baby to play with. Two rattle and one crunches; so baby will keep busy with these bugs. They are adorable and with the bright, fun colors and high contrast baby will love to look at them. You can move these off and on the car seat very quickly and easily if need be. These go go bugs are perfect for a newborn and will last many months after!



This light up musical monkey is a great toy too. I don’t love toys that make musical noise, but I have to admit that this monkey is cute. It lights up and plays music when pressing the tummy – great for teaching baby cause and effect. This monkey has high contrast arms (which I love) and multiple textures for baby to feel. The ring attached to the top is perfect; it allows me to take it and use it anywhere. I can attach the monkey to my sons car seat and give him a little more entertainment than his teether.



The phone of my own is for kids six months and older. It is great for kids who are understanding their parents talking on the cell phone. This allows them to imitate and learn from the parent or sibling. The light gives baby visual stimulation and attracts them to it. The buttons on the phone “talk” to baby allowing for cause and effect awareness. Play with your child using this phone, teach them how to make a phone call, and have a conversation with them ‘over the phone’!




Sassy products are perfect for any and all developing children. Their line of toys are the perfect combination of high contrast, bright color, and attention keeping. Your child is sure to love any Sassy product!



12 Comments on Sassy baby toys

  1. I love all these fun and colorful toys for the little ones, I really like that they are soft and comfortable to hold.

  2. we had so many ssass y products with my older kids… so glad to see they are still around and making awesome things

  3. I love that Sassy incorporates so many bright colors mixed with black and white designs!! So pleasing to a child’s eyes!!

  4. These seem like great toys to keep until you need your child to be entertained while you do something or go somewhere. They seem really great.

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