Did you know that reports from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) showed that there were 2,753 charges of pregnancy discrimination filed in 2019? This statistics is proof that this type of discrimination doesn’t just take place in small businesses; it actually happens in companies of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations. 


According to a pregnancy disability lawyer in Los Angeles, it’s not just limited to a specific industry or organization but can be seen in different work environments too. Despite legal protections against pregnancy discrimination, discrimination still occurs. Many of these cases go unreported due to fear of retaliation or a lack of awareness of legal rights.


In this article, we’ll talk more about the laws around pregnancy discrimination, actionable steps to follow, and the benefits of hiring an attorney. Learn more about your situation and the best time to seek the guidance of a pregnancy discrimination attorney.

Understanding Pregnancy Discrimination Laws


As an expectant mother, you’re entitled to certain accommodations and protections under the law. It’s illegal for your employer to discriminate against you because of your pregnancy. This includes any adverse actions such as termination, demotion, or denial of opportunities solely based on your pregnancy status.


During pregnancy, you have the right to reasonable accommodations that will allow you to perform your job effectively. These accommodations could include modified work duties, schedule adjustments, or providing a comfortable space for rest breaks. Your employer is required by law to provide these accommodations, as long as they don’t cause undue hardship to the company.

Signs of Pregnancy Discrimination


If you suspect pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, be alert for specific signs that may indicate unfair treatment based on your pregnancy status. Watch out for sudden changes in your job responsibilities or a decrease in your hours or pay without valid reasons.


Another red flag could be receiving negative performance evaluations or disciplinary actions that seem unjustified or disproportionate to your actions. If you notice your employer making derogatory comments about your pregnancy, maternity leave, or ability to perform your job while pregnant, it could be a sign of discrimination.


Being denied reasonable accommodations for pregnancy-related needs, such as time off for medical appointments or a modified work schedule, could also indicate discriminatory behavior. Pay attention to any instances where you’re treated differently than your non-pregnant colleagues in terms of opportunities for promotions, training, or job assignments. Recognizing these signs early on can help you handle pregnancy discrimination effectively.

Steps to Take in a Discrimination Case


Document any instances of discrimination you have experienced in the workplace by keeping detailed records of the discriminatory actions, including dates, times, individuals involved, and any witnesses present. You also have to gather evidence such as emails, memos, performance evaluations, or any other relevant documents that support your case.


Report the discrimination to your employer, following their internal procedures. Make sure to document this report as well, including who you spoke to, when, and the outcome of the conversation. If the discrimination persists or if your employer fails to address the issue, consider filing a formal complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). 


Before taking legal action, consult with an experienced employment attorney specializing in discrimination cases. They can provide guidance on the best course of action and help you understand your rights under the law. Working with them can strengthen your case and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Benefits of Hiring an Attorney


An experienced attorney can provide you with valuable legal guidance and support throughout the process. They’ve got a deep understanding of the laws surrounding pregnancy discrimination and can help you build a strong case. By having an attorney on your side, you have the best possible chance of a successful outcome and holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions.


An attorney can also handle all communication with the employer and their legal team on your behalf. This can alleviate stress and allow you to focus on your health during this challenging time. Attorneys also have the resources and knowledge to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and present a compelling case in court if necessary. 


When to Consult a Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney


If you suspect you’re being treated unfairly at work due to your pregnancy, seek legal advice immediately. Consulting a pregnancy discrimination attorney early on can help you understand your rights under the law and determine the best course of action to take. 


If you have already tried to address the discrimination internally with your employer but haven’t seen any improvements, it may be time to involve a legal professional. A pregnancy discrimination attorney can provide you with guidance on how to document the discrimination, negotiate with your employer, or file a formal complaint with the appropriate agency.




If you believe you have been a victim of pregnancy discrimination in the workplace, don’t hesitate to consult with a pregnancy discrimination attorney. They can help you understand your rights, handle the legal process, and fight for the justice you deserve. You don’t have to face discrimination alone – an experienced attorney can be your advocate and support throughout the process.