We’ve all had that moment: staring at the power bill, looking at that huge number and wondering how on earth we’re going to fit that into the budget this month? And then you finally wrench your eyes away from the dollar amount and down to your usage, and wonder, “how did we use so much power? Surely that’s not a good thing…”

Image Credit: Rodolfo Clix


But so many people overuse electricity. Little things, like forgetting to turn off lights in the basement, or forgetting to bump the thermostat down when you’re leaving for the day…having all the kitchen lights on when you’re only working in one area…leaving fans, heaters and devices plugged in all the time…leaving that porch light on in the middle of the day…leaving the pool pump running in the middle of winter…all these little things add up and can cost a fortune on your monthly electric bill. And your gut feeling is right: overuse of electricity is just as bad for the environment as it is for your wallet.

So how can you combat the problem while still utilizing a necessary utility? After all, most of us with busy day jobs and kids and hectic lives can’t just “go off the grid” and not have power for a while (though it sounds a little appealing). Finding the cheapest plans by comparing different Dallas electricity rates is one way to go. However, if you are not cautious about the usage, you can still end up paying a high amount.
So how do you reduce your electricity consumption and still save money?

Many States are starting to implement measures and plans to combat excessive energy consumption, such as efforts towards clean energy in Texas and other states’ initiatives. One idea that is quickly picking up speed is that of prepaid electricity.

It sounds weird at first blush, but when you think about it, it’s kind of brilliant. Prepaying for electricity is really no different than prepaying for phone service. You pay in advance and conserve electricity as you go, making sure to stay within the confines of what you budgeted for. Not only does this save a ton of money, but it will force you to be conservative with your energy and make better choices; things like remembering to turn off lights and not leaving appliances plugged in.

Many people who are on a careful budget, young people and those who are in poverty find prepaid electricity helpful for other reasons, too: there’s no credit check, which means no huge deposit is required for electric service. You can pay as you go, so if money is a bit tight, you can get your lights on for as little as twenty bucks, and pay again when you have the money. There’s no contract involved, so if you try it out and decide it isn’t for you, you won’t be charged huge fees to cancel your service. It’s a win-win for those who are trying to carefully budget their bills.

Whether you’re interested in prepaid electric for the money-saving aspect, or because you want to cut down on your energy consumption and lower that carbon footprint, you’re making a great decision for your family and the community at large. With more and more services being offered like this, it’ll be easier (and cheaper) than ever to be a good environmental citizen.