Discovering your partner has been cheating will have a huge impact on your life. Whether they came clean or you found out for yourself, this revelation can change your life as you know it and bring things crashing down. And when this happens, a lot of people will tell you to end the relationship and move on with your life – but this isn’t always an easy choice for everyone. 


Sharing a life with someone else, including love, a home and a family, means walking away isn’t always possible, but is it really possible to recover from your partner’s infidelity?

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Really think about what it means for your relationship

Infidelity can take many forms. From one-night stands to full-blown affairs, infidelity can be complex. It might also not be the only thing wrong in your relationship. Consider the impact the infidelity has on your relationship, as well as any other problems you might be facing – it can help you work out whether there’s something worth saving or not.


Try this marriage quiz to help you work out if you’re really happy in your marriage, although remember that’s a question that can only really be answered by you.

Consider therapy to help you through this difficult time

Therapy can be a good way of dealing with problems in your marriage, including infidelity. Not only can it be beneficial to have individual therapy, but couple’s therapy can also be useful. Therapy can help you get to the root of why the infidelity happened and other issues in your relationship, and hopefully help you move forward. Even if it still doesn’t work out, at least you can say you tried.

Take the time to explore your options

Consider the different outcomes of whether you decide to leave or stay with your partner. From the practicalities such as where you’ll live and how you will raise your children, to how you’ll feel either way, it’s important to look at what each option means for your future. Seeking advice from divorce laws adultery specialists can also give you more information about how the process works and what you would be left with after the divorce. Try to speak to friends and family for guidance during this time, it can help you think about things in a different way to help you make the right decisions.


Ultimately, choosing whether to stay with your partner or not is a decision that only you can make. Either option takes a lot of strength and courage, and you can be sure you’re not in for an easy road. It’s important to get the emotional support you need at this time, and for the people around you to accept and support your decision, no matter what you decide. While divorce may seem frightening, you won’t be the first person to go through it, meaning there are plenty of places to turn to for advice. No matter what you decide, be sure to take care of yourself and always put yourself first.