We know so much more today than we ever have about the importance of an easy and comfortable labor and birth, for both mother and child. But, with so many different techniques and methods, it can be hard to decide which one we want to try. From humming your way into a state of birthing bliss to hypnosis and water births, the methods are as many as the women giving birth.


So we’re going to look at two of the most popular birthing events and help you decide which one will work for you, but you can learn more about some other options, here.

Image By SarahRichterArt




Not every alternative method of labor control and pain management is going to work for you, and you need to take the lead in determining which route is going to be best. At the end of the day, it is you and your baby that are going to take center stage.


No two women are the same, therefore no two births will be the same either, in fact, the same woman giving birth on separate occasions will potentially have very different experiences. Our bodies are different, our babies are different and our responses are different. It’s also important to remember what your unique healthcare requirements and issues are. Not every natural alternative lends itself to every woman. For example, if you need a pregnancy chiropractor, or you have low or high blood pressure, or if you’re anemic – not every option will make the most and safest option for you.


So that’s why it makes sense to learn as much about labor and birth as we possibly can, because understanding these options as well as the pros, cons, and potential hazards will keep you in the driver’s seat and make you feel more in control of what’s happening to your body and your baby, and when you’re in control – you can do anything.




Let’s start with the latest trend in births and arguably the one that will take the most guts. Hypno births train mothers-to-be all the skills they’ll need to achieve the highest possible state of relaxation during labor and delivery. This method is taught in courses with an instructor and along with home self-hypnosis courses that teach women how to eliminate the pain of labor, they also encourage the presence of a trusted birthing partner that is also trained in the hypnobirthing method.




This is not as new as what some may think, as it happens it used to be quite commonplace for women to give birth at home, with the trend declining in popularity from around the 1950s onwards. Certainly in the United States in the post-war period, as public health facilities enjoyed massive increases in quality and skill, the trend was to give birth in hospitals instead.


Proponents of home births suggest that because the mother is in a familiar, calm, and safe space that that energy is ultimately transferred to the child, offering both mom and baby a safer, calmer experience, and because they’re already at home, they can get straight to convalescing and recovery immediately.


You must remain as healthy as possible throughout your pregnancy, and always take the advice of your doctor.