Hearing loss can happen at any age, whether caused by illness, medication, hearing trauma, or a genetic predisposition. This is why it’s so important to go to a Hearing Clinic in Adelaide (or wherever you’re located) as soon as you notice yourself experiencing hearing loss. Young people often worry about hearing loss and having to wear hearing aids. They might worry that it makes them seem old, or that hearing aids are embarrassing. This is not the case. If you’re worried about hearing aids, here are some common hearing aid myths busted.

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The best way to reduce the risk of hearing loss as a young person is to protect your hearing. If you are concerned about hearing loss, then speak to an audiologist who can talk you through your options.

Hearing aids are bulky and uncomfortable.

Most of us who have seen older people wearing hearing aids will have seen older models, which were large and noticeable. In reality, hearing aid technology is improving all the time, with new models coming onto the market all the time. New hearing aids are more comfortable, more discreet, much smaller and come in a range of shades to blend in with your skin tone. Even traditionally larger options like behind the ear hearing aids are much less noticeable.

Hearing aids are for old people.

Hearing loss is more common with older people, but many people experience hearing problems at all different ages. Age is not an indication of hearing loss, with even very young children sometimes experiencing early-onset hearing loss due to genetics. Teenagers and young adults are more likely to experience noise-related loss, thanks to loud jobs like working in construction, or loud hobbies like listening to loud music on headphones or attending concerts.

Hearing aids can’t help with tinnitus.

In the past, this was true. Older models didn’t help with tinnitus, but thanks to technology, the latest hearing aids provided by companies like EarPros can help. Some models are now available which have a specific program to address tinnitus. If you have recurring tinnitus, it is important that you see a hearing professional who can help find an appropriate hearing aid or other forms of treatment.

Hearing aids are too expensive.

Hearing aids should be considered an investment, and unfortunately, they are not usually covered by health insurance. However, this doesn’t automatically mean they will be very expensive. There are financial options out there, such as aid programs. Other hearing health professionals may be able to suggest options like loans or payment plans which will help you to afford your hearing aid without breaking the budget. Try to remember that a hearing aid is worth the cost, as you are making an investment that will aid your hearing health and improve your quality of life.

Hearing loss can be upsetting at any age, but you don’t have to let it damage your quality of life. There are more and more options available to help as technology improves, and hearing aids get smarter, smaller and less intrusive. Speak to your doctor or audiologist about your hearing if you are worried to find the best possible treatment option for you.