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As you can read per our previous article about the utility of comforting pregnancy pillows, being pregnant changes quite a few things about daily life. All of a sudden, you’re thinking about comfort in ways you never did before, planning around bathroom breaks becomes a serious consideration and opting for accessibility or convenience is more of a standard as opposed to a luxury.


Travel during pregnancy brings its own set of things to keep in mind. For example, while your advanced stages of pregnancy might secure you leave, there are still many wonderful women going out there and attending business trips, planning family vacations, and exploring this world despite their temporary (and wonderful, even if it doesn’t always feel like that) condition.


But of course, getting around with a bump requires some extra thought. Luckily, with a touch of care, most pregnant travelers find their groove pretty quickly. After all, humans have been doing this for quite a while now.


You likely have a lot on your plate already, so we hope some of the following travel advice matters more:


Choose Accommodations With Real Comfort In Mind


A good night’s sleep matters more than ever when you’re pregnant. To use an overburdened cliche you’ve likely heard a million times by now, you really are sleeping for two. That means the budget place with the thin mattress is probably not worth it anymore despite the savings. Many people find that booking somewhere like a hotel Atlanta with proper amenities to make life easier and more comfortable. Look for places with elevators, nice bathrooms, and most importantly, a truly comfortable bed. Being close to shops and restaurants helps too, as is going to a place that can cater to you and provide you a quiet floor to relax on.


Plan Your Journey Around Rest Stops


Long trips need more breaks when you’re pregnant, it’s as simple as that. What used to be a straight shot now needs careful planning around decent bathrooms and places to stretch your legs, or to potentially rehydrate or take a break if your little one is kicking. Most pregnant travelers find that breaking up long journeys into shorter chunks works best, even if that means booking another hotel room and taking an extra day. There’s no shame in taking it slow, as it’s better to arrive relaxed than exhausted because you pushed too hard. Pregnant women can still drive of course, but be mindful of the distance and bring someone with you. We’re certainly not going to tell a pregnant woman what she can and can’t do, only gently recommend that going alone, especially if in the later stages of pregnancy, may not be too wise.


Pack For Comfort Over Style


Pregnant women can absolutely be stylish and most people say women look radiant at this time, but then again, your travel doesn’t have to be a fashion show. If you can, just pack clothes that actually feel good to wear, even if they’re not the most fashionable things you own. And bring more than you think you’ll need too, because pregnancy may require you change clothes for various reasons, even if it’s just because you’re more sensitive to temperature changes, and you may want more shoes for different terrain.


With this advice, we hope you can more easily travel while pregnant, and have a fun, comfortable time doing so.