Students, parents, and teachers have seen a tremendous change in how schooling is conducted as this global pandemic rages on. Instead of physically going to school to learn, students and teachers now meet virtually via the internet. As a parent, you want your kids to get the most out of their online classes. But since this ‘new normal’ of distance learning is unfamiliar territory for your child—or even to you—roadblocks may arise in grasping every lesson fully.
Since each child is unique, some may have more difficulty coping with their online classes than others. Subjects in the field of science, such as biology, chemistry, and physics, are challenging enough to understand inside the classroom, let alone in the home where distractions are always at arm’s reach. If your kid is really struggling, one of the best ways to solve this dilemma is to hire an online biology tutor to help them catch up with their lessons.
Generally speaking, parents can do little things, too, to help their children cope with their online classes and excel despite this significant change. Read on to find helpful tips to assist your child with their online science classes.

Reduce Distractions
Distraction is one of the most significant challenges students face when learning virtually. As you’re already aware, children have short attention spans. Combine that with a less engaging online class, and you’ve got yourself a massive learning roadblock.
At home, kids are in front of a computer screen with less supervision than in a classroom setting. When everything on the internet is just a click away, it’s easier for them to get distracted with non-school activities instead of focusing on their lessons.
To help your child be more attentive, make sure to dedicate a space in your home where they can study without any distractions. Clear the desk of toys and other gadgets that can distract them during class. It may also be a good idea to limit their screen time until all schoolwork is done.
When possible, check up on your child every hour to see if they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing. Doing so can help make your child more accountable and disciplined to finish their homework even when no one is watching.
Encourage Your Child to Ask Questions
At the heart of any scientific discovery are questions that need answers. It’s essential that you encourage your child to ask questions.
Kids are curious about the world around them. Science can provide them with a great learning opportunity by teaching them why things happen as they do.
Subjects in the field of science, such as A level biology, chemistry, and physics, are challenging enough to understand inside the classroom, let alone in the home where distractions are always at arm’s reach. If your kid is really struggling, one of the best ways to solve this dilemma is to hire an online biology tutor to help them catch up with their lessons.
If your child does not have any questions of their own, you can initiate by talking to them. For example, ask them what they think is the shape of the earth. This type of question will allow them to think and formulate ideas.
When your kid doesn’t know, correct them by explaining why their answer is wrong and provide the right answer. Encourage them that it’s okay to admit that they’re wrong. If they don’t know the concrete answer, science teaches that there’s a way to find out through experimentation.

Be Hands-On
One of the most fun parts of learning science is experiments. Kids learn scientific concepts better when they can investigate and experience them hands-on.
Doing experiments with your child can boost their self-confidence in solving problems on their own. Science experiments teach children how to formulate questions, find possible solutions, and try another approach if they don’t work.
Experiments also can help your child be more engaged in learning science. This is because virtual lectures can sometimes become boring and repetitive for younger people.
Work with your child’s science teacher about experiments you and your child could do at home. Some experiments can be messy and time-consuming, so their teacher’s advice will be helpful for you.
Take Frequent Breaks
Studies have shown that prolonged screen time may lead to health issues like obesity and depression. You will want to minimize your child’s screen time since they will be spending hours on a computer or phone screen. Include frequent breaks on their schedule.
Taking short breaks can help your child relax and prepare their brains for the next school work. For kids with very short attention spans, you may apply the Pomodoro method.
The Pomodoro method is a time management technique that lets you focuses on a specific task within 25 minutes without any distractions. Once the 25 minutes are up, you get a five-minute break and then repeat the cycle.
Allowing your child to take frequent breaks is a great way to reduce the stress and anxiety they face during distance learning.
Follow a Schedule
Being at home, it’s easy for kids to put off their schoolwork and get caught up doing other activities. Although recreational activities can be stress-reducing, procrastinating with their schoolwork can cause more stress and anxiety.
Create a study schedule that your child should follow throughout the day. Follow the same program that they had in school pre-pandemic. This can help your child adjust and focus on learning instead of doing other activities.
If they keep their schedule like before, they’re more likely to associate specific hours with studying time and helping them focus their attention on their schoolwork.
Less is More
If you’re a scientific person, it’s easy to get caught up in explaining everything you know about a specific concept. Take into account that your son or daughter may not be able to grasp every possible detail about physics or chemistry, especially if it can’t be easily seen with the naked eye.
Although they may not understand everything there is to know, they’re more than willing to learn the facts and how science can explain a particular phenomenon. The best thing you can do is introduce them to a few topics and their basic concepts.
If your child wants to dive deeper, you can explore the answers they’re looking for with them or help them discover the solutions for themselves.
Believe it or not, it’s not only you and your child who are having difficulty adjusting to the ‘new normal’ of distance learning. A lot of parents are struggling to help their children cope with these changes, too. With that said, you’re not alone. Parents, children, and teachers can work together to foster an environment at home that is conducive to learning.
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