Do you feel as though stress is having a huge impact on your body? If so then now is the time for you to do something about that. Being able to identify the feelings you are having will give you the chance to address the cause, so you can get back to feeling both happier and healthier in no time at all. If you want to get started then all you have to do is take a look below to see what you can do to better your mental health, today.
You’re Tired
Stress can have a huge impact on your body. It can also impact your heart rate, as stress hormones are released into your bloodstream. This speeds up your heart and it also impacts your breathing. The constant strain on your system can easily have an exhausting effect and it can leave you feeling somewhat tired all the time. In a very cruel twist, you should know that it stops you from sleeping as well. Stress activates the adrenal gland in the brain and this is the same thing that plays a part in your sleep and wake regulation. It may be that you experience sleep loss and that you are constantly going over issues in your brain to try and find a solution.
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You’re Grinding your Teeth
Teeth grinding is a huge symptom of stress. It is also linked to you not sleeping enough. A lot of this comes down to the fact that your subconscious has a heightened level of activity and this plays out in your mouth. It also plays a part in your sleep and wake cycle too. You may find that you end up losing sleep as a result of this and that you are always going over the same issue, again and again in your brain. Believe it or not, this is your brain’s way of trying to work overtime to compensate for the stress you are under.
Substance Abuse
Many people use substances like alcohol and drugs to combat stress. Once you find yourself unable to relax without using these substances, it’s a sign that stress in your life has become unhealthy. Stress is a leading cause of alcoholism and drug abuse – it’s important to prevent these habits becoming addictions by actively abstaining from them for periods and exploring other ways to relax. Similarly, you should avoid smoking to deal with stress. This is one of the most common forms of substance abuse used to relieve stress, and is the cause of many health problems later in life. Many smokers can’t relax without that hit of nicotine – but there are healthier ways to get this nicotine kick beyond smoking. Disposable vapes such as this Flum Mello vape can be a much healthier alternative to cigarettes. An even healthier option is to switch to nicotine patches or nicotine gum.
Headaches are often called stress headaches. Tension headaches are also brought on by stress. If you have a headache that lasts for more than a few hours and it feels like pressure on either side of your head then you should get seen by a doctor. You should also take the time to talk to them about headaches that you suffer from regularly. If you do then you will soon find that you can improve your symptoms while alleviating any pressure you may be under.
Getting Tearful
Another sign that stress is getting the better of you is if you find yourself getting tearful. For some, emotional responses can lead to tears as well as feelings of irritability. Tears are not a sign of stress either, they have a function of helping you to work through stress healthily. If you feel better after a good cry then this is great, so take the time to look after yourself and give yourself the hormonal relief you are looking for. If you find it hard to relax enough to get the relief you need, or if crying doesn’t work for you then it may be that you need to find other ways to let go. Playing a game is always a good thing to do, and options like chess or Mahjong can be very good ways for you to slow down the pace of life for a while.
Libido Loss
If you have a loss of libido then this is a very good sign that you are under a lot of stress. Your hormonal balance will suffer as a result and this can lead to you losing your libido. For this reason, if you are struggling more than you should or if you feel as though you need to make a positive change in yourself then consulting your doctor should be your first step.
Eating too Much
If you eat too much or if you eat too unhealthily then this is a big sign that stress is getting the better of you. You may find that you crave fatty food or that you simply can’t focus on eating healthily because of the stress you are under. If you want to help yourself here then one thing you can do is try and reduce the fatty food you eat and take note of how your current stress levels influence the food you consume. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is easier for you to get the relief you are looking for and that you can also feel better within yourself.