A well-designed patio area can be one of the most enjoyable parts of the home, bringing an extra added quality to your living space that neither the indoor rooms nor the garden can offer. 


It’s the perfect space to relax and entertain guests during both the summer and winter months, and with a broad range of aesthetic and functional options to choose from, you’ll have a lot of fun during the planning process. 


In this short article, you’ll discover four aspects to focus on as you begin to build your idea and bring it to fruition. 

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The Core Design


The core design of your new patio is the hardest bit to get right. You’ll need to make some tough decisions, such as how far it extends into the garden, where it connects to your property, what sort of shape would be best, whether or not you need a fence, and which utilities are necessary to install to make it functional. 


While you can tackle these decisions on your own, it’s much better to bring in a patio & fence contractor: these experts can handle all of the structural and design portions of the project from start to finish, enabling you to focus on the easier parts detailed below.  


Effective Lighting


Once your patio has been designed and built, your first port of call is to decide how to light it. During the evening hours and at night, take a look at the area and determine exactly how much light is required to function, and then start researching which sorts of lights would best fit the look and feel of your new outdoor area. 


Start with the most powerful lights – those that are going to provide the main portion of the illumination: many people like Edison bulbs for this purpose. From there, you can think about accenting (fairy lights or string lighting looks great). 


Furniture and Accessories


With lighting done and dusted, the next key aspect is furniture. Outdoor sofas and suspended seating are excellent choices, and some throw in a few bean bags for good measure. If you can, it’s wise to center your seating around a small coffee table (there are even tables available that double up as a fire pit).


When it comes to other accessories, carefully consider the primary uses of your new patio and make purchases accordingly – it could be that you’ll predominantly use it for dining, hosting parties, or breakfast in the morning (or maybe all of the above). 


You should also make sure not to forget gear for weather protection. Keep several patio umbrellas nearby to protect all of your new furniture from getting wet or from damage due to harsh sunlight. 


Wrapping Up


Hopefully, you’re having fun planning out your new patio, and the advice above helps you get the most out of the area when all’s said and done. By taking things bit by bit and organizing the project with modularity, you’ll be up and running in no time. Best of luck!